Assistance with reaching trance

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Assistance with reaching trance

Postby Windseeker » August 6th, 2009, 3:05 am

One Male, 20 years old, looking for hypnotist to assist with reaching trance state to further studies of trance and meditation.

Not looking for any sort of fetish or erotic hypnosis, but a trigger to assist reaching trance by myself in order to use as a springboard for further exploration. This is in addition to a comparison between trance reached by myself, myself with aids, by hypnotist over internet, and hypnotist in person.

..The reason I ask this is out of innate curiousity, and the desire to share knowledge with others. I won't lie and say that it's all "for science" and not abit for myself, but I feel it is needed to experience all spectrums of trance and trance-like states in order to more efficently provide information about said states.

If interested, please contact with private messages and we'll work from there. Thank you for your time.
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Joined: August 6th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby Nappyboy » September 2nd, 2009, 6:50 pm

I find your post interesting When you say you’re just curious, wanting someone to help you get into a trance or that it’s just for scientific purposes. Who cares what your motives are?

OK, let me share with you just some of my knowledge of trance and hypnosis. Firstly we go in and out of trance states everyday without the need for some trigger. We have the walking down the street trance while daydreaming. Some people are even walking in the, mobile phone trance and unaware of what’s going on around them. These are just different states. The next time you’re daydreaming and someone comes into the room and talks to you and you’re not aware of their presence and don’t hear them talking to you and you then come too when they finally get your attention you will have been in a trance state. Some states are more helpful then others.

Have you ever put your keys down then forget where you put them as you’re looking around for them because you want to go out. You’ve looked everywhere then you notice them on the kitchen table, but they weren’t there when you looked before? That’s called a negative hallucination. We can sometimes see things that aren’t there during a trance state and this is a positive hallucination.

Whether you call it meditation or hypnosis it’s a matter of personal opinion. In hypnosis we have a desired outcome and the process is guided. In meditation we are focusing on say our breathing or a particular theme as in Buddhist mediation.

If you’re listening to a hypnosis program and find that you are not able to relax and the person isn’t able to induce a relaxed state and trance in you then that’s a reflection on the hypnotist’s ability and lack of skill as a hypnotist, and not that you can’t go into or experience trance or that you can’t be hypnotized. Like anything in life, there are good dentists and bad dentists. Many wannabe hypnotists have no knowledge or proper use of tonality and language patterns as those used by Milton H. Erickson (1902-80) and who is generally considered to be the most important hypnotherapist. He was a psychiatrist/hypnotherapist practising in Arizona. The other great hypnotist that I know is Dr Richard Bandler, Co founder of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) also Paul Mckenna.

You have been going in and out of trance states everyday of your life, we all have.
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Postby Windseeker » September 3rd, 2009, 2:26 am

Getting the reasons out helps prevent any sort of misunderstanding on either parties' side. A ounce of prevention now is better then a pound of cure later as the saying goes.

The difference between going into a trance state by yourself, whether unknowingly or by purpose, from what I understand, is different from having another persons help. I don't respond well to other peoples voices trying to take me down, recorded file or live, it isn't a matter of skill in my case, it's a matter of my mental state.

In comparison, I respond very well to visual aids. I would assume that extends over IM and, from recent testing, programs that rely on sight rather then hearing.

Moving on however, I thank you all for putting up with this little topic, and I appreciate the response I got from you, Nappyboy.
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Joined: August 6th, 2009, 12:00 am

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