Musclebound Trigger

A place for Subjects and Hypnotists to come together.

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Musclebound Trigger

Postby DAVE275 » August 17th, 2009, 12:37 pm

I am a bodybuilder who would like to hook up with a Tist , who understands muscular development and might be able to assist my efforts
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Re: Musclebound Trigger

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 17th, 2009, 1:15 pm

That's an area of hypnosis I understand and enjoy.
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Musclebound Trigger

Postby Dave285 » August 23rd, 2009, 8:28 pm

cool,, what is our next step MN FG ?
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 24th, 2009, 5:01 am

In a word, the next step is assessment.

Would you tell where you are and where you want to go?

    In these areas, where are you and where do you want to go:
    - lifting habits & experience?
    - diet habits?
    - resting habits and treats?
    - hypnosis experience
Additionally, would you tell your age, weight, height & bf composition?

We can keep this in a public forum, allowing others to learn. Or we can take it private. Your choice.
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Musclebound Trigger

Postby Dave285 » August 24th, 2009, 9:07 am

MN/FG ,,, Great. I am 52 y/o and have been lifting weights since I was around 15. I am presently "overweight" being in more of an "off season" condition...@ 305 @ 5'11" on barefeet.. . I am still carrying a alot of solid symetrical muscle too thou. Only an idiot would call me fat. I Bodybuilding 75% of the year and Powerlift the other 25%. Right now I am training to shed bodyfat and get leaner and denser and stronger , I want to train like this ( fat loss muscle gain or at least maintenance ) for the 10 weeks or so till around Thanksgiving, when I plan on being a leaner , harder 275-280, then around the Thanksgiving thru New Years Holidays period ,, I will train as a Powerlifter ,, and also eat more and bulk up once again. Right now I am on an excellent training program ,, where I do an intense Full Body w/o 3 days a week ( M-W-F ) it takes oly 45-60 minutes max ,, as I only perform a single set for each muscle area, in the 8-12 rep range with only 30-45 seconds between sets. There are 21 exercises I do this way. ( GREAT pump !) As a lifelong BB I have followed the "sport" and tried every and all programs there are . I have discovered than simple "consistancy" works best for me . ( and most everyone ). It is this consistancy that I would like to improve upon. At my advanced age , it is often tempting to blow off a workout and do something else ( usually NOT in my best interest as a muscleman. )
I have dabbled with Self Hypnosis for 20 years ( Pete Seigel as a hypnotist comes to mind. ) I am seeking a "mental suppliment " which will not only help me never to skip a workout , but one which will drive me to even greater increaes in musclesize and strengh. I do not compete , I simply enjoy being big and strong and physically capable.
I am a big boned scandinavian ( mostly ) mesomorph/ endomorph and am a very easy gainer of muscle and fat. I also have a very healthy appetite and there is nothing I do like enjoy eating. ( any food ) AS such I tend to stray away from what I should be eating and eat what I shouldnt and id like to get some help on tightening this mental aspect up/
I do not sleep well. I run a couple small businessess and tend to bring it home with me. I definately need to be getting better quality sleep to acheive my goals. ( When you say "treats" are you referring to things I might do to "treat" myself ,, or treats of a dietary nature ? Protien Shakes are how I treat myself dietarily ,,,, For amusement I like bike riding and clothes shopping in Thrift Stores ( Salvation Army ,, Good Will etc ) I have a dozen self hypnosis CD's and Tapes. I have had a few telephone sessions ...... ( which I am in favor of ) never any person to person ,,, except when I was 21 and one of my HS buddy's talked me into trying to hyptnotize me , only to find out later he was gay and had ulterior motives ,,lol. ... if he could have helped me acheive my goals id have went along with him. I cannot be sure but id say my BF ratio is around 15-16% right now. 55c 44w 47glutes 31t 18.5c 18.5n 20.5a 16forearm 8.5wrist 11EEEE feet.
My "goal" is to add an inch to both my calves and neck ,, and reduce my waistline down to 39-40. Any help you can render will be greatly appreciated. I am OK with being in this Public Forem , my narcissitic personality is OK with it. They can post what they want either positive or negative is OK with me. Let me know if there is anything you need clarified ,Thanks again , Dave ( 305 )
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 24th, 2009, 8:08 pm

An excellent posting, Dave. Your openness is appreciated.

A goal of losing 2 pounds per week over a ten-week period is aggressive.

    - What cardio are you doing? How often? For what duration?

    - Besides riding your bike, what other types of cardio are fun?

    - Have you ever used a food log to track protein & calorie intake?

As a personal observation: the goal of adding an inch to both your calves and neck... it gave me pleasure. It gives me pleasure because it confirms you're motivated about lifting. It also confirms you pay attention to detail. I like that.

But let's step back from the topic of bodybuilding a little. Just for fun, please tell about something you did once that was both a little crazy and a lot of fun.

By the way - thanks for your patience. We'll set up an appointment for trance eventually... after I understand your circumstances sufficiently. It's either real, or it's nothing.
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Postby Dave285 » August 24th, 2009, 10:51 pm

I understand my metabolism and yes 2 pounds a week will require focused attention , and is quite doable. I have done similar goals before , I have also kept detailed food logs , so I unconsciously know exactly what I should be eating .. I just overeat sometimes ( intentionally ) ,, but now is the time to stop all that for 10 weeks. I ride my bike 6 miles 3 times a week ,,, on training days I do not ride ,, but my workout is fatburning cardio based as well as PUMP freindly,, 30-45 set rest between 21 single sets 8-12 reps..... SWimming in the ocean can be alot of fun ,, Id like to strart getting into swimming more ,,,, it does wonders for my joints and muscletone everywhere. As for doing something crazy and fun,, Before I was 21 I traveled around the world over land 2 times. Livced abroad , "alone" for 2 years. I understand your process. I am as real as it gets . thanks , Dave
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 25th, 2009, 9:04 pm

Thanks for another insightful response. I'm especially glad to learn swimming is fun; an activity you enjoy.

I'm glad to learn about it for two reasons. Firstly, when I'm aware of the things you enjoy, it's easy to incorporate them into a trance outline. And, yes, I prepare an outline before guiding. Secondly, it assures me that you're fearless about water metaphors - ready to dive in.

And now, on to the next set of questions...

Please tell me about the places that are meaningful to you; the places that make you happy; the places where you spend a lot of time.

Also, would you tell me how recently you experienced your last real-time trance (face-to-face, phone or Voice-over-IP)?
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