Community Building - erotic hypnosis wiki

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Community Building - erotic hypnosis wiki

Postby slutinmyhead » February 10th, 2011, 2:10 am

I keep thinking of ways we can bring more people into erotic hypnosis and build our community, and not just because those of us with a head start would potentially become rock stars overnight. I think we need HBO to do a Real Sex episode about us, or maybe erotic hypnosis shows up in a movie...

Got connections? No? Well, then, how about we do something ourselves? Maybe we could make a Wikipedia entry. It could mention popular hypnotic themes, major websites where enthusiasts gather and hypnotist bios. Anyone interested in pursuing this?

The way I think of it as this: the more people into erotic hypnosis, the greater our dating pool and the easier it is to explain to a new partner (because they'll have a better chance of prior exposure). The best way to bring more people into erotic hypnosis is to find new ways to reach the mainstream.

Anyone else have ideas on this subject?

The Wiki thing just seems like a given, but I looked up Warp My Mind on Wikipedia today and was amazed it wasn't there. How can something so important to me simply not exist in what will probably be how future generations learn about the present?

How do we remedy this?
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Re: Community Building - erotic hypnosis wiki

Postby sarnoga » February 10th, 2011, 4:14 am

slutinmyhead wrote:How do we remedy this?

Very carefully
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Re: Community Building - erotic hypnosis wiki

Postby DKaiser » February 10th, 2011, 5:16 am

sarnoga wrote:Very carefully

Agreed. Also, if you wanna do Wikipedia, be prepared to fight over whether the site is 'notable' enough to have an article. Many Wikipedia editors are known to remove articles simply because they don't think it's all that notable.

As for what you'd put there, here's a few suggestions:

Definition: What is Erotic hypnosis; how does it differ from stage or theraputic hypnosis?
Philosophy: Mainly an expounding on Safe/Sane/Consentual, though also pointing out the reasonw hy Erotic Hypnosis is used(like fantasies being able to experience said fantasies, even if they wouldn't be safe/practical to do physically).
Common Categories: What sorts of things are common in Erotic Hypnosis? In this case, it'd talk about consenting behavior modification, fantasies played out in trance, and so forth. Put this in terms of what people are looking for, so as to give it some flavor.
Uncommon Categories: This, however, should be a laundry list. Minor things, like files to modify attitude towards the world at large, and so forth.
Risks and GAHP: I abbreviate to GAHP(Generally Accepted Hypnosis Principles), though I blame this to doing my accounting homework while typing this. Basically, what are common 'bad ideas' for Erotic Hypnosis, and what do reputable hypnotists/subjects do to avoid them?
Common Websites: WMM, obviously, but things like Furmorphed/Esuccubus would qualify as well(don't feel sad if I didn't post your site in this blurb). Basically, sites with a significant membership/web traffic, that focus in the area. Small Yahoo groups wouldn't qualify.
Sources: Wikipedia loves their sources, so put some here. Links to websites, articles about erotic hypnosis that are cited, and so forth.

Also, put a statement on the general Hypnosis article so that the Wikiwalk can commence.
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Postby JadynMC » February 10th, 2011, 11:54 am

Yes very carefully my eyes are on Florida right now and how they have a bill.

"Florida House Bill 4039 will OUTLAW HYPNOSIS AS OF JULY 1 by anyone except licensed psychologists."

Now I don't know what the background story is as to why a bill like this would come up... but this takes out stage hypnotists and the whole thing about having a hypnosis certificate. You would have to have a degree in psychology and be licensed.
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Postby mindphuk » February 10th, 2011, 6:00 pm

I wonder how Florida differs between hypnosis and ... uhm ... lets say guided meditation :)
Also there is hypnosis without trance:
When will speaking to people convincing them to do something illegal?

As for the Wikipedia thing, there is already one entry:
But not much explaining however...
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Postby slutinmyhead » February 10th, 2011, 10:21 pm

Good news. I was able to get my Florida representative on the phone, throw him into a light trance and convince him that house bill 4039 was a total piece of shit. Here's the link to his apology for ever suggesting something so crazy....

Ha ha! I'm kidding, of course. Hypnosis is just fun entertainment. It's silly to think you can make someone do something... (ahem) against their better judgement. (giggle, giggle)

Okay, so there is a very skimpy article on erotic hypnosis in Wikipedia. Thanks, mindphuk. And Dkaiser, you have some great ideas... I'm thinking we can probably make the wiki article a lot more robust, then maybe work on creating additional entries that refer back to it. I don't know much about Wikipedia politics, but I'm guessing as the Erotic Hypnosis article grows, it may seem less frivolous if some of its aspects spin-off into articles of their own...
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