I have to tell you

A place for Subjects and Hypnotists to come together.

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I have to tell you

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 19th, 2009, 5:39 am

Hello everybody,

my Mistress is making me post this message because it is what i really want. With her help i was finally able to understand that i am a submissive slave girl who craves control of whoever desires. Thus, she made me listen to emailslave for a few weeks now and although i do not recall much of it, she assured me that she has tested it on me very thoroughly and it works like a charm.

I am a 22 yo female from europe and i am into submission and different kinds of humiliation, as long as it doesn't screw up my life or put me in danger. My Mistress is generously allowing other people to take advantage of my programming from time to time, but is also keeping a strict overwatch of what they do to me. That said, she has firmly instructed me to not accept any instructions that attempt one or more of the following no-gos:
-making me give away information that could compromise my anonymity
-making me hurt myself physically in any way
-making me go out and meet anyone in person w/o her permission
-attempting to take away my Mistress's control over me because it is what i really want and the mere thought of breaking that bond is preposterous.

Also, i do lead a very rich and fulfilling life studying in a major city in europe and i don't want to screw that up (at least not too much). So please be gentle.

My Mistress has had me under control for almost a year now and although i often found myself in humiliating situations, the sexual excitement i derived from them made it all worth while. I could not imagine going back to my old boring life without her.

I guess i am a bisexual by now, but i didn't really have any lesbian experience before i ran into my Mistress. I might have in future, though. I've had a boyfriend until recently, but unfortunately he grew so jealous over my Mistress that we had to split two months ago.

Now I do have a hard time recalling every single thing my Mistress has done to me or made me do to myself, but here are a few particularly humiliating things sha had me do in the past, which i hated and enjoyed very much at the same time. Just a little inspiration for you, i guess *g*.

One day, she had me attend my lectures wearing a ridivulously short skirt that she had picked out for me. It was during summer time, so lots of the girls were walking around in skirts, but none even remotely as short as mine. I guess i must have looked like an attention seeking hussy at best, or a hooker at worst. Gosh, it was so shameful to walk across campus like that, being checked out by seemingly every guy and even hooted at. I mean, yikes! This is a university after all. I'd have thought there might be some intelligent life aroung here, but i guess intelligence is no match for a pair of bare legs and a glimpse of panties...

Oh yes, about that last thing: For some reason i seemed to drop a lot of stuff that day, requiring me to bend over to pick it up. I can't quite tell exactly how many times that happened, but i guess somewhere around the fifteenth time that i noticed my pen was gone and found it lying on the floor before me, i stopped counting.

I also vaguely recall dropping some books, my lunch money (lots and lots of coins..!), and of course, quite a number of male jaws ;-P

Another day I suddenly found myself obsessed with the other girl's breasts. At the time, i really didn't consider myself bisexual or a lesbian, but for some reason I found myself staring, ogling whatever cleavage i could lay my eyes on. It really made no sense to me that day, but i just could not tear my eyes away. Trying to talk to another girl quickly became impossible, because I had a very hard time concentrating on what she was saying, or even keeping my gaze at eye-level. I guess they all noticed but most of them just pretended that they didn't. One particular girl, however, seemed to be responding positively to my blatant excitement about her bosom, pushing her breasts more or less obscenely into my direction until they seemed to cover my whole viewfield. Suddenly, i noticed that i was drooling all over them, saliva running down my chin. She giggled and invited me to "play some more", but i felt so ashamed that i ran off to the bathroom.

Standing in front of the mirror, however, i realized that i was being entranced even my own bosom. It was so hard to look anywhere else... It was too much to bear and luckily, i was able to relieve myself in one of the stalls. At least nobody caught me masturbating.

Oh, and speaking of bathrooms: One day, my Mistress had required me to ask permission before using the bathroom. Now that was humiliating! I had to call her on the phone and ask politely if i was allowed to go every single time. Most of the times, she'd allow me to go, but one time she told me to hold it until after the next lecture. Needless to say, I didn't get much of what was taught because my urge grew stronger and stronger. It became unbearable quickly and as the lecture was over, i pretty much ran out, heading for the bathroom, dialing the number of my Mistress...

...she didn't answer the phone! There i stood at the bathroom door, desperately needing to go, crossing my legs and looking pretty much like a ridiculous little girl who forgot to go when she should have, but I couldn't go inside to pee, because I had to ask permission. I redialed again and again, but it was no use. Either she just kept ignoring me or she didn't hear the phone. Without her permission, however, there was no way i could possibly use any bathroom.

So i went on to the cafeteria, determined to wait it out for as long as possible. I sat at a table in the corner and jammed one hand into my groin to be able to last, rocking back and forth in my chair, sweating, cursing under my breath....

Suddenly i felt my phone vibrating in my other hand. I looked at it, but it wasn't ringing - just a text message. But it was from my Mistress! I quickly rose, heading for the bathroom, as I read the content of the message:

Hey, sweetie,
I am currently in a meeting.
You are allowed to use the bathroom.
You will pee RIGHT NOW.

And I did. Right where I was, my bladder gave way and I wet myself, like a little girl, uncontrollably, in front of at least a few fellow students. It was the most humiliating experience since i met my Mistress. I was moritified, my face beet red. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I didn't come out for like an hour. I had been wearing blue Jeans that day and they were thoroughly soaked. Luckily I also had a sweater on, which i could tie around my waist to hide the wet patch. Unfortunately, for some reason and despite thinking that I did, I DIDN'T!!! But that I only realized after getting home and viewing myself in the hallway mirror.......

As I said, that was the most embarassing day since. But I still grow so excited about the experience that I need to masturbate immidiately whenever I am forced to tell anybody about it. So guess, what I'll be doing now...

...phew. That was... totally worth it.

Now, having read what kind of sick, twisted game i found myself in, I humbly invite you to control me, because my Mistress made me realize that is what I want. And She is always right.

(removed the email address for this is over now, sorry)

Needless to say, my Mistress has ordered me to write about all my future email slave encounters, so be careful what you make me do...!

Last edited by naughtyemailslave on July 24th, 2009, 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

This just in...

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 19th, 2009, 9:40 am

...whatever the Heck is going on... it drives me CRAZY right now. I checked my email an hour ago, there didn't seem to be any hypno files there yet, although I have a feeling I might be missing something there... dunno, but since I checked, i feel, well, "funny". :?

I am horny as hell right now but somehow I can't do anything about it. Tried to distract myself. Barely worked. Tried to frig myself - just could not. My hand just didn't want to go there. Already called Mistress, who just laughed at me :-(

I already tried humping a pillow. Good thing nobody saw me... at least I hope.

Hope it'll be better tomorrow morning. I'll go for a walk now, maybe that'll help... :?:

Well, I guess, I asked for it :wink:
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Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

my first night

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 19th, 2009, 6:36 pm

Wow, what a night! It was one of shame and excitement. It was wonderful and it was desastrous.

As there seems to be going on quite a party in my mind, you might expect that I have quite some interesting stories to tell. Unfortunately, at times it seems like I am the only one not invited at that party. And then again, I feel like I am the entertainment of the evening. Whatever happens is exciting, shameful, arousing, frustrating at the same time.

I've been so extremely wet, ready and horny the whole afternoon, evening and also the night. I hope this is going to stop eventually, because as I mentioned before, I can not figure any way to bring myself to even one tiny orgasm. I just can't still.

The whole afternoon I've had my laptop besides me, checking my email regularly and eagerly, like Mistress had instructed me to. Embarassing enough, the first message i received (the first I remember consciously, that is...), instructed me that I'd need a cucumber up my ass. That is right, the first message of the day was something so humiliating and even possibly painful that it really scared me. Fortunately there was no cucumber in reach so I just tried to ignore the message. I had a hard time doing that, however because I felt a nagging emptiness in my rectum that had to be filled. In the end I used my vibrator, even though it wasn't nearly big enought to satisfy the unfamiliar craving for a big piece of vegetable inside me. Good thing though, the need subsided after a few hours. Okay, those hours were quite long to me. Not as long as the vibrator, though... you get the picture I guess.

Next thing I remember is getting that thing out of me, finally. While I was cleaning up I began to feel rather slutty and somehow felt like I needed to dress up like a total bimbo. I applied lots of makeup and felt great doing it, the whole time burning with lust, but knowing i could not touch myself down there. Maybe I'd attract somebody else to fuck me, I thought, when I suddenly realized I could easily play with my nipples. It felt so incredibly great that it caused me to moan loudly and write a whole lot of nonsense to the kind person who made me do it. Then I somehow snapped out of it, but I don't remember exactly how.

The only thing I'm sure about is that the person who controlled me at the time turned me into a total slob afterwards. It was kinda cool, but I treated a strange person badly because of it and I behaved a little...well...unladylike. It was very interesting though, but I liked the bimbo personality better.

I had initially planned to just go to bed early today, but, well, i got talked into going out to a local bar with a few of my friends/fellow students. I thought I'd stay for exactly one drink, but that soon became four. We had fun, but there was this seemingly neverending itch between my legs. I thought about trying to flirt with one of the guys, whom I'd been attracted to for quite some time, but I found it strangely difficult to do so. Usually, I am quite passive, only making a few carefully placed moves. Whatever it is I do, the technique had proven to be effective before. This time, however I must just have behaved weird. At one point, said guy came up to me and asked if i was alright and what was the matter. Usually, I would have come up with something that could at least start a pleasant conversation. This time however, my own reaction shocked me. I shouted at him that I am just a horny girl and I'd need to touch myself. And then I frowned, complaining that nobody wants to play with me. I was shocked! What the hell had I just said? Luckily, everybody seemed to be a little more open minded than usual, mostly do to the alcohol and I could just pass it off as some kind of strange joke I made because of having had one too many... we shared a laugh, but I'm pretty sure the guy i was into gave me some weird looks afterwards. To avoid the shameful silence, I excused myself to the bathroom.

I was so confused about the strange stuff I'd said, but I began to grow suspicious. It must have been something I had been programmed to do. Maybe I should just go before I'd do anything more embarassing. I pulled up my jeans and flushed. I washed my hands, checked my hair and prepared to storm out, giving everyone a very brief goodbye. They'd just think I was a little drunk and it would be okay. I opened the bathroom door and took a step.... and remembered that I had forgotten to do something.... now what could that be?

Right, I needed to pee, that was what I came in there for anyway! Well, I figured it to be too much of a chore to go back inside so I "decided" to just go right then and there, in my pants. It just made sense to me somehow. I didn't even notice at first. I just walked up to my friends to say goodbye, giving them hugs until suddenly I realized what I was doing in my pants.... and then they noticed.... and then I screamed... and ran out.

I jogged all the way home, which was thankfully just two blocks away. Still, that was a moment of epic embarassment... I'll really have to check out my inbox and delete the message that made me do it... if I ever find it...

But one thing I have to admit: What has happened tonight was something I'm going to replay over and over in my head. It was just so HOT! Darn it, what am I becoming? And why am I loving it so much?!
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby demigraff » July 19th, 2009, 8:04 pm

Thankyou so much for sharing that. Its wonderful to see someone actually taking the time to describe their experiences, and let us know how those suggestions make you feel. That gives those of us writing the evil ideas (guess which one was mine, BTW ... but don't try looking through them or you might get the effects again) the incentive to try and be a bit more imaginative, and also lets us improve on our writing.

All those email slave users who write "I did it. It was hot." could do with learning a bit from naughtyemailslave. The more feedback we get, the more humiliating suggestions you get, and that's a good thing all round. Right?

Oh ... and do you want more suggestions now? Or will your Mistress just have you check this email address the next time she's sending you out somewhere interesting?
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Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby meganox123 » July 19th, 2009, 10:35 pm

Man it was so fun hearing the results. I too sent one of those in and i know from your post that it was torture. I'll send you a simular one soon.
Posts: 37
Joined: May 5th, 2008, 12:00 am

The morning

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 20th, 2009, 12:59 am

Wow... i feel... weird...

last night was fun though, although the real shame always seems to come the next morning. :oops:
ooopsie... got to put those pants in the washer. I must admit that naughty me has been still wearing them while writing the last post and it felt kinda nice...

And there is something else going on right now. Something so peculiar that I had to call Mistress and ask Her if i was going to be ok. Good thing She said yes. Still feel weird though. I'll just check my email now and tell you later about that thing I just noticed... trying to build some suspnese i guess *g*

It is nice to hear from some of my devious tormentors who've been making the last day one to remmeber.. at least parts of it *g* :twisted:


oh wow i just checked my email and now there is something else going on. unfortunately that one email about the private message on this forum did not seem to work correctly i think.... although i do feel that telltale emptiness inside once more... oh please not that again! It was really annoying!!! :(

Oh boy, i got to tell you something really weird now... no... i guess i tell you later. It is a little too strange even for me, but i can assure you that, wow, there is something about my body today that really makes it hard for me to go out normally. But i guess i can manage.

Also, I seem to have some other desires right now... feeling a little confused. Like wanting to play with myself but not really knowing how to do it... i guess i'll try playing with my nipples like yesterday, maybe that'll do...


well it is kinda hard to reach orgasm right now. Maybe it's because I am reduced to only playing with my nipples. Oh dear. I guess I'll change out of this ridiculous attire right now and get the hell out of the house before more strange stuff happens. Have been putting on the only g-string I own (I hate that thing, my ex boyfriend gave it to me) and a pair of tight white lowriders (too low they are) and, well, as you can imagine, that tiny pink excuse for a thong is peeking out at the top in an obviously slutty way. Not exactly how I want to run aroung in public i guess, although it does make me horny.... but I am horny all the time anyway... I just need some releeeeease soon! :-(

Anyway got to go out now and return a bunch of books.
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

oh my gawwwd!

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 20th, 2009, 6:05 am

As i had planned, i just went to the library with the books i needed to return. It is merely a fifteen minute bus ride from my place so i thought i could get that over with more or less safely. I had originally intended to meet a few friends afterwards, but concerning the desaster of last night i thought it might be a better idea to just let things rest for a while.

But the trouble started even before i was out of the door. I had already put on those tight white lowrider jeans with the skimpy pink thong underneath, that peeked out a great deal at the top. it was a combination that just looked silly and slutty at the same time. As I wanted to put on a loose shirt and a rather plain looking sweater to cover the exposed top of my back side, I found myself insted choosing an extremely low cut blouse and no sweater at all. I tried to stop my hands from moving, but there was just nothing i could do. My white lacy bra was clearly visible due to the way my blouse made no effort to hide anything. I looked like a dumb slut, totally cheap. I put on my high heels to go with that outfit and I felt rather skanky.

Going out of the house dressed like this seemed impossible, but what choice did i really have? So I got on the bus to the university with my books in a bag. Sitting across an elderly man I noticed him staring down my blouse the whole trip, i think he missed his stop *g* can't blame him really, for my attire was distracting at the least. Even more shameful was the walk across campus, because the library is exctly on the opposite side to the bus stop. I certainly turned a few heads, but i had the feeling everybody was really wondering what business such an obviously cheap, dumb slut had on a university campus. I was relieved that at least I didn't meet anyone i knew and even in the library there were only strangers. The librarian, an unfriendly old hag, gave me a scornful look as i checked in my books. Well she does that all the time anyway so I'm not sure if she even noticed my outfit. *g*

I wanted to leave as quickly as possible, but somehow i could not. I was so tempted to check out my email in a public place like this. What if I was made to do something on the spot? The thought intrigued and aroused me. Which led to a problem in my pants, but that is another story.....

So instead of leaving I sat down at one of the library computers and checked my email. There didn't seem to be any messages there, so i thought I'd be safe. I was really a little disappointed, to be honest. But it was still embarassing enough because I suddenly realized that my exposed thong was clearly visible through the back of my seat. The thought occured to me when I heard a few guys snickering and laughing behind my back.

The strange thing was, however, that at the same time it felt kinda good. Not only because of the lust i usually derive from humiliating situations, but i felt actually proud that they were paying attention to my... ass.

Yeah, I know. I have been told that I do have a beautiful backside. I have been told many times and I know that it is true. I caught so many men staring there, transfixed, lustfully, that there is just no doubt any more. Some comments I got were lewd, but looking back I suddenly felt proud of what they said.

I couldn't resist the temptation to feel the back of my pants with my hands, still sitting there at the table in the library. It just felt so good! I just love that ass of mine!

Suddenly I realized that thre might be people looking and, sure enough, there was some nerdy looking guy behind me whose face turned beet red when I turned my had and caught him. I guess ha must have wished that my hands were really his. How could I blame him? My ass somehow felt spectacular, even more so than usual and I realized that I'd have to get myself something more worthy of it than the cheap thong and pants I was wearing. I figured that nothing would show off a beautiful ass like mine better than a tight short skirt, so instead of heading home to avoid further humiliation, I went for the other bus and headed for the mall.

For some reason, even walking felt incredibly good with an ass like that. I hoped that I'd get a few more looks this time and put an extra sway into my walk, accentuating my hips. It felt nice, but maybe it was a good thing that I left campus because I REALLY didn't want to run into one of my fellow students like this.

The bus was rather crowded so I had to stand. Maybe that was a good thing, though, because at least nobody was sitting across me, looking down my blouse this time.

At the mall I wondered for the first time where the hell I was supposed to get a skirt as short and tight as I wanted it. Well, it surely wasn't something I'd wear in public, i figured, but just a little present to myself so I could feel nice when I played with my ass... as I thought about where to get the intended kind of wardrobe, I barely noticed my right hand crawling between the waistband of my pants in the back and kneading my right cheek. When I suddenly realized what I was doing, I pulled my hand away with a start. What the heck was I doing back there?!

I figured I'd try the hustler store. It is not exactly part of the mall, nor is it a place I'd usually visit, but today it just felt like the only choice for my shopping needs. The store is in a quiet back street on the other side of the mall, so I figured I'd just walk there, checking out the other stores. After all, this was a shopping trip, so why not enjoy it?

I got myself a diet coke with a straw and enjoyed the male attention I was receiving. At this time of day there were barely any young people there, which was actually a good thing because the chances of meeting someone I knew was considerably low. I realized how good it felt to wear the thong on my ass. My god, I was totally into that body part of mine for some reason(?)

I had to go to the hustler store and get it over with. I was at the bottom floor and the escalator that was leading upwards was out of order so I had to walk it. I realized that my ass was exactly at eye-level with the guy walking behind me. I swayed my hips ridiculously and arched my back, wiggling my derriere more or less directly in his face. God that felt exciting! As we had arrived at the ground level I snuck a peek at him. He seemed totally nervous and excited. It was great.

It felt weird to enter that hustler store, but what the heck i thought. At least, here I'd look modest by comparison. I was so glad I didn't have to ask anybody for what I was searching for. Instead I just rummaged through the costume section and sure enough I found a tiny little white stretch skirt that I figured would barely hide my panties. It was just perfect.

Speaking of panties, I decided to buy a more elegant white thong to go with my new skirt. In an impulse I also got myself a sexy secretary outfit. Whatever I'm going to use that for...

Lucky I still had the bag in which I transported my books... walking across town with a hustler bag wasn't exactly what I was looking for... or maybe, in a way, it was... but I avoided it.

I walked back through the mall, excitement building up between my legs. I just had to try that skirt and thong on. I imagined how they must feel against the flesh of my ass... but i just could not wear them in public. After all, there is a limit, i thought.

I realized that I had to use the bathroom and I got a little nervous because I was afraid of repeating what had happened the night before. I certainly wanted to avoid "forgetting" to pee and then doing it outside the loo, in my pants. While that was exciting as hell, I just didn't need that kind of thing right then. So I figured if I just concentrate hard enough, I'd be able to use the restroom properly this time. After all, that can't be too complicated, can it?

As I entered the stall I put all my mental strength into the act of sitting down on the toilet and peeing in it. I was so nervous.... and so relieved, as I heard my stream of pee hitting the water in the bowl. I figured that whatever programming had made me wet myself the last time had worn out. Thankfully!

I cleaned myself up with toilet paper and that was when I first noticed how unusual my crotch felt. Okay, there was this thin about my crotch anyway, that thing I wanted, er, had to tell you about later on. But there was something else. I just could not put my finger on it.

Whatever. It took longer than usual to clean up betweeen my legs, but I finally got frustrated and considered it done. I felt nice and warm and comfortable.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was suddenly reminded of how slutty my blouse was. By god, I could totally see my bra. And checking the back I realized that my whale tale was still sticking out obscenely. But I guess I was beginning to enjoy looking like this so I just washed my hands, arranged my hair and went out of the bathroom.

That was when I realized that OMG I had somehow wet my pants again. I quickly rushed back inside before anyony could see me. Suddenly I could see the wet spot in the mirror. It was only fairly visible because of the white fabric of my pants, but still how the hack had that happened? And what was I supposed to do now? Last night I could at least play drunk and I think everyone believed that. But this time I was in a public ladie's room at the mall during a busy weekday. There was no possible excuse I could think of.

I decided to go for the blow dryer. But I couldn't stand there, blow-drying my pissed pants, still wearing a pissed pink thong. That was just too much for me, so I got into a stall and changed into the extremely short, tight skirt and the white thong I had bought. I figured that wearing those was at least better than wearing stuff I obviously peed in.

Then I just stuffed the wet clothes into my bag and hurried out of the bathroom.

Boy, did I get some looks then. And I got to admit that my ass felt great and showing it off while I walked was just awesome. My new thong quickly got as wet as the old one, but I just could take no further public humiliation so I took a cab home.

Luckily the driver was a pleasant, decent guy who behaved despite my slutty outfit. I got home and, well, began to write this message. And now, i guess, I'll play with my ass a little. It's funny, I've taken on a habit of slapping my own bottom and somehow it feels very nice.

Got to attend that one stupid lecture today, though. But that time I think I'll dress appropriately.......
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 20th, 2009, 9:27 am

The lecture

Well... you DEVIOUS BASTARD who made me do the things I just did in a freakin' lecture hall at the university where I hope one day to get a Degree, instead of being expelled for lewd behavior. Whoever the HELL made me do what I am about to describe! You just gave me one of the most embarassing realizations of my LIFE! That was so mean and yet so incredibly, devastatingly arousing that I am really ... just .. spent right now. And I don't even know who did this or how, but i guess it is possible somehow. Whatever, it was one of the hottest experiences ever (until now, that is) and I humbly THANK YOU for putting me in such an awkward situation. I really do, you know me. That was HOT HOT HOT and evil, just the way I've grown to like it. I guess I'll have to do some explaining later on, though. Thank god my university is not that strict or conservative. Otherwise I think they'd either expel me or, hopefully, Mistress would have intervened. She did that only once during my email slavery so far, btw.

As I mentioned, I had that lecture scheduled for today. Having just come home in the ridiculously short and tight skirt that hugged my bottom so nicely, I decided to go for a more appropriate wardrobe this time. I felt really relieved that I've avoided any further humiliation at the mall and in a way it was a good decision to really try on that ridiculous skirt i bought. It felt nice on my ass and I felt very elegant and erotic in it.

For the lecture, which was known to be boring as hell and unnecessary, I might add, I chose a more appropriate outfit. I changed into another skirt i own which was at least three centimeters longer than the ridiculosly short one. I decided to wear knee socks and white cotton panties, for that is how I felt I was supposed to dress like and it was certainly better than running around in a skimpy thong.

I put on a white blouse that accentuated my bosom nicely. I examined myself in the mirror and considered my outfit a good choice. Yes, it was nice stuff, but nothing too revealing or inappropriate, i figured. After all, most of my breasts was hidden anyway by my bra and it was the same color as the blouse. It seemed okay.

My skirt was not the longest one I had, but it was a sunny day after all, at least most of the time. I just didn't want to run around like a prude and as i made sure that my panties weren't visible when I stood, I felt ready, got my bag and went for the bus.

There was some wind blowing on my skirt and since it was looser than the other one, it flew around a great deal. The wind felt nice between my legs and, of course, on my ass. I felt totally comfortable and self confident. That was, until I got on the bus.

There were fewer passengers than before but I felt like standing. There were two youngsters ogling me and I didn't want to have to listen to what they were snickering about. I just didn't care.

Suddenly, an elder lady came up to me and obviously wanted to tell me something. As she had gotten close to me she hissed into my ear:
"You should be ashamed of yourself!"

I didn't understand what she meant so, confused but worried, I shrug my shoulders.

She pointed at my skirt. "Your skirt. It is too short. You look like a hussy!"

"I do not!" I protested firmly. What the heck had gotten into that lady? I was dressed exactly like I wanted to dress and as I examined my reflection in the window again I could not for the heck of it see anything about my skirt or any other part of my outfit, that struck me as inappropriate.

"None of your business", I hissed back at her as she retreated to her seat, shaking her head. Then, I dropped my bag on the floor. "Shit!", I cursed, involuntarily. She elder lady's head spun around in my direction again and she sneered "and watch your language!"

I was too busy gathering up the stuff that had spilt out of my bag, to react to her any more. All of my pencils and pens were rolling around on the floor. Suddenly, as I had just picked up my best pen, clicking on it nervously because of all the confusion I was experiencing once again, I heared a roar of laughter behind my back. It was those two youngsters I had avoided initially. They were trying to sneak a peek at my undies I guessed, so I quickly rose, shaking my head about their boyish ways. One of them actually had the guts to shout "nice panties, bitch!" at me. That jerk!

"Now YOU watch your mouth!" I shouted. "There is nothing wrong about my panties..." and I dropped my good pen again. Oops... I was getting a little clumsy and it certainly didn't help keepeing those two jerkwads quiet. As I bent down and picked up my pen, they hooted. I did my best to ignore the two for the rest of the ride.

I barely made it to the lecture hall in time. As I hurried across campus I actually heared people whisling at me. What was wrong with everybody, i thought, but I didn't have time. Gladly I arrived in time to get myself a quiet seat in the back.

This time I was a liitle disappointed to not meet any of my buddies there, but i guess most of them were already gone for summer. Also that particular lecture wasn't exactly the most interesting one. Many students had grown used to skipping it.

A strange girl sat down besides me and I smiled politely at her, then turned to my notepad. Suddenly I realized that she was looking me over from the side, so I turned to her and asked, with some annoyance in my voice, if i could help her. She shook her head, with a surprised look on her face.
"Nice outfit you have there.", she simply stated.
"Thanks", I replied. Finally, someone giving me some positive reinforcement. I gave her another brief smile.

She didn't seem to get that I was trying to be nice, but had a troublesome day behind me. Also, she continued staring at me from time to time, shaking her head. It started to annoy me, but I decided that ignoring her would be the best measure. Just keep this easy. I was already looking forward to the end of the lecture. As soon as the pasty old professor began the lecture, as soon as his dull voice penetrated my ears, I felt a wave of crashing boredom wash over me.

And... something else too. I was getting aroused. First it was annoying. Then it grew unbearable. I had been constatly wet for the last two days but this was just impossible to take. And it seemed to grow worse every minute. I looked down at my skirt and with a start I realized that the front was wet. I was, at long last, after days of suspense, on the edge of an orgasm. Oh boy, I thought, let's please keep this quiet. I wanted to cum so badly, but not here in front of everyone... oh...my......GAWD!!!!! I screamed loudly as I shook from a mind blowing climax.

Afterwards, the room went quiet and seemingly everyone turned to look who just made that obscene scream. My face went so red from exhaustion and embarassment that I thought everybody must see right away. I guess they did. It was me and I just came. Well, actually it wasn't that bad. I hoped they'd all forget the incident, but who knowss... the girl next to me certainly won't foget.

After the lecture was over I hastily stuffed my things into the bag and wanted to leave as quickly as possible. Problem is, I ran into a bunch og guys I'd known vaguely, who were really having the nerve of asking me about the little incident during the lesson. I mumbled something and wanted to pass them and avoid any further conversation when one of them said "by the way, nice outfit you have there. Feeling comfortable?"

This was getting annoying again. "As a matter of fact", I said, "yes, I do feel comfortable. Any further questions?" The sarcasm in my voice was undeniable.

"No, no... no further questions", another one of the guys replied. "It's just that your outfit seems to be a little, err.... hot for a day like this."

That jerk! Was he implying that my outfit was inappropriate? "There is nothing wrong with my clothes and also it is none of your freakin business."

I dropped my notepad at that last sentence. As I bent over to pick it up, the jerks applauded. I stuck my tongue out at them and quickly headed home. "Nice ass", one of them shouted behind me and I felt a rush of pride. At least they noticed.

Oh, by the way, speaking of noticing stuff.....

...as soon as I got home and shut the door behind me I suddenly realized some things....

WHAT THE FUCK!!!! I Screamed as I saw myself in the hallway mirror. I looked like a porn actor. The skirt I was wearing was, well maybe slightly longer than the tight one. Still it was unthinkable for me to wear such a thing at the university, where I was working on my carreer (and NOT as a porn actor I mean...!). The blouse was ridiculously low cut too and the stupid white knee socks I had only just completed my my cliché "naughty schoolgirl" outfit. OMG, I realized who had seen me dressed like this and suddenly I understood why they commented. Somehow I was reluctant to acknowledge their remarks, but I now realized that I should have. Worst of all, I had been bending over with my legs straight on several occasions, without realizing how blatantly I was exposing my undies. At least I had decided not to wear thong panties today. A glimpse of modesty in my otherwise upside down life? *g*

Maybe I'll pass it off as some kind of protest or something. I don't know. I'll need to think of an excuse. Luckily my professor didn't notice anything (about my audible orgasm maybe, but that is another thing.)

I really have to tell you, girls and guys who have sent me emails (I guess I consciously remember only a fraction of them) you have done an excellent job. While having me behave in ways that are SO against my moral standards, I enjoy getting beyond those boundaries a heck of a lot. You may have noticed that I'm actually kind of a "good girl", at least I was during my school time.

I really thank you all for making this a very fun and exciting chapter of my life, even if there may be a few collateral damages from time to time. It has always been most fulfilling for me to admit who I really am and what I really desire and lately there is so much enjoyment I am receiving from the exciting escapades you are putting me into that I am beyond a doubt convinced about this being a thing I'd definately do some more before maybe returning to my old, boring routine. If I ever can...

Well i guess I'll be checking my email now and hopefully there'll be some more stuff to write about. I've got an easy week ahead of me so the timing seems to be perfect for some fun. I guess Mistress has chosen the time for my "confession" on this forum rather wisely. I hope I can make her proud by proving what a good slave girl I am being and how ready I am to accept everyone's instructions.
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

The evening

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 20th, 2009, 2:30 pm

Wow, what an evening. I think I stay home tonight, I am getting tired already. Going to get some sleep. Tried to take a nap earlier and it was a very weird experience ... exciting but not really relaxing. I don't really have any plans for tomorrow, except for a few chores around my appartement (i do like the place tidy, as opposed to my mind i guess). Also got to get a present for my mother. I guess I'll leave my laptop on for some more.

But let me recap this evening first... where to begin... First thing I did after realizeing what I had done at my lecture was change out of that stupid school girl costume into something that was ACTUALLY appropriate and, more importantly, comfortable to wear. I have been obsessed with my own ass.... ouch.... the whole evening, slapping and kneading it whenever i could. I tried to take a nap, but instead I received a hand job and had a climax...as a man! it was soooo weird and i passed out from the intense pleasure i felt.

When i woke up, i felt relieved that at least i had reached climax once more. I had been more or less arranging with being unable to do so, but i actually played with myself a lot this evening. Felt great, but i was growing exhausted.

To make matters worse, I have been made unable to curse by one of my kind tormentors, which was really a bummer at first. Luckily though, He granted me a few of my favourite swears back... with certain consequences of using them... but guess that'll be another story for now I am going to watch some TV and then go to bed. I am just done for today. My head is spinning.

Meaning, I will only check my email like every ten minutes instead of every five :oops:
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

A new day of.... fun?

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 20th, 2009, 11:08 pm

Good morning, everybody who is still reading along :-)

what a night, I had some weird dreams but I couldn't seem to get much real sleep :-( ( just feeling too excited about the days ahead i guess... wow... soon I'll need a vacation I think.)

I vaguely remember suddenly being violated while laying in my bed - by my own hands. Yes it sounds crazy but what doesn't these days? Suddenly they didn't feel like my own any more. Theay started groping and kneading, stroking and petting my tits.... and despite being a little irritated, if not frightened by this, I loved it. Eventually I was growing frustrated for I felt a need to be stimulated between my legs but my hands took their good time to get there... and then, when I was just about to climax, they stopped. They just left me hanging there on the edge!

I tried playing with myself but it was no use, I just could not get there :-(
Maybe that's the reason why I couldn't sleep well?

This morning I have to start off by making a decision. Now, usually I don't have a lot of trouble deciding something, although within my email slavery I have grown used to being decided upon instead of deciding for myself. But, as mentioned before I have to face one decision all on my own this morning and needless to say, it's a tough one.

It's all about my choice of outfit. Now when I tell you what it is I have been allowed to choose between, it may sound like a no brainer at first, but the seemingly obvious choice for any human being with a sense of decency actually comes with a catch that makes it way less of an obviously preferrable option.

As soon as i got out of bed I carefully placed on my bed two more or less "complete" (however one defines that) sets of clothing. First came an "inappropriate" one, namely the naughty school girl costume that I wore yesterday and which I had such a great time parading around in, without realizing it. Oh yes, it was hot, but I'd never choose to dress like that on my own free will, so I do not like that option.

Plus, I have been told that I'd be helplessly behaving like I did yestarday when I chose that outfit, meaning I'd claim that it is a proper way to dress and when someone denies it, i'd become clumsy and drop something on the floor, for which in turn i'd have to bend over from the waist, flashing my panties..... only this time I would realize what I was doing the whole time but being unable to stop.... a "little" humiliating, don't you think?

The other choice is way more familiar with my old self, a pair of bright blue jeans and my favourite blouse. Both totally modest, aside from the jeans hugging my bottom and legs nicely, like well chosen jeans usually do. But it isn't inappropriate in any way.

But as I said before, the latter option does come with a catch and it's quite a price to pay. I have been instructed that I will not feel my bladder's fulness in it and my bladder will automatically give way whenever I needed to pee while wearing it today. Now that's something to avoid. Although I think it will not automatically make me wet myself unless I do need to go, the danger is undeniable. I mean, jeez', I'll never even see it coming...

Well yeah, like I told you, that's kind of a tough decision to face in the morning.

So I'm wondering how I can avoid desaster within the boundaries of my programming? Obviously I'll want to give my normal outfit a try. Maybe I can find a way to avoid having to pee in situations where I am out of the house... I'll have to watch my fluid intake. On the other hand, dehydrating myself is unthinkable for it would possibly harm my physical health. Got to find a compromise there.

Also I'm allowed to change between the two outfits whenever I'm writing about the progressings of my day on this forum, so I figured I should maybe start off with the inappropriate one as long as I'm at home. At least I wont pee in it and I can just post something as soon as I plan to go out of the house. I'll go to the bathroom directly before changing outfits and hopefully that'll do.

Trouble is, my instructions mentioned nothing about carrying a spare pair of pants around or even being allowed to change into one at any time, so that option doesn't seem to exist for me. I'll just have to avoid being outside my appartement for too long and I'll have to post a lot so i can change whenever necessary. I'll definately wear a jacket with my "normal" outfit that I can tie around my hips in case of desaster.... omg but I don't even want to think about that.

Well I am dressing up as a naughty school girl right now... just for while I'm at home...

Wow. Feeling a lot better about this already. I guess this might work. Fortunately I am aware of how I am dressed this time, so it'll be easy to change before going out. You can bet I'll tell you when I leave becuase I need to before I can wear something decent. Feels nice and naughty, though, even sitting at my desk dressed like this. Still can't help reaching back and slapping my own bottom from time to time *blush* and feeling a little "stuffed" there in the front *double blush*...

I will need to go out shopping later today to get a present for someone and, well, one for myself i guess. I'll be off to the hustler store again, for SOME REASON.... *g*

Fortunately, no more lectures or at least none that I intend to visit. I know I should take my studies seriously and usually I do, but this week I just have other thoughts clouding my mind...


OMG just have been checking the news online and for some reason I grew incredibly horny reading the politics section (?!) and suddenly I had to play with myself.

Unfortunately I could not reach climax again....

But I guess now it is time for breakfast.
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

Re: A new day of.... fun?

Postby werepuppy » July 21st, 2009, 12:57 am

naughtyemailslave wrote:Good morning, everybody who is still reading along :-)

what a night, I had some weird dreams but I couldn't seem to get much real sleep :-( ( just feeling too excited about the days ahead i guess... wow... soon I'll need a vacation I think.)

I vaguely remember suddenly being violated while laying in my bed - by my own hands. Yes it sounds crazy but what doesn't these days? Suddenly they didn't feel like my own any more. Theay started groping and kneading, stroking and petting my tits.... and despite being a little irritated, if not frightened by this, I loved it. Eventually I was growing frustrated for I felt a need to be stimulated between my legs but my hands took their good time to get there... and then, when I was just about to climax, they stopped. They just left me hanging there on the edge!

I tried playing with myself but it was no use, I just could not get there :-(
Maybe that's the reason why I couldn't sleep well?

This morning I have to start off by making a decision. Now, usually I don't have a lot of trouble deciding something, although within my email slavery I have grown used to being decided upon instead of deciding for myself. But, as mentioned before I have to face one decision all on my own this morning and needless to say, it's a tough one.

It's all about my choice of outfit. Now when I tell you what it is I have been allowed to choose between, it may sound like a no brainer at first, but the seemingly obvious choice for any human being with a sense of decency actually comes with a catch that makes it way less of an obviously preferrable option.

As soon as i got out of bed I carefully placed on my bed two more or less "complete" (however one defines that) sets of clothing. First came an "inappropriate" one, namely the naughty school girl costume that I wore yesterday and which I had such a great time parading around in, without realizing it. Oh yes, it was hot, but I'd never choose to dress like that on my own free will, so I do not like that option.

Plus, I have been told that I'd be helplessly behaving like I did yestarday when I chose that outfit, meaning I'd claim that it is a proper way to dress and when someone denies it, i'd become clumsy and drop something on the floor, for which in turn i'd have to bend over from the waist, flashing my panties..... only this time I would realize what I was doing the whole time but being unable to stop.... a "little" humiliating, don't you think?

The other choice is way more familiar with my old self, a pair of bright blue jeans and my favourite blouse. Both totally modest, aside from the jeans hugging my bottom and legs nicely, like well chosen jeans usually do. But it isn't inappropriate in any way.

But as I said before, the latter option does come with a catch and it's quite a price to pay. I have been instructed that I will not feel my bladder's fulness in it and my bladder will automatically give way whenever I needed to pee while wearing it today. Now that's something to avoid. Although I think it will not automatically make me wet myself unless I do need to go, the danger is undeniable. I mean, jeez', I'll never even see it coming...

Well yeah, like I told you, that's kind of a tough decision to face in the morning.

So I'm wondering how I can avoid desaster within the boundaries of my programming? Obviously I'll want to give my normal outfit a try. Maybe I can find a way to avoid having to pee in situations where I am out of the house... I'll have to watch my fluid intake. On the other hand, dehydrating myself is unthinkable for it would possibly harm my physical health. Got to find a compromise there.

Also I'm allowed to change between the two outfits whenever I'm writing about the progressings of my day on this forum, so I figured I should maybe start off with the inappropriate one as long as I'm at home. At least I wont pee in it and I can just post something as soon as I plan to go out of the house. I'll go to the bathroom directly before changing outfits and hopefully that'll do.

Trouble is, my instructions mentioned nothing about carrying a spare pair of pants around or even being allowed to change into one at any time, so that option doesn't seem to exist for me. I'll just have to avoid being outside my appartement for too long and I'll have to post a lot so i can change whenever necessary. I'll definately wear a jacket with my "normal" outfit that I can tie around my hips in case of desaster.... omg but I don't even want to think about that.

Well I am dressing up as a naughty school girl right now... just for while I'm at home...

Wow. Feeling a lot better about this already. I guess this might work. Fortunately I am aware of how I am dressed this time, so it'll be easy to change before going out. You can bet I'll tell you when I leave becuase I need to before I can wear something decent. Feels nice and naughty, though, even sitting at my desk dressed like this. Still can't help reaching back and slapping my own bottom from time to time *blush* and feeling a little "stuffed" there in the front *double blush*...

I will need to go out shopping later today to get a present for someone and, well, one for myself i guess. I'll be off to the hustler store again, for SOME REASON.... *g*

Fortunately, no more lectures or at least none that I intend to visit. I know I should take my studies seriously and usually I do, but this week I just have other thoughts clouding my mind...


OMG just have been checking the news online and for some reason I grew incredibly horny reading the politics section (?!) and suddenly I had to play with myself.

Unfortunately I could not reach climax again....

But I guess now it is time for breakfast.

He made me do this too. It can be a lot of fun forced into decisions like this. But if I remember right, it only makes it so you can't feel when you need to go. So you can still choose to go wee whenever you want to, so just make sure you go every hour or whenever you drink a pint, whether you realise you need to or not, and hopefully you'll be able to keep your bladder empty.

Or just enjoy the hot rush of nowing that somebody can override even the thing its easiest and most natural to have control of.
Posts: 72
Joined: July 11th, 2009, 12:00 am

I'll be going out then

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 21st, 2009, 2:25 am

Okay, time for me to change into something I can wear outside my turf now. *g*

Boy do I feel hot, though... to be honest I have the impression that there is something up my front bottom.... just had a hard time peeing...

Well at least I could change into this pair of jeans. It will be nice to walk around town like a normal, properly dressed person for a change *g*

Just have to make sure I don't take too long and don't even think about having something to drink along the way. Wish me luck (I know you won't)....

Oh gosh it feels so nice and dangerous that I might have an accident in my pants any moment without even realizing that it is about to happen. This is just wonderful. Although I wouldn't mind staying dry either, for my bum looks really god in those pants... hmm delicious.... LOL I really grown fond of my own ass... ouch!

Shouldn't have said that I gues... whenever I use that word there seemst to be something HUGE stuck in my ... y'know... and each time it gets bigger. It is really getting painful, i should watch my language...!

Well, got to go.. will tell you about it when I get back :-)
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Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

Shopping Trip number two...

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 21st, 2009, 5:07 am

Phew that was a weird one again. For some reason I felt deliriously happy during the whole trip, despite some strange stuff going on again. The whole time I felt like I had a dildo up my front bottom... jeez, I mean, my... you know what. Don't have word for that, will have to ask to be granted one i guess...

As I got on the bus again, I suddenly realized something. Despite having dressed appropriately I felt like the blouse I was wearing was see through. Somehow I knew that it maybe wasn't for real, but still I felt strangely self conscious about it. Luckily I had my jacket with me, but I only realized the transparency of my blouse after having already been sitting on the bus for quite a few minutes. I zipped up my jacket in a hurry. It was uncomfortably warm but I didn't want to be seen like that. Good thing that effect wore off after a few seconds. So nothing wrong til then.

The whole time, the dildo in my front bottom.......... FUCK this is ridiculous.... uhh...
I really should not swear....

well, what I wanted to write, it was throbbing licke heck and I was incredibly aroused the whole time. One time i actually cursed to myself over it and as I muttered the F-word, my hand dashed into the front of my panties and tried to stimulate me for a few seconds, which was really difficult for there was a huge dildo in there already. Also it was quite humiliating and it felt incredibly wet there. I locked down into my lap and was relieved to "only" find a little wet spot. To be honest I had feared something worse already.

I also very vaguely remember having a pleasant conversation on the bus, but I can hardly put my finger on that. There is also a feeling of disappointment mixed with it but I am unable to remember what that really was about. It should happen again for a few times.

Luckily nobody saw my little act of unwilling self-love down there and I got up for my stop, whistling nonchalantly. There was an old lady in front of me and for a second there, I feared that she might criticise my outfit again. I smiled at her, nervously and felt relieved to have her smiling back at me. Then, as the bus pulled into the stop, she dropped her walking stick. Immidiately I bent over to pick it up but as I did that I realized I still bent only at the waist, keeping my legs perfectly straight. It must have looked obscene even in my jeans, but being a little obsessed with my fanny lately, I kind of liked showing it off like this. At least in those clothes I was wearing, striking such a pose might pass as a mere act of thoughtlessness. It was relieving to be able to enjoy such a thing for a second without wishing to just run off with shame. *g*

I had already known what kind of present I wanted so I went straight for the book store. It is located on the third floor of the mall complex and of course I walked the stairs, slowly, being able to display my denim clad bottom nicely to the people walking behind me. How nice it felt to be just a little naughty without being too obvious for a change! Hmm, those men must have loved it too! It drove me almost crazy to know that there were men behind me who could be ogling me. It made me so hot that I almost came at one point...

i easily found the book I was searching for, for it was a bestseller. I had the checkout lady wrap it up for me and for some reason I had the feeling that we were understanding each other very well. I thanked her and turned to leave, a little confused by the weird look she was giving me.

Then I had to go to the hustler store again. I needed an outfit, preferrably one made of PVC or latex that could just barely worn in public situations. I knew I'd have to spend a fortune and as I approached the ATM machine, I already made a mental note to myself to write daddy about needing some money for "books"... yeah, right.

I think I had a nice chat with someone waiting in line before me, but I am not sure. For some reasons, all my memories of conversations seem a little hazy. At least I had a good time i guess...

As I noticed that the guy before me was done, I suddenly had an irresistable urge to play with myself. I could barely contain myself. Shaking, I entered my PIN and retrieved the cash I was going to spend on humiliating myself. The thought of that made me even hotter.

I did need to play with myself soon, but this didn't seem like a proper place to do it (duh!) and thankfully, I could avoid it and make my way to the hustler store. I used the elevator this time. There was only one guy entering with me, who looked like an elderly businessman - rather handsome I had to admit. We chattet a little I guess and I felt good about it. Then suddenly, seeing my body shake (with lust) and my skin covered in sweat, he asked me if I was alright.

Then I dropped the bomb. I blurted out that he'd made me so horny that I'd need to masturbate until I explode. Yes, I actually said that. To his face. Mine turned beet red after this and the darn elevator seemed to take forever to reach ground level. Even more humiliating I had a hard time keeping from burying my hand between my thighs. Surprisingly I managed to avoid it somehow.

Outside the mall I needed a few minutes to cool off. My head felt like it was burning. What the hell did I just say to that poor gentleman. He must think I am totally crazy. Well, maybe I am. Boy, it was hot...

I quickly recovered from my state of shame and whistling and smiling happily, I entered the hustler store (which I found isn't exactly an official hustler store but they got those ads in the window so whatever, I will refer to it as the hustler store and that is that. :-P )

Surprisingly upbeat I rummaged through their fetish clothing section looking for something I could afford. I quickly figured that actual latex is out of my financial reach, but I found a neat, but extremely inappropriate PVC dress that seemed to fit me. It was more or less plain black, short and thight. with it came some accessories like a small white apron, some thingie you wear on your head and a stupid little feather duster as it was actually resembling a fetish french maid outfit. Wearing this thing anywhere, even when on my own seemed impossible to me, but somehow my subconscious seemed very sure about wanting that thing so I bought it.

As I was at the cash register, the creepy guy behind it grinned at me in an uncomfortable way. What made me even more uncomfortable was that he actually made me hot (even more than I was...). Shaking, I paid with my cash. He noticed and asked me if I was okay in a creepy manner that could never pass as friendly.

And then I dropped the bomb again! I told him that he made me so horny that I'd need to masturbate till I explode. It was SO humiliating! He told me that he could maybe "give me a hand" with that but I just grabbed my cash and dashed out of there. Boy, I can never EVER enter that store again.

After these events, I needed some relief. I figured I'd lock myself in a bathroom stall at the mall and masturbate. I needed to. I frigged myself like crazy but again I could not come! After fifteen minutes or so, I gave it up, pulled up my pants and left. As I passed through the bathroom door I figured that maybe I should have peed too, because otherwise I might wet myself. I pushed hard until it was all out and then moved to go...

... and then I noticed I had gone in my pants again. It was just a small spot, for I didn't really need to go, but still it was clearly visible in the crotch of my bright blue jeans. I blushed, but so far now one had noticed and I figured it could have been worse. I tied my jacket around my hips like I had planned and, whistling happily I made my way back home. Of course, on the bus I had to stand but that was a rather small problem. I think I had some nice chat or something.

Well, here I am, and now I am posting this so I can change and stop sitting on a towel and a plastic bag to avoid staining the cushion of my sofa...
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

Grocery shopping

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 21st, 2009, 6:24 am

Wow I just had another exciting experience. I suddenly felt that I was bound in a way that made me spread my legs obscenely, but i could not touch myself since my hands were fomehow confined too (although I could type on my computer). I felt MOOOOOO! compelled to surf for bondage related images (having no idea where to find those so I simply googled for the term) and send my favourites over to someone, commenting on what I like about them. It was torture because the whole time I grew hornier and hornier. But there was nothing i could do except find enought pictures and send them over to be released. Afterwards I played with myself until I came. Finally I could reach a climax again!

After I was done I went to MOOOOO! check my email and suddenly my hands decided - on their own - that I should continue masturbating. I came several times and afterwards I felt spent, but relieved.

I'll have to go grocery shopping now so I MOOOOO! figured I'd just post a message here and dress in my "appropriate" wardrobe again. However, I am currently being forced to wear the skimpy schoolgirl outfit so I guess I'll leave it on and just do what I intended to. MOOOOOOO!

I'd just skip the grocery shopping but I really need something to eat so I gues I don't have much of a choice. At lesat I won't wet myself in my "inappropriate" wardrobe.

Okay then, see you soon. Boy I seem to be whistling a lot lately...
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

Grocery shopping

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 21st, 2009, 7:56 am

Whew, just came back. Now that was embarassing, to walk around the neighbourhood in such a skimpy outfit. I didn't have the nerve to go to the store I usually shop at, so I went to a nearby supermarket. Unfortunately it was packed... or maybe that was a good thing. I scored lots of looks and all those men around made me really horny. It was embarassing as heck. Good thing i didn't need to play with myself right there in the supermarket. Although at times I didn't feel very far from it. MOOOOOO!

I tried to get my items quickly and then leave, but the place was just too busy for that. At one of the freezers I figured that i'd have to bend waay over to reach for what I wanted. Of course I knew what that would mean and that I could only bent from the waist like I was supposed to. I decided that MOOOO! I did not want that particular item to avoid further humiliation.

At the cash register, however, something bad happened: Some young teenager pointed at me and said - loudly - to his friend "Look you can see that ladies undies!" then they laughed. I felt terrible, not only for being so naughty in front of a possible minor, but also because I felt criticised. I had an impulse to protest against what the boy had said, but luckily I was able to keep from doing that. I guess I'd have crossed a line there.

I did, however, drop my purse and, knowing what I was about to do, I quickly moved to turn around so that I wouldn't be exposing my panties to that boy but rather in the opposite direction. Then I bent from the waist, grabbed my purse and quickly rose. My face red with shame, I paid for my things and MOOOOOO! left the supermarket.

Now for that last incident I really feel a little bad, although I guess I did not really do anything too inappropriate. And I guess without the risk this would not be fun any more.
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

Going for a walk

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 21st, 2009, 9:41 am

A little bored and exhausted from playing with myself (despite still having that vibrator up my ... y'know... i had decided to go for a walk to breathe some fresh air and think about where i'm going with this.

I had been hanging around in the wmm chatroom lately for I had met one of my favourite tormenters there. I was after some nice harmless chit-chat, as for some reason i feel like chatting today. It was kinda harmless until I decided to go out. And for some reason I let everyone know that i was playing with my... private parts. The problem is that the word I used to name my ...primary sexual organ... was one of those I had "bought back" recently, but of course I had to pay a price whenever I used it. The second i typed it I felt an overwhelming need to go to the bathroom and hastily excusing myself from the chat to make a run for it. Unbelievably enough I got there in time and as I had pulled down my undies I suddenly realized that I had mistaken my need for something else. I felt that rather than having to pee I desperately needed to masturbate so I did that for a while until I had calmed down a little. When I considered myself done I got back at the computer and apologized for having cut my sentence half in the middle.

my tormenter then asked me where I went so abruptly and despite having been quite open to him in the past, i felt it unnecessary to tell him that I just ran off to masturbate. So I just told him what I initially believed myself, that I just had to pee very badly.

Well, I figured, that wasn't even really a lie. I DID have to pee at that moment. The need just had suddenly subsided. Although... I felt like I really did need to go but going to the bathroom again so soon seemed silly. What would he think of me being untruthful? So I found it the easiest choice to just pee right then and there. That's right, I just let go right into my panties, soaking them and the cushions of the sofa I was sitting on. Which I realized only when it was too late.

Now my sofa cushions have a wet spot on them and I'm trying to figure how I can clean that up... also my panties are wet and so is the front of my skirt. I am however unable to change out of those clothes so I guess I'll have to dry them using a blow dryer. I hope I don't smell like pee... because I'd be really excited to go out dancing tonight....

oh got another email... better clean up now, go out and read it after i get back home. Mister who caused me to do this, it was devious and as usual I loved every bit of it. I didn't know I could be humiliated like that in the comfort of my own home :-)
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Going out clubbing now

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 21st, 2009, 2:45 pm

I took and enjoyed a rather long walk and I really felt way more calm and settled afterwards. Of course I got some stares and hoots for my outfit but I managed to tune them out after a while. After returning home I actually managed to do some chores around my appartment and it felt rewarding to see my place neat and clean once again. I think I earned myself a night of going out. There is a spot not far from my place that I wanted to check out for quite some time and I feel tonight might be a good night for that.

I just had a phone session with Mistress and I think she sorted some stuff out, dunno what it was exactly but I guess there were some suggestions blocking each other or cancelling each other out and maybe that was the reason my head felt so cluttered. I feel a lot better now. That obnoxious dildo I felt in my pussy OH NOO!

Whoops I am sorry. Whatever, that thing is gone and it is a good thing. Also the plug in my ass is gone OH Kay....there it is again. Wait, no it is way smaller than before. At least. Well I'm afraid I might disappoint some of you by having forgotten some of your programming, but I see this as a fresh start. I hope I'll have a great night any maybe I'll meet someone who'll find me attractive despite behaving strangely every once in a while.

I'll write you again when I come home, or in the morning, however it goes. Btw somehow I have evolved a new bad habit that might prove embarassing. It feels nice though. I'll tell you later...

Thank you all for your creative and devious instructions today! Please don't get discouraged of sending me more. Just keep in mind that there might be other people messing with my head already. *g*


P.S.: About the MOOO!s in my last posts: Someone thought this was funny. I did not realize those MOOOs until someone pointed them out. Well, it was funny :-)
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Re: Going out clubbing now

Postby demigraff » July 21st, 2009, 7:24 pm

naughtyemailslave wrote:That obnoxious dildo I felt in my pussy OH NOO!

Was that distraction what I think it might have been? I'm glad to see that still gets some response from you, though I'd really like to know just what response, as my curiosity doesn't like being uncertain.

naughtyemailslave wrote:Btw somehow I have evolved a new bad habit that might prove embarassing. It feels nice though. I'll tell you later...

Now that I'm jut curious about. I think it isn't one of mine, so I hope you don't forget to let us know.
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The morning after

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 22nd, 2009, 2:37 am

demigraff wrote:Was that distraction what I think it might have been? I'm glad to see that still gets some response from you, though I'd really like to know just what response, as my curiosity doesn't like being uncertain.

I guess that was nothing, just had to pee real bad all of a sudden. Oh just a sec...

Phew, made it this time :-P This was close though... I just had to go again right then. Well I certainly have to take care of what I say, because although it is fun to be humiliated, it is still pretty distressing and to be honest I don't want to see too many people see me wet myself in public. (Or do I? No, I guess not. I hope...)

demigraff wrote:Now that I'm jut curious about. I think it isn't one of mine, so I hope you don't forget to let us know.

Oh yes, that new "bad habit" I have evolved, that might be a suitable pretext to summarize the events of last night. For some reason, just before going out, I suddenly grew extremely fond of playing around idly with my nipples. I wasn't even that sexually excited from it (not more than usual, I think), I just grew a liking to doing it all the time for no spcific reason. It was just something I did without paying attention, like a nervous tic or something. I noticed that if I concentrated hard enough I could refrain from it, so I decided to go out like I had planned.

The spot I wanted to go to is really not far from my place, but I didn't feel comfortable running around in the dark alone, at least not the way I was dressed. My choice of night spot wasn't too bad I guess, although I think I was the most scantily clad girl there. It didn't matter, I had a good time, whistling along with the music (yes, I really did that and enjoyed it...) and dancing on my own, enjoying the attention I was receiving. Interestingly enough, while getting lots of looks at first, nobody seemed to have the guts to approach me or talk to me. I wouldn't have minded a little conversation here and there, but I guess I was just looking too bizarre for anyone to know what to think of me. I actually had to buy the drinks by myself because despite my attire I was still a little shy about just parading around to have strange guys pay for my drinks.

Unfortunately, as I sat in a corner by the bar, watching the other people (who in turn avoided staring at me, although I noticed that many of the other girls seemed to disapprove of my outfit a great deal) some jerk came up to make conversation. Why the heck is it always the most repulsive guy in the room who's brave enough to approach me? I know there were also a few guys whom I might like maybe, but those were just nervously sipping on their drinks, smiling shyly in my direction every once in a while, then quickly looking down onto the floor when I looked back at them.

The jerk I mentioned just leaned against the bar next to me, trying to look cool. He looked me over, but I just wanted him to go away, so I tried to ignore him. His gaze remained on my half exposed chest and, not even trying to look elsewhere, he asked me if I was having fun. I turned to him, trying to look annoyed and said "I guess so." He was still looking at my chest and as I looked there too, I noticed why: While my right hand was holding my glass, my left hand was absent-mindedly playing with my right nipple.

I still wanted him to go away so I tried to sound extra annoyed when I said: "I'm just playing with my nipples, big whoop. I just love doing it, okay?"

"I can see", he replied, grinning broadly. He looked like a toad or something. "You wanna go somewhere else? I have place not far from here..." he really had some nerve. I had to tell him off in a way he'd understand.

"No, but why don't YOU go somewhere else?" I said. He called me a skank and I flipped him off in turn. I thought about reporting him to one of the security guys and tell them that he groped me or something, but he went away immidiately so it didn't seem necessary. After all, I was there for fun.

I decided to dance a little, when another guy came up to me. He didn't look like I wanted to know him either so I just went past him onto the dancefloor. Unfortunately, he followed me. He tried to dance close to me and he really looked awkward doing it. I noticed a group of men watching over us two and I spotted that jerk who looked like a toad was with them. I guess they were all friends or something, they seemed to fit together perfectly.

That guy who was dancing next to me suddenly tried to talk to me over the music. He shouted into my ear: "My friend told me that you are a real bitch."

"Oh yeah?" i asked "how would HE know?"
Not the best comeback I guess. The guy shouted into my ear again: "Well, judging your outfit I believe he is right."

That stupidface! Where does he come off, judging my outfit? I mean, I knew deep down I looked like a skank, but somehow still I was outraged as heck. I told him to get a good look because that was all he'd be getting. Then I suddenly dropped my purse. Annoyed, I wanted to kneel down but I remembered that, as a naughty school girl, I had to bend over from the waist. So I did that. In my hassle I didn't remember to even turn away from the group of jerks, so I gave them a magnificiant look at my panty clad ass. Oh....

I am sorry, its just that word. I really shouldn't say it.

Needless to say, they all cheered and applauded. It was terrible, they thought that I had put on a show for them. It did feel nice that they seemed to like my ass though *blush*. OH!. Whooops...

I escaped to the restrooms and as I was out again, I thanked the heavens for not having wet myself or anything. At least, some dignity!

I tried to avoid those guys for the rest of the night but it wasn't easy. As they grew more and more drunk, one of them came up to me and said: "I liked your panties. Why don't you drop your purse again?"

"Why don't you go home and play with yourself?" I asked him.

"You mean as you are doing with your nipples?" He said, grinning smugly.

I realized that he was right. Again, my left hand was idly twisting and tugging my left nipple through the fabric of my skimpy blouse.

"None of your fucking business." I said. "I just love playing with my nipples."

Bemused, he looked at my crotch. "And with other parts, too, I guess."
I looked down and I realized he was right. OMG I had my left hand down my panties all of a sudden, stimulating myself in front of that idiot. I quickly pulled my hand away and hurried to leave. This was just too much.

"What, that is all?" I heared that guy exclaim behind me, laughing. "I could give you a hand, maybe..."

"I guess she'll play with herself for the rest of the night", his friend said loudly.

I ran out of the club and took a cab home. I was mortified, but I thought that probably, that last guy had been right. After all, that was amazingly hot.

Back home I couldn't help checking my email and as soon as I had, something odd happened. I was wearing some sort of chastity belt... I tried to remove it but it wouldn't budge. It was scary and, worst of all, I'd be unable to play with myself. There was a note on my desk saying "A gift from a mysterious stranger." Oh dear. Well, at least I could still play with my nipples...

I went to the bathroom to... put on makeup. Yeas, I knew it was silly for I had just returned home, but somehow I had to do it. Worst of all, I applied a lot of it, taking an excessive amount of time and looking like a fashion doll or something in the end.

Then something strange, but familiar happened. As on several occasions before, my hands became "obsessed" all of a sudden and started moving around on their own. It was like they weren't mine any more but I knew from past experiences that this was probably going to be good and so I just leaned back to enjoy the experience. My hands started groping, stronking and fondling me in every possible way, starting on my upper body and then, ever so slowly, moving downwards. They felt strong and masculine, not like my hands at all (which would be strong and feminine :-P ). I felt excited about not knowing what was about to happen. And I was a bit worried about that chastity belt. Did it mean those hands wouldn't be able to attend to my aching pussy and, also, my ass? Ouch, darn it!

As the hands finally went there, they somehow found a way to reach under the belt, which I had tried myself but found myself unable to do. They masturbated me to a wonderful climax and It was great. I went to bed immidiately after this experience. It was so great, so exciting.

This morning, I have just been getting up and, first business of the day is of course this post. I will check my email next, or maybe I'll try to figure out why my desk chair is SOAKED. I guess one of you nasty people made me do something nasty there, again? just a thought *g*
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Postby carsh » July 22nd, 2009, 3:19 am

it's fun to play with your nipples :P I hope them guys didn't give you too much trouble.

I see someone copied by hands have a mind of their own suggestion. I'm sure we both don't mind but it sort of wrecked the idea of the chastity belt.
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Postby lettuce » July 22nd, 2009, 3:56 am

Ah, damnit, I was behind the chastity belt idea, but it didn't work as intended at all. It was supposed to keep her from touching herself, even at the command of others, but make her inform everyone here of it, apologize for not being able to touch herself and say that anyone could command her to no longer feel it on her, but at the same discourage anyone from letting her pleasure herself.

...when I put it all in that one sentence, it seems a little too complicated, maybe that's why.
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Postby naughtyemailslave » July 22nd, 2009, 4:23 am

lettuce wrote:...when I put it all in that one sentence, it seems a little too complicated, maybe that's why.

Hello, "mysterious stranger" *g*

I felt like I should inform you that as a matter of fact, the chastity belt is still there and I really like it so PLEASE don't make it go away yet!

I am unable to touch myself down there and as I'll describe you know, that can lead to serious distress.

I've had a particularly bizarre, but eventually pleasurable experience just half an hour ago. I suddenly felt like I needed to bind myself using some improvised utilities like a belt and a scarf. I also used another belt as a "collar" and I felt incredibly submissive and aroused by what I was doing. Then I had to put on another scarf as a blindfold. As soon as it was on I felt like someone was watching me and like I had to pleasure myself before that person's eyes. Unfortunately, wearing that chastity belt, I could not. My hands just rubbed and scratched desperately over the metal front of that thing and I grew really distressed. Then it occured to me that I could just beg the person who was making me do this to let me come and it worked VERY well. The more often and the louder I begged to be allowed to come, the more stimulated I felt until finally i came like never before. It was just amazing and just sooooo relieving after the exciting buildup. Adterwards I was released and I felt like I needed to demonstrate my submissiveness by getting down on all fours and, well, kissing the floor, imagining maybe it was really something else *blush*.

Now to make one thing clear, this is REALLY not like me AT ALL. It was amazing and I enjoyed it a lot, but that was only possible because I was safely at home.

By that way, I skipped to mention before that I had slept wearing heavy makeup. My sheets are ruined. :(

I guess that was my own fault, though. I'll be going out to the post office now and I picked out an outfit that might bore you, but it'll be nice to be dressed like a respectable university student once again. :-P

It is jeans and a shirt this time, sorry guys *g*
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Postby demigraff » July 22nd, 2009, 4:43 am

naughtyemailslave wrote:It is jeans and a shirt this time, sorry guys *g*

Its good to know you can do that :) Wearing a schoolgirl outfit or slutty clothes or whatever can be exciting, but hearing that you have to do it day after day was beginning to get boring. I even sent an email to deliberately override those suggestions (although substituting something a bit different instead). But its good to know that (possibly following Mistress' intervention) you're not limited to dressing in a deliberately provocative fashion all the time.
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Thrange encounterth

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 22nd, 2009, 4:59 am

ath I thaid, i jutht went out to the potht office to thend thome mail. Thtepping out on the thtreet, firtht thing i noticed wath there theemed to be quite thome wind and it wath really chilly. I felt goothebumpth forming on my legth despite wearing my jeanth (or tho i thought *g*).

The firtht two people I pathed jutht gave me weird lookth but already grew thuthpiciouth. Thuddenly thomeone pathing by on a bike on the other thide of the road thouted "nice outfit" tho i began to think there was thomething about my clotheth again and probably thomething bad.

I put on a brave face and actually athked thome random lady who looked underthtanding to me if there wath anything wrong with my outfit. Thhe jutht laughed at me and thaid "No, I think you're looking fine" and went. I followed her and, catching up, thaid to her: "I am theriouth, pleathe maybe I jutht don't realithe it..."

Thhe was growing annoyed and athked me if I wath playing thome kind of joke on her. I gueth I mutht have looked really dethperate after that, becauthe a look of worry appeared on her face. "Are you alright?" Thhe athked and I thaid yeth, ath long ath there ith nothing wrong with my clotheth. Thhe then athked me if I needed help. I wath near tearth, both from humiliation and from dethperately trying to be taken theriouthly by that lady. I told her to pleeease, please jutht tell me if there wath thomething wrong with my clotheth and then the told me that I theemed to be wearing no pantth. I realithed with a thtart that thhe wath right, thanked her, my head red with thhame and hurried back home. At the thtairway i almotht ran into one of my nighbourth. He gave me a weird look but i guess i pathed him too quickly for him to really realithe what was going on. Then suddenly I remembered that I had been asked yethterday what I used to wear in bed by one of my tormentorth tho I think this wath again HITH EVIL PLAN unfolding nicely and threatening my reputation around the neighbourhood. Needleth to thay I realithed my chothen outfit that i WANTED to wear wath lying unuthed on my bed. I quickly put it on and wanted to run out immidiately to apologize to that lady. But i figured that thith once again wath tho GOOOD that I had to write it immidiately. Now, however I really need to go thend that letter and thith time wearing actual pantth *g*
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Postby carsh » July 22nd, 2009, 5:06 am

:roll: well it is not moos but it is still kind of amusing.... and also hard to read :?
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Postby naughtyemailslave » July 22nd, 2009, 5:27 am

sorry for the gibberish and thank you, kind Sir, for pointing it out. You made it possible to be freed of it :-)

omg that lady must have really thought that I'm insane. I'm glad she didn't call an ambulance or something *g*
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Postby lettuce » July 22nd, 2009, 5:54 am

Heh, it must have seemed quite absent-minded to just "forget" your pants. I do hope no one starts doubting your mental health.

Be careful with her, guys, you won't be able to play with her if she's taken to the looney bin. Or more realistically, if her mistress intervenes.
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Postby demigraff » July 22nd, 2009, 6:53 am

lettuce wrote:Heh, it must have seemed quite absent-minded to just "forget" your pants. I do hope no one starts doubting your mental health.

Be careful with her, guys, you won't be able to play with her if she's taken to the looney bin. Or more realistically, if her mistress intervenes.

I did ask first what she wears to bed, checking if it would be something decent. I think that one didn't quite go as planned, but I'll be more careful with my wording in future.

Actually, I've gone to the shops just wearing my nightshirt (a tshirt, a present from a friend, several sizes too large). As it comes down nearly to my knees, I suspect everyone just assumes I'm wearing shorts or something. Despite how embarrassing it could be, I think many types of nightwear could pass unnoticed unless you draw attention to it.

Thoughts like "Is that a nightie or just a very light dress?" could be the most obvious response. Unless you already have a reputation for weirdness, or are acting odd already, the idea that someone could actually do that is so surreal that most people will be disinclined to believe their eyes.
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Off I go...

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 22nd, 2009, 7:22 am

Wow there is a lot of stuff going on today, but well, I guess there will be something to tell you after I return from my little visit.

See you then!
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Visiting lick friend

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 22nd, 2009, 2:23 pm

Lick'm just coming back from visiting lick friend today and it was real nice getting together once again. She was only there for, like, four hours because she was actually on a journey, stopping by in my city, at her parent's place (where lick met her) and had to catch a flight afterwards, but we made the most of the time. Lick enjoyed catching a small break from lick newfound hypnoslave routine of constant humiliation. On the other hand, lick had known her for very long and somehow lick was eager to share my experiences with her. Yes, we actually are that close. She knows about Mistress and she is into some kinky stuff too, but not really the same as lick.

But first, lick had to get there (lick have to make sure to get the chronological order of my recollections right). Before lick had left the house lick had an AMAZING session with one of lick's favourite tormenters and thankfully, he took the darn vibrating chastity belt away from lick (had lick told you that it started to vibrate at some point? It was very stimulating, but not fulfilling. It was unbearably arousing *g* ).

Gosh, lick am getting aroused even now, from writing about it... *g*

Well back to lick meeting with lick friend. As lick said, she and lick are going way back, so we share almost anything. lick simply HAD to tell her about lick experiences of the past days.

Lick left out the parts about wetting lickself at first, because lick felt it unnecessary to maybe repel her by admitting that lick enjoyed it. Lick guess lick'll always be shy about some of the stuff lick like. But lick guess that is just natural. And if lick weren't, lick would not be humiliated at all and then, where would the fun be?

So lick just left the topic out of lick tales.

Then, however, came the point where lick could not avoid having to use the bathroom any longer. Lick had tried to wait it out because lick knew something was supposed to be happening when lick went there, but eventually lick didn't have much of a choice any more. lick could not sit still any more and lick bladder was hurting. So lick excused myself and took my chance.

(why am lick getting so turned on? Someone mad typing stimulating for lick or what?!)

Lick knew that lick would be likely to forget closing the door this time. Actually lick was told that lick would. So lick made sure several times that the door was really closed and locked properly. Lick must have checked, like, three times, but there were other people living in the house and they were frequently passing through the hallway so lick really wanted to avoid humiliation.

Lick sat down and emptied lick overfull bladder... it was sooo relieving. But, as some might already guess, there was a problem about what lick had done. Lick realized that after lick had left the bathroom. Lick jeans were soaken. Yes, lick had "forgotten" to pull them down and peed in them again. (Lick should be suspicious when sitting on the toilet feels too "nice and warm" lick guess...) Really, lick had peed so much that it spread all over the top of my pants and as lick had stood up, it had even run down onto lick socks. All clothes from the waist down were completely and thoroughly wet from what lick had done.

OMG lick feel on the edge of coming by now... *blush*

lick didn't have much of a choice. First, lick stepped into the shower and cleaned lickself up a little. Wrapping a guest towel around lick waist, lick checked the hallway and as lick found it unpopulated for a second, lick dashed across into the guest room where lick friend and lick had been chatting and drinking wine.

As lick entered, my friend dropped her glass, soaking the rug. With wine...

Now lick can hardly recall how lick managed to explain the situation to her in, like, five minutes but somehow lick did and she wasn't mad, or grossed out or anything. She just laughed, but in a nice way and supplied lick with a big plastic bag for my wet clothes and a pair of pants, panties and socks. She told lick that lick should leave the door open next time and she'd stand guard. Fortunately, there wasn't a next time. (It was all in lick pants already...) *blush*

She assured me over and over that what had happened wasn't a big deal and that she actually found it very interesting that such a thing is even possible through hypnosis. She said she'd write lick soon to explain some other stuff but lick guess lick'll just have to wait for that. Now she is on her way...

Lick have just gotten home (well, have been writing for a few minutes now) and there seems to have been a delivery for lick. Lick'll have to check that. Strangely lick don't recall havin received it from anyone at all, but well, there is a lot of stuff going on. Also lick feel like lick'm being watched... actually it doesn't feel that bad right now, it feels naughty and exciting.... *g*

There is new mail already, so lick guess lick'll check that out. And maybe touch lickself.
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Postby demigraff » July 22nd, 2009, 2:33 pm

That's a long one, a fun story (though a little hard to read). I norice that you're typing "lick" instead of "I" or "me", and from the comments you made, I think writing that was steadily turning you on.

I can guess what's going on here, but I think it'd be a bit more fun if you can tell us how it feels.

((Oh, and if my last email experiment is really too extreme, I'll let you know that it ends as soon as you write about it. Just in case))
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Postby carsh » July 22nd, 2009, 2:35 pm

lick hope you liked the vibrating chastity :lol: lick though it would be fun.

I wish I never gave you the moo suggestion now because we keep getting copy cats 8O
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Postby equinox13 » July 22nd, 2009, 2:52 pm

carsh - thanks for the inspiration. let's wait for her to describe it, shall we?
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Postby carsh » July 22nd, 2009, 3:07 pm

equinox13 wrote:carsh - thanks for the inspiration. let's wait for her to describe it, shall we?

poop :P

I see what you did there :wink:
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the peak of my humiliation is near

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 22nd, 2009, 4:07 pm

Phew, thank you, demigraff, for freeing me from that "lick" trigger. Although it was kinda cool. I think it was a little bit like those other "speech impediment" triggers, making me write something silly every now and then and not noticing it. Funny.

What was even better was the fact that whenever I wrote that word "lick" it felt like a tingle between my legs (should resemble a lick on my clitoris, I have been told - close enough *g*)

In the end, after I was freed from this one I suddenly had an orgasm from thousands of disembodied ghost tongoues licking on my body. That was a spectacular feeling, despite tha fact that I was already a little worn out at the time.

Well, what can I say, I had great fun until now. There were a few "harmless" commands, like the Moo thing that were just fun. Then there were the "experimental" ones where it felt like someone tested something on me. Like wanting something really bad, or having some weird body modification.

Speaking of body modifications, I think I am under the influence of one of those triggers right now. For some reason I feel like my tits and ass... Uh... have grown (I think I can NEVER learn to avoid those words.....!).
They are still growing, although it feels a little half-real. Like those body parts are a little "wobblier" than usual and they tingle like they are growing, but they don't look very big at all. Nice feeling, though.

There were those "escapade" commands where I felt that I could enjoy something despite not really being into it - like bondage for example. Those were always nice and experiencing new stuff isn't exactly the worst thing there is so, they were fun and exciting for sure.

And then... there were those "edgy" commands. Mainly about me wetting myself. I know that some people might find such a thing distasteful or even disgusting. It has always been a part of me (since I discovered my sexuality) so for me it was always clear that I was into that. Mistress knew that and thus made me write about that wetting experience she put me through. People over here should know that wetting myself was a thing I was already used to, or that I had at least done once before so it wouldn't seem to be going too far to try that on me again.

It was, however, something that I had kept a secret from the world and especially the world around me. Now during the last few days I have wet myself on quite a few occasions and I realized thereby that it is actually possible to act out on those fantasies as long as you avoid ruining your life by being too stupid. Good thing, Mistress is keeping me away from stupid suggestions.

Some might have noticed that some of the suggestions are never acted out. Mistress is still out of town but I have regular phone sessions with Her and She has to do more and more "censoring" to filter out stuff that is too extreme (like getting a tattoo that says "slut"), too carelessly worded (like being turned into something without warning and not changed back) or too demanding (like being told to masturbate for hours on end, or not being able to masturbate for a day, or having to ignore all other instructions...). The last examples are unsuitable for an email slave mainly because they're bound to conflict with countless other instructions, leading to stress and unwanted results. It hurts my head, so please think about what you make me do!

But i guess I am about to get a little less mail and attention now anyway, because there is something else I have to tell you about. It is not an easy thing to admit, but today I was made to do something disgusting. Or so I thought. Lucky for me, it was just "virtual" and did not happen for real. But it felt VERY real whenever it happened. Yes, I was triggered several times, for the trigger was hearing my own name or being called by my nickname in a chatroom. Good thing I joined the chatroom this evening because it would have been REALLY embarassing had it happened in public.

Well i guess you want to know now what I was made to do, or more precisely: what I made to think I was doing. Whenever someone used my nick, I felt like my bowels had a mind of their own and I was uncontrollably pooing into my panties a little. There, I said it. Yes, it was disgusting and not exactly lady like. I hated it!!!!

Thankfully it wasn't for real so I was relieved greatly whenever I checked tha back of my panties afterwards.

Or so I wanted to feel.

Now comes the really shameful part that might scare a few people away, but I have given it thought an I am willing to take that risk, for truth's sake. I hated it, partly, but in another, very dirty and humiliating way I found it incredibly exciting. Sure, it was pushing the edge but that's what made it exciting. This was really something I had been sure about not finding arousing all my life. But everyday we learn new details about ourselfs and i guess today, I learned something shameful: I think the idea of being made to helplessly soil my panties exciting.

Now I know, doing such an act actually, in real life, save in public could REALLY ruin my reputation and thereby my life. Therefore, I had a conversation with Mistress before posting this. It was difficult enough to admit it to her, but she has her ways of making me tell her the truth. She just laughed at my embarassment and then she revealed to me that she had actually asked me about this stuff already. It was in an earlier session and she made me forget it afterwards for she felt I was not ready to try it out.

Well, maybe I am ready now. She had me go deep and after she woke me up She said I was now destined to do it for i must realize that I really want to experience an act of ultimate shame and embarassment that I will never forgot. I will now have to write one sentence in uppercase that will tell my tormenter if I have decided to either experience it some more, stop it, or - do it for real. Stone me now, for I have only one option and Mistress made me even more sure of that then before:


And as always, be gentle. I will not even begin to like stuff that goes ANY further so please don't try. It will just annoy Mistress to delete those messages. I am into humiliation and for me, this will be the peak. Hate me or love me for it, or just stop caring.

As for tomorrow I will need to attend a few courses so I guess I'll be out of the house all day until the evening. I will let you know what happens. Be warned.
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I am sorry, but...

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 23rd, 2009, 12:45 am

I just had another short session with Mistress because there were some things clogging up my head and making this whole pleasurable humiliation experience something that drained me in a way i could not bear any longer.

For different reasons, from now on I am instructed to ignore all hypnofiles that attempt one or more of the following:

-install any kind of speech impediment, for it has been fun but Mistress considered that one old by now.
-request lengthy personal feedback vie email on top of writing my usual posts, for this was really starting to take up way too much time (in those cases i will only igonre the command to send detailed personal feedback, so the file may work anyway. i will, of course, continue posting my experiences here.)
-containing nothing or little more than a suggestion to wet or soil myself, for She considers that unimaginative
-commands that are impossible, even with good effort, to follow withour ruining my life (like "you need to masturbate every five minutes").

I hope you don't hate me now, but I have to admit that I am relieved by the thought of actually being able to accomplish some things during the lengthy day I am about to have attending my courses. Also, I'd like to point out that despite going out of the house, I will most likely check my email at least once from one of the library computers. *blush*

Btw, I have been made to mess myself yesterday. For REAL. It was disgusting, but the feeling of helplessness as I felt myself doing it was unbelievably stimulating. It wasn't just loss of control, it felt like my body obeyed the suggestion to void my bowels very eagerly, despite my shame and reservations against it. I felt betrayed by my own body, I felt dirty and untouchable and I felt that there was nothing I could do to avoid it. As soon as it happend, I knew it was bound to happen. That time, and again. It was only in the comfort of my home, but I have a feeling that it might happen again somewhere today so I am carrying some spare panties with me and hopefully it will be okay. Oh yes, the edge is being pushed and I'm afraid, not every guy who ogled me so far will find it as erotic what I might be doing in my panties somewehere soon. I like being sexy and also being looked at, even though some of my revealing clothes had been really uncomfortable to wear in public. But, of course, that was the Idea of those. But what will happen from now on will not just be sexy, or silly, it might be utterly disgusting, driving away even guys who seemed to be totally into me just seconds ago. This, I will love.
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Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

Bored, at the library computer

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 23rd, 2009, 1:46 am

Back on campus and in an attire that isn't humiliating at all - this is heaven, for a change. Well, heaven is boring i figured. But luckily there has been something going on anyway. Just not what I expected (which is a good thing *g*)

It started when I was standing at the bus stop. As soon as I had shut my appartement door, I felt something strange around me, like I was being watched or stalked by a being of some sort. I'd had that feeling since yesterday, but it wasn't nearly as strong as it was at that point. Now it may sound scary, but actually it was in bright daylight and I knew it was probably going to be good. I didn't know the half of it yet. *g*

Soon I began to feel that strange force closing in on me and... well, touching me. It was like I was being felt up by a ghost and it felt NICE. A little like those other times where my hands seemed out of control all of a sudden. But those weren't even my own hands. They were disembodied ghost hands, roaming around my body, very, VERY slowly finding their way to my awaiting pussy. At the time they got there, I had become completely oblivious of my surroundings, just enjoying the moment. The invisible hands really know what to do and soon I felt my climax build - and came, moaning loudly.

It was only then that I remembered that I was in public and as a matter of fact, the bus I had been waiting for was just pulling out of the stop. I could see a number of people through the windows who were staring at me rather obviously. I noticed I had my right hand down the fron of my pants and I felt it to be very wet. Well, that had been humiliating again. Spent as I must have looked, a nice looking guy asked me if I was allright. I was afraid for a second that he might have triggered me in some way, but luckily this time, nothing seemed to happen. I just got on the next bus and figured that, having missed my course anyway, I could just pop over to the library computers for a second and write about this while the memory is still fresh and my panties are still wet :-)

Boy, I really got to make sure that nobody is looking me over the shoulder but luckily the screens here are very reflecting for some reason, so I'd know. Also, my stomach feels a little queasy but not at all like I'm getting sick or something. It feels kinda nice, but strange. I guess it must be the effect of some trigger and I hope it won't make me pop at some point, for I feel a little bit like having a water balloon inside of me... :?

Okay, I should really get to my course now. I will be late and everybody will look at me disapprovingly. I guess I am just into embarassment of all kinds :lol:

I'll check in again afterwards.

Btw I am wearing my hair in pig tails today. I really had to check my reflection in the screen several times in a row to be sure that I am not dressed as a fetish schoolgirl again. Looks like I am not. Good thing...

Boy I a m REALLY late now.... *runs off*
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Just checking in real quick....

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 23rd, 2009, 3:30 am

You won't believe it, but... oh, I am sorry. I guess you will be disappointed now when I tell you that my last course went on totally normal. Actually, the tutor had arrived even later than I had and, well, really, nothing happened. Now I just checked my Emails and there doesn't seem to be any new mail there too. I must admit, that despite feeling relieved that I'll be able to have lunch in peace now, I am also a little disappointed. Guess I did scare some of you guys away with my latest posts. Well, I guess i can deal witht nothing weird happening for once.

Only thing is, over the period of my course, that strange feeling in my tummy got worse. I am even more sure than befor now that it isn't any lkind of sickness, for I am feeling an appetite for lunch anyway. No, I think I can tell that is some kind of weird suggestion. I really hop it'll be alright... well, somehow I know. Have grown a little less scared of stuff lately, maybe Mistress did that.

Huh, there was something weird. I just thought I saw another girl from my course walk past behind me and I could have sworn that she was wearing a naughty school girl uniform like me... but well, she is gone now. Probably that was just my imagination going wild *g*

I'll go to the cafeteria and have lunch now and check in afterwards. May take my time, for my next course isn't for two hours. See you around!
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Postby naughtyemailslave » July 23rd, 2009, 6:19 am

Just coming back from the cafeteria and.. well, had I mentioned that there seems to be nothing happening today? Well it isn't exactly like that any more. Although today's encounters seem to be of a way more virtual nature than what had happened the days before. Or maybe not virtual, but somehow outworldly. As I had already mentioned, I seem to be haunted by ghosts. Not scary ghosts, but weird sexual ghosts. The first one I met when I went out of the house this morning (as I described earlier), but somehow there seem to be more and more coming up. Now these, at least aren't touching me (yet..?) but they are becoming annoying.

It started when I was writing my last post. I suddenly saw, in the reflection of my computer screen, a figure of a girl in a naughty schoolgirl outfit like the one I had worn a few days ago. I pushed the occurance aside, thinking it was just my mind, channeling the events of the past days somehow, but then, as I went out of the library, I saw another girl like that in the reflection of the glass facade of the building. And another one. All those times, I spun around, trying to look at them directly, but they were invisible then. I could only see them within reflections and thus I figured they must be some product of my imagination (what a shame, it would have been nice if they were all real and I had somehow started a fad *g*). Intrigued, I couldn't help but look into every reflecting surface and like before, those girls seemed to be there wherever I went. It started to get a little spooky when they started skipping and singing, just like scary kid ghosts often do in movies. But those weren't kids for sure. They were about my age and their outfits seemed even more lewd than the one I had worn. Also, after a few minutes of staring vacantly into a glass window (I must have looked silly), I noticed there were ghost girls wearing other outfits too. Most had incredibly short skirts (even shorter than mine had been) that fluttered in the wind, ever so often revealing their panties (their continuous skipping around didn't help much either). I even thought I saw a fetish french maid ghost for a second. One I remember in particular had an outfit that strongly resembled the one I had been made to wear once, consisting of a pink thong that obscenely peeked out above the gir'l ultra tight white lowrider jeans clad ass. . . Those pants were so ridiculously low cut that the girl's crack was clearly visible, even as she stood.

I shook my head and wondered what this was supposed to mean, or if I was supposed to interact with those ghosts somehow. I went to the cafeteria, since I was hungry and also I wanted to meet some people there.

As I stood in line, I noticed that there was a shiny handrail besides me and I could clearly see one of the "naughty ghosts" standing in line behind me. I couldn't resist the temptation to look around and, a little confused, I realized that it was actually some fat guy I didn't know. As I looked back at the handrail, the reflection was back and I heared it giggling behind my back. In a distance, I could hear those eerie ghost voices singing something I could not quite make out. It sounded like some kind of kid's song. Just like in the movies I thought.

Suddenly, I felt a certain presenc directly behind me and I heared a voice whisper my name. I spun around and still, there was nobody except that fat guy who must have thought I'm paranoid or something. Well, maybe I was. I gave him a brief smile and looked back forward. Then it was my turn to order, but while I did, I began to stuter as I felt that ghost breathing into my neck. It sent shivers down my spine. The lunch lady looked at me with an expression somewhere between bemused and annoyed.

I took my tray and hurried to the table where my friends were seated. They were already done eating. One of them called my name, asking me what had kept me from being on time, in a playful matter. As he said my name I heard a bunch of giggles behind my back and again, I spun around. Of course there was nobody there.

I apologized and took my seat, as the others continued their conversation. In the reflection of my knife, I suddenly saw one of the ghost girl's ample bosom, like she had bent down to me and again, I heared her whisper my name into my ear. Then I heared those giggles again. Instead of turning, this time I just held my knife to recognize them behind me in the reflection. It was four of them, each one in a different kind of outfit. At that moment, it dawned on me that those scantily clad ghosts were probably mocking me. Coming to think of it, they looked like caricatures of me. All just a tiny little bit more sluttly than I had been. Then they started chanting again and this time, between the gibberish, I could make out my own name. It must have been some strange ghost language because I was completely unable to understand what they were singing about. I just knew they were singing about me. And giggling behind my back.

Then, all of a sudden, I realized that my fellow students had stopped their conversation and were staring at me, irritated. I looked up from the reflection in my knife and suddenly I understood how weird I must have looked, staring at it. "There is something on here", I explained, rubbing my knife with a napkin. As I was doing it, one of the ghosts whispered "rub it gooood..." and giggled. Then they started singing their stupid song again.

I tried to eat in peace but it was hard, being taunted by ghosts the whole time. I couldn't do anything and I didn't want to look . To make matters worse, one of the guys I sat with asked me where I had been the day before and if I was okay. It annoyed me a lot and I felt that strange feeling in my tummy getting worse again. It didn't really keep me from eating, though because I was still hungry.

Somehow I got through the meal without going crazy from those taunting ghost voices behind my back. Also, surprisingly, I managed to convince my fellow students that I was really, really okay.

And now, well, I am once again typing away on one of the library computers an I have been getting really annoyed by those ghosts.

Thus, I have already taken matters into my own hands to get rid of them. I really don't understand what they want from me and why they were getting more annoying by the minute but I somehow figured that there was one way of stopping them. I knew, for some reason (i guess I was supposed to know) that I'd have to write THEM a really humiliating hypnofile, for they were caricatures of me, and therefore must have listened to the email slave files too.

I felt like it's just fair to humiliate them for good, even worse than all that had been done to me so far. I figured I'd pick some of the most devastating suggestions, modify them here and there, combine them into a file so devious it will surely teach those taunting sluts a lesson. Then, maybe it will be MY turn to giggle about them.

Be warned, though, I felt compelled to do something a little extreme:

You know that you MUST DO everything that is written in this file. You will read it thoroughly, eagerly absorbing all the instructions I will give to you. You know that, despite loving to taunt me, you are really just worse sluts than I am or could ever be. Knowing this will make you even more aroused and obedient, making it incredibly easy to go deep, deep, deep right now and follow all my commands. This is what you MUST DO and what you want to do.

You will have absolutely no recollection whatsoever of having ever received this mail by me. It will, however be your absolute desire to follow it in every little detail. This isn't something you can choose to do or not do. You have already chosen when you decided to taunt me. You KNEW that I had to do something to get my revenge on you. You KNEW that eventually, you'd HAVE TO OBEY this file. You MUST DO what I tell you to do.

You have shown me that you love parading around in those short skirts you're wearing. You know that they are highly inappropriate, but they feel so GOOD on your body, especially on your asses....umh...

You absolutely love your asses..... oh.. and you cannot resist showing them off. At the same time, you will recognize that your lewd behavior is actually highly inappropriate and everybody around you seems to disapprove of it.

Realizeing that, you will feel a deep seated need to earn some respect. But you know that you are just taunting sluts, so the only way of earning respect that will come into your mind is showing off your assets. You'll want to carry a few books around you at all times you are on campus to maybe fool some people into believing that you are more than just sluts. But whenever somebody treats you disrespectful, you will know that you MUST DO something else. When it happens, you will drop your books. Realizing it you will say "oops" in a very playful manner. Then, you will turn with your back at the person whose respect you want to earn and then slowly bend over from the waist to pick up your dropped books, keeping your legs perfectly straight, flashing your pretty panties in an obscene manner.

The moment that your hands touch those books, however, you will suddenly realize what you are doing and how extremely inappropriate it is. You will recognize then, that you have done something bad and freeze in shock for a few seconds. Then you will straighten up quickly and go.

Every time you obey the command I just gave you, you will feel aroused and ashamed at the same time. Despite feeling humiliated, you will take pride in at least having put on a good show.

Now if someone should actually be impressed by what you do and make any comment of appreciation about your ass... ungh... like saying "nice ass"... uh... at any time, you will notice something about it that you MUST DO immidiately.
You will find that you need to put the aforementioned body part to use. You will feel an overwhelming need to empty your bowels, because that is what that dirty body part was really made for. You know that some people may enjoy looking at it, but there is something more important you have to do and it will instantly demand your full attention. You will desperately try to find a rest room, but you will be unable to spot them. No matter how well you remember to know the locations of the nearby restrooms, no matter if there are signs pointing them out, these rooms will just not be existent for you. After exavtly one minute of desperation, you will suddenly feel your bowel muscles pushing strongly and you will begin to empty your bowels into your pretty panties. It will happen slowly but steadily, there will be no way of stopping it from happening. As you realize what you are doing, you will finally remember where the nearest bathroom is and you will be allowed to go there You will be completely unable to pull down your panties until you are finished voiding your bowels into them. You will then clean yourself up as good as possible, feeling dirty and ashamed. and without wearing panties.

After you have soiled your panties, you will be free of the commands in this file. You will, however, remember every detail of what you did, knowing that I made you humiliate yourself and that you'll never want to taunt me ever again.

If this is the second time you are reading this file, you will be reday to obey it. Otherwise you will read this file once again, embedding my commands deeply in your mind.

You MUST DO everything I command you to do in this file and you will have no recollection of having received this email.

Just sent that to some address... which I have already forgotten. Does anybody know maybe? :?

Sure enough, they went away as soon as I had sent this disgusting piece of email....
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Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby werepuppy » July 23rd, 2009, 6:43 am

omg, is that what you sent me? I know I've got an email in my inbox, but I can't open it at work because Angel set it up to do an error.

I wanted to take a bit of a risk with my files, they've been a bit mundane lately. So I sent you one saying you'd see the mirror girls, who are wearing outfits that are both exactly the same as what you've worn the last few days, and rude enough to get them in serious trouble. And then it would seem natural to send a hypnofile email to those girls, but you send it to me instead.

I was kinda hoping after you'd sent it, you'd be kind of humiliated thinking "They're not real, OMG, who did I just send that email to?"

But your rationalizeation for ghosts being susceptible is awesome and fun :)

I'm a bit apprehnsive, though. At least walking around on campus should be safe enough; there's almost nobody there at summer break.
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Joined: July 11th, 2009, 12:00 am


Postby naughtyemailslave » July 23rd, 2009, 7:07 am

I sent that to an ACTUAL email slave? Omg I am so sorry.... :oops:

I just felt compelled to do something evil, even more evil than what had been done to me. I had been taken them for ghosts so I figured maybe some devious tormenter of mine would require me to write such a thing to make them disappear and also, get a cheap laugh as I had to come up with something that is, well, at least as revealing as it is evil. I REALLY did not mean any real life person to ACTUALLY do what I wrote there. I hope it can be stopped somehow and, needless to say, I feel terrible. :-(

I guess I'll go home now, not feeling too well...
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Re: omg

Postby demigraff » July 23rd, 2009, 7:49 am

naughtyemailslave wrote:I sent that to an ACTUAL email slave? Omg I am so sorry.... :oops:

Out of curiosity, how does it make you feel to realise that? How did you feel when you were writing it?

Your evil side is surprisingly well-endowed for such a charming and obedient slavegirl.

naughtyemailslave wrote:I guess I'll go home now, not feeling too well...

Are you OK? Is this our suggestions making you feel ill, or your emotional state? Or just actually feeling ill?

Hope you're OK
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Like a water balloon

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 23rd, 2009, 8:01 am

Well I feel ashamed of what I did. I don't really know what came over me. I guess there is some evil inside me. Mistress once said so and she taught me that it is a good thing that she keeps me from doing evil things. I want to be a good slave instead.

About the other thing: I have JUST gotten better. Actually, it was some kind of suggestion making me feel like a water balloon or something. I felt like I'd had drank lots and lots of water. I even had to go to the bathroom more often. (Needless to say, I forgot to lock the stall doors a few times but I got away with it *g*)

Well as I came home, I felt a little sick actually. Also I realised that it seemed to be hard to move around so I lay myself down.

And well, then, some person talked to me in a privat chat and another one as well. They were suspiciously interested in my current state and I assumed something was about to happen. Of course it was a great relief to finally lose all that water I felt in my belly.

Unfortunately, as that one person made me, I wet myself. :?

All over the sofa cushions again :-(

Well I guess a slave girl always gets what's coming to her. If that is all of my punishment for writing that evil file, I consider myself lucky. I'll clean this up now.
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An embarassing phone call (warning, this gets nasty)

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 23rd, 2009, 11:18 am

I have witnessed yet another ghost today. It was one of the mirror ghosts again, but this time, she seemed to look even more like a slutty version of myself than before. Although I could not make out what it was about her that I thought to be slutty, but somehow i knew. I saw her in the reflection of my laptop. She seemed to be standing behind me. I waited, staring at her, waiting what she might do for she was all quiet.

After a few seconds she seemed to come floating up to me. She whispered something in my ear. I couldn't make out what she said but I felt it to be really important. The effect she had on my air doing it was amazing. I actually felt kind of bad for the girl because I remembered that I had sent that obnoxious email to her. At the same time however, her mere breath on my ear felt excitingly erotic. But more important was the message that she had given me. I felt like I had to tell someone on the wmm chat immidiately and, finding one of my favourite tormenters there, I decided to tell him.

Problem was, as soon as I was in a private chat with him, I could not for the life of me remember what message that girl had given to me. Embarassed, I just made something up and blurted out that I hadn't orgasmed for some time. Now that sounded just awfully slutty of me. I actually didn't know what to change the topic to and I guess he knew. Then, however, he brought up another topic that had been on my mind the whole day and in a way I was relieved that he did.

Problem was, I really had to make an important phone call. There is a tutorium starting next semester and this is the last week to enlist for it. You basically have to call a phone number and leave your full name and your student id number. No big deal, one might think. But I already knew that my body would be doing something nasty once I said my own name. So I had pushed that little to-do aside the whole day. Not very wise, I guess and as I talked to my tormentor, he made me realize that I had no choice but to make the phone call very, very soon. So add to my embarassment he ordered me to do it from a nearby pay phone.

I already knew that there was nothing I could do to stop the inevitable from happening. In a way, I was hoping that the number wouldn't work or something, but with every step I took (the pay phone he sent me to was two blocks away), I felt more and more helpless and at the mercy of his programming. Of course i knew that I had, at some point, chosen to be made to do this. But while in the chat room I hadn't expected it to happen so soon.

It was just no use to struggle against it. I would be obeying and there was nothing that could possibly prevent me from doing the disgraceful act I was about to commit.

The payphone I used was a double sided one but I was the only one using it at the time. The street was crowded, lots of people passing by in a hurry but somehow i figured maybe it was for the best that everyone was ignoring me. Hands shaking, I retrieved the crumpled up note from the pocket of my jeans. I felt so humiliated already. I was about to be betrayed by my own body. I totally saw it coming. Maybe there was someone watching me, not expecting me to be such a nasty girl. My body felt tingly all over in anticipation of the forces of my programming that were about to take over.

I dialed the number and of course I had to hang up and redial several times because in my nervousness I kept mistyping it. At that moment, strangely amused, I realized that I hadn't been using a payphone in years.
Then, I suddenly heared the beeping from the phone and... someone was picking up. I was totally startled by that for I had not expected to speak to an actual human being right then. I stammered an apology and said my name. My full name.

And it began. I gasped in shock. It was an overwhelming feeling that suddenly took hold of my lower body. I felt my bowel muscles coming to life and tried to gather my senses and focus on the conversation, my head turning red. Down there, I felt my body pushing with an amazing force. I could barely speak in whole sentences, even less remember my student ID number. As I felt my sphincter opening up effortlessly, the contents of my bowels slowly sliding into the seat of my panties, I tried to fumble my student id card out of my pocket. My voice shaking, I read my number. I had to repeat it three times. I began shouting from my impatience. I guess the guy I was talking to must have believed I am just an unfriendly person. Well, he didn't know about the disaster that was just happening in my pants. Nobody knew. None of the people passing by suspected a thing. Nobody was pointing fingers, exclaiming that I was a nasty girl. When the call was finally done, I just hung up and realized I was literally gasping for air, all from my excitement and arousal. I had just helplessly, but obediently pooped my pants in public.

With quite a load in my panties I walked home, carefully trying to avoid walking funny. It was no use, the contents of my panties were nothing to be ignored. If somebody had been looking at my fanny at that point, maybe it would have shown. I used to have such a nice ass....uh, but now, well, there was certainly nothing nice about it any more.

Cleaning up was hell, though and I will spare you the details. You wouldn't want to know (I am not sure if you wanted to know any of this, but that is not my problem I think).

After taking a good shower and starting the washer, I already felt better about it. The excitement was still there and, still in the shower, a nasty slave girl rubbed herself into a wonderful orgasm. Had anyone seen me then, I am sure they couldn't have suspected a thing about how messy I had just been. Good thing! I went there and now I was back from it. Definately a worthwhile trip I'd say, although not for everyone.

Finally I got dressed in fresh clothing (the third set today) and well, here I am.
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Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

Something vanilla-ish for a change

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 23rd, 2009, 3:56 pm

I had been going for a walk a few hours ago for somehow this day has been a little boring (i hope tomorrow will be a little more surprising... *g*)

Funny thing, I saw that many of the women I passed by seemed to be scantily clad. Most of the men seemed to be naked altogether. Now I am not stupid so I guessed that i must be hallucinating this, but it was funny. Many of those people looked rather awkward, but some looked quite sexy to me. At least I could feel that I was getting aroused as I looked at them. At the same time, it repelled me to be around so many naked or half naked people, not all of whom looked attractive to me in any way.

Soon, however my arousal had built up to a point where I felt like playing with my pussy....hmmm...oh yes, that kind of thing. Thus I hurried back home, only to find that I was unable to masturbate once more. I remembered that Mistress had prohibited "you can not masturbate for x hours" triggers so i guessed there might be something i could do to be able to get to work between my legs. As I looked out my window, seeing the short skirted women on the street, I felt like I should dress up just like they were so I tried that. Sure enough, as soon as I was wearing my ridiculously short skirt, not only did my ass ... feel nicely hugged by it. I found that suddenly I had no trouble shoving my eager hand down between my thighs. And so i did.

I came quickly, but it wasn't the last time this night.

I realized that once again I was deriving an amazing amount of pleasure from playing with my ass .. oh so i did that for a while, stroking and slapping it until i came again. The amazing thing was that after a few days of having it as sensitive as it was, it felt like my orgasm was actually originating from the flesh of my ass, ungh, spreading throughout my entire body. It was three extra hard slaps of my own hand that pushed me over the edge and each one felt like a little climax in itself.

Well, I pretty much spent the evening masturbating. There was one email that somehow made me end up in some giant stadium with lots of people watching and chering while I could not help but play with myself. As I came again, there was an uproar of cheers and applause like when a player in a game scores. It was amazing and I felt VERY attractive once more. It felt really nice that all those countless spectators were able to feel so happy for me in empathy. I like to think that maybe some of them came too as i did *g*

Uh and then I was reminded of one particular trigger that I had already discovered but not tried since: Writing the word lick (uh!) still feels like a tongue against my clitoris. The nice person who made the trigger pointed it out and as I tried it in the chat room I could not help but write it over and over until I came once more. I felt like I was in some kind of delirium alreday, but then he gave me another trigger that I also had to try out. Whenever I say the word suck, I... omg...feel licke...oops...er...

had to stop there for a second for I am too spent to do this again. But well that one made me feel like my nipples were being sucked and in conjunction with the other trigger I brought myself over the edge once more before I felt I could take no more for now. *g*

The problem about the "s..." trigger is that it lasts until I closed my eyes for ten seconds so I should really take care that I don't use it by accident...

Alltogether, you can see, I had a busy evening :-)

Tomorrow will be my last day of attending courses for the semester so all evil ideas that make it worth while are highly appreciated *g*
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

going to sleep now

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 23rd, 2009, 5:44 pm

No mail so far :? (at least, not that I can remember it) getting a little desperate :oops:

I hope my last day of the semester won't be a dull one? Well, I'll see. It is, at least partially, up to you folks ;-)

Good night, everybody! I will write up tomorrow, as usual.
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby pimp951231 » July 23rd, 2009, 8:53 pm

LOL i sent you the one about the ghost orgasm in public, but i didnt say nothing about being haunted by ghost. lol i guess that someone else having fun with u.
Posts: 35
Joined: May 25th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 24th, 2009, 12:24 am

pimp951231 wrote:lol i guess that someone else having fun with u.

I bet they are :-)

I woke up just now from Mistress calling me on the phone. She happens to have one particular technique where, if she notices that she just woke me up and i am still a little confused, she just picks up on it and... well off i went into trance *g*

She told me she'd had to even some things out, but that I had been a good slave (which of course made me feel all warm and tingly). She told me she wouldn't take away too much from me today for looking over my inbox she believed I was going to have a fun day. Hearing that excited me a lot and I am really growing eager to go to campus just now. There were, however, a few files where she may have intervened at least a little (which can btw also mean making things more clear instead of just taking them away).

Anyway, I guess I'll enjoy (and, as always: regret) this day *g*

Will check my email now.
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Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

Getting "dressed"

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 24th, 2009, 1:17 am

Just read through my email and despite not remembering exactly what was inside my inbox, I have a strong feeling that there were some "hazy" bits again. Hmm, the mere unclearness of what is to follow excites me already *g*

Now there is something about the last day of the semester around my university that is, in my case, particularly convenient. First, nobody really seems to take that day too seriously, not even the professors, tutors etc.. Lots of pranks get pulled and, well, some people like to play a little dress-up too. Which is particularly good for me because I can, with no reservations, parade around in my naughty schoolgirl costume (which I really, REALLY feel like wearing today) and it will all be forgiven for SURE *g*

Gosh, something about those emails made me want to show off my body real bad and I feel so EAGER to do it.... looking at those women out on the street, dressed in their skimpy outfits... I can almost outdress them. I think I might. This is going to be goooood, my pussy is, hmmm, on FIRE already. But I will contain myself for now *g*

oh dear... lick...uh...

lick suck lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick LICK LICK LICK LICK LICK LICK LICK LICK LICK LICK LICK LICKLICKLICKLICKLICKLICKOMG!!!!!

Okay, well, NOW I will contain myself :oops:

Got to put on makeup now anyway ;-)
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

half out the door

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 24th, 2009, 1:33 am

And off I go...

I'll try logging in at the library computers as often as possible. *g*

Sorry, no time for further descriptions right now. See you!
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am


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