For all of you curious about Melsa

A place for Subjects and Hypnotists to come together.

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For all of you curious about Melsa

Postby JustSomebody » August 17th, 2007, 6:55 am

Hey all! Recently, I (like many of you) decided to add Mistress Melsa. However, unusually I was quite interested in Her motives and what She wanted.

As a consequence our conversation kind of turned out as an interview, which we both thought would do well to be posted here. So, this is for all of you who want more of an insight into the brilliance that is Mistress Melsa.

(Unfortunately, my interview arranging skills are rather limited. Thus, I've also provided the actual conversation here: Clicky)


You probably get thousands of guys randomly messaging you – like me?

Not thousands, not yet anyways.

I would say that’s optimism; but from what I’ve heard you don’t need that. I think you need your own advertising campaign… with minions.

No I don’t – I’m racked for time as it is. I have minions.

Yes – it makes me wonder how much they’re lives must be centred around you to give you that control.

Not very much really; I’m like a guide to most. I’ve put up a fair few warning signs, so they know that [feminization] is what they get.

But what do you get out of it?

More control. They may not think of it that way, but I have a very firm control over my subjects.

So why control through feminization? Why not through bondage, orgasm control, pain etc. etc. etc.

Because feminization turns me on.

Fair enough. I suppose with feminization you’re taking away their very manhood… that’s a lot of control.

It’s not hard; they don’t even see a penis after me. They see their sissy clitty.

So how many people HAVE you feminized? In real life, and by msn?
(I say ‘real life’ – you know what I mean)

I don’t feminize in real life – on msn, 30 or more.

Wow – very busy. Why none in real life?

Because it would draw attention to my intention. It’s better to be somewhat anonymous.

And your intention is? Or is that hidden on msn to?

Oh no, my intention is to take over the world.

But what do you do with the female half(ish) of the world? ‘Masculinize’ them?

Make them mistresses who feminize men.

But that’s only about one slave each.

What do you mean? You think they should have more than one each?

Would you be happy with just one?

But I’m different. All the women are mine too – I’m the queen bee as it were.

Maybe you need a breeding program? You can herd us like cattle.

Better than cattle…

Do you never wonder if people are pretending? That’s a bit insulting to your talents, but I’m feeling daring.

Sometimes… when I do, I set up a test. For this test, the first part is I make them forget what was done in trance. Those who don’t forget are usually quite honest and it’s easy to recognise the surprise of those who did forget. I’ve had an 80% success with memory control.

If not, we go back under and I debug them, figuring out what the catch is in their subconscious. If someone can fake my extensive induction and go through a second try without letting it slip than kudos to them.

I suppose you're right. If they're faking it then they're probably looking for something other than proper feminization... and patience probably doesn't figure in that equation.

That’s right. And they won’t find what they’re looking for with me.

So what happens to men who don’t want to be feminized?

Sometime down the road I get in touch with a woman close to them. They won’t know her goals – they’ll just want to be with a beautiful woman.

OK – I’m getting a bit worried. New topic? What got you into hypnosis?

I've always wanted control, I learned early on in college I had a knack for hypnosis

The other students must have had a blast – or were you still segregating dominance/ life?

I was. To the world, I am just a meek inconspicuous girl. [I will only reveal myself] when I can’t be stopped or when I am found.

I might have to hunt you down and expose you – whereabouts do you live?

BC Canada.

I know a few people in Canada. You reinforce my stereotype of ‘nice Canadians’.

We are nice. We’re not going to bring an army down there and subjugate you.

No – just take over our minds via msn.

Much cheaper that way.

Have you been influenced by any other dominant people?

No, and I’ve given them a fair shot. I’ve let people try to hypnotise me. Any result would do, but none have.

Why the desire to be hypnotised?

Everybody else seems to like it.

I can agree with you there

Do you mind if I ask what you do when you’re not busy controlling the minds of the masses?

I’m a therapist.

It must be slightly frustrating to be inhibited in that way. I mean to not have free reign over how you 'help' people

It was until I started doing this

I'm glad you've found something you love. Maybe one day you can extend that into the rest of your life.
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Joined: August 17th, 2007, 12:00 am

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