Ladies and Gentlemen, as of about an hour ago, as per an agreement with my girlfriend, I am once again free to roam the internet in search of subjects to hypnotize. Let me first make it absolutely clear that I'm not interested in getting into a serious relationship with you. That being said, I'm open to practically everything else.
I don't want to boast, but I'm a skilled hypnotist with 4 years of practice, and in those 4 years I've done some pretty incredible things. I've done things as simple as the body slave trigger you find on this site, to as complicated as a 100% personality change. I'm completely open to ideas of what you'd enjoy having happen.
There are some basic rules I have though. No phone. Absolutely no phone. Cam, mic, that's great (just don’t expect to see/hear me often). NO PHONE. No personal contact info is to be swapped other than an email addy or screen name. Most important of all, no lies.
Lastly, I want to make it perfectly clear, I do this for my own fun and yours too. I do this to even help people out sometimes. All that’s well and good, and I assure you my skills are real, but I have no formal training in this. It’s nothing more than a hobby. Therefore, I don’t charge anything.
Post a reply to this, or better yet PM me and if we’re both interested then perhaps something will happen.