by Jal379 » May 9th, 2014, 4:39 am
i started listening to several of The Voice's files. Currently I am listening to Dumb Jock. Muscle Dummy and Muscle Imp Likes the Gym.
I have already seen some very subtle changes... I have been more motivated to eat healthy and work out. Next, I've developed an increased interest in fitness theory and sports. And lastly, I have also noticed a slight loss of brain power, so it seems the dumbing down has started.
I did notice that Muscle Imp subtly suggests the use of steroids and what is the most frightening thing of all, is that I cannot help but consider it. I keep finding myself looking at information regarding steroid use while online, and have come very close to making a purchase from one of the many internet steroid suppliers. This is never something I thought I would want, as I know that there can be serious side effects from juicing, but I am not sure how long I can resist the urge that Majorpixel has put in my head.
What's worse, is I am not sure I want to. I want to be a big fucking muscle dummy!
I really hope to stick with it this time and make the physical and mental changes that I want so bad.