In the past, I posted a link about an article talking about deep hypno and mental malware or trojan (see past post), and I've got some interesting answers but I'm still searching for something specific.
I always want to meet an Hypnotmaster with some Guru behaviour with his totalcontrol and hypno power... Creating a powerful hypnosis built to create his cult. Any leads?
I do find that very fascinating how the mind can be and act. Based on past experiences, I know mine is easy suggestible to those suggestion. And i am not the only one. Some tist told me to be careful because I go quick too fast... But I can't stop looking for what I miss n desire.
Because it's a delicate topic, please for safety of other, do not post it in the group.
Feel free to IM me, private message or email me since this can be a delicate topic for some.
Mtlscream2 on skype