falling asleep?

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falling asleep?

Postby Davious » August 14th, 2007, 11:21 am

Somebody told me a long time ago that simply being asleep is virtually the same as being in a hypnotic trance, Im not sure but I there is this one file I listen to everynight as soon as I lie down in my bed at night. Unfortunately because I go to bed so late and am so tired at the end I almost always either fall completely asleep or partly asleep as I'm listening to the file. The good news is these files have probably cured my insomnia without me even trying, and I'm not sure if there is bad news or not.

When listening to a file and you either fall asleep completely or just doze off and lose focus totaly (like the file will be half over and your mind wakes up a little to realize you haven't been paying attention) make the file less effective because your not listening and really taking the information? Or would it make it more effective because your sleep state might be similar to a trance state? Or does it matter either way?

So how would dozing off or totally falling asleep affect hypnosis while listening to a file?
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falling asleep

Postby strictausmstr » August 14th, 2007, 3:10 pm

trance is all about your mind giving yourself permission to go into trance... to relax and be open to suggestion. Being in a very relaxed state is best and probably in your case just this side of sleep.

Some can absorb files while they sleep (remember the adverts for learning French while you sleep from a tape?) but if you are new to trance then I would suggest that you are relaxing and ...sleeping.

Try to listen to the files a little earlier or even when sitting in a comfortable chair.
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