Looking for a hypnotist.

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Looking for a hypnotist.

Postby lorelaibutterfly » February 28th, 2012, 12:31 am

My fantasy:

I would like to be constantly aroused, and to be controlled by that arousal. If I'm bored or don't need to be thinking about something else, I want to be thinking of that arousal and how controlled I am by it. It would be especially hot to wonder if others could tell how aroused I was, and to know that all a person would have to do would be to see wetness or touch me in the right place and know for sure that I was physically ready to have sex at all times. Because of how controlled I want to be by that arousal, I would want it to be very difficult to say no to sex with someone who I'm attracted to and it would be appropriate to have sex with. I would also like it that if that person showed dominant tendencies, for it to be on the bare edge of impossibility for me to say no if they ordered me to have sex or even suggested it in a forceful fashion -- that it would take everything I had to say no.

What I don't want:

I don't want my will entirely taken away. I don't want to feel humiliated or ashamed of this desire -- just controlled by it to a very significant degree. I don't want the current objects of attraction (men) changed. I do not want my intelligence or good judgment lessened. I am not looking for a triggered experience -- I want this to be an inescapable part of my nature. As you can see, this really isn't easily accomplished with most of the "slut" training files out there.

What I'm willing to do to get there:

I'm willing to listen regularly to taped files, to sleep to subliminal files, to give the right trusted hypnotist access to my computer to upload subliminal wordlists to a program I have and/or to the directory I would keep the files I listened to in to change them as they wished. I've used the Virtual Master program and would be very interested if someone wanted to program and monitor a script for it. I'm willing to allow the hypnotist to program things they are interested in programming, including triggers so long as they are not common ones, within certain limits (I will disclose them to a person as part of the negotiation process) and if my mind doesn't reject them or they don't cause me mental or physical discomfort. Given that I really don't believe emailed or text trances would work on me, they probably won't. It would take a great deal of courage and trust for me to get on a webcam and that probably will not happen right away (though I would be willing to as long as trance was not involved to verify my identity). I have Skype and a headset and microphone. If the person I end up working with is close enough geographically, I would be willing to meet or trance in person after trust was established.

Who I'd like to do this:

An intelligent, mature male who respects limits and is willing to earn my trust. I would prefer someone older than me and who was experienced in hypnosis. I want this very much, but I'm poor, so I can't pay, so I'm sorry if this would exclude some professionals on here.

Who I am:

I'm a 32 year old divorced redheaded genetic/biological female in the Southern US. I'm 5'1 and weighed 126 lbs when I got on the scale today. For more information about me, you'd have to get to know me. ;)
Posts: 2
Joined: February 25th, 2012, 1:00 am

Postby hexagon77 » February 28th, 2012, 6:42 am

Permanent arousal sounds hot. Something i also worked with before in smaller scales, for some hours, arousal on command, orgasms on command - all that going in this direction.

Would be happy to get to know you, and offer you my skills, when you feel comfy around me and think that we can reach your goals this way.

Will send you some more details as a PM. Hope to hear from you
Posts: 73
Joined: November 28th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby Tennek » February 28th, 2012, 8:02 am

I would love to work with you, I have in the past made people aroused for a few days at a time, I never went longer because they asked me to set limits, I already have a few ideas for you running around in my head and would love to discuss them with you.
Posts: 26
Joined: June 7th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby PhantomDog » March 12th, 2012, 6:32 pm

I know this post was a while ago, but I wanted to let you know, I also live in the south (Lousianna), and would be willing to talk to you.

Please note though, I am married, though my wife is somewhat bi, and is also getting into brainwashing, so she may actually enjoy this, too.
And yes, I read your post: You don't want your orientation changed.
Posts: 66
Joined: June 5th, 2006, 12:00 am

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