by Ceot » October 31st, 2005, 2:20 am
The time will be spent With a renew of faith after reading this.
But let me be honest and open.
Would it be honest to say I dont have my own issues as well.
And sure I have had my fair share of screw ups, power trips and issues.
But in real life who hasnt....?
I,ve grown enough to admit my issues and to have over come most.
As to the rest?
The few I have are from beeing hurt.
When they heal ,i,ll continue to look some more .
Makeing sure not to let them complicate me.
I am very seriose about this.
But to that I must say this.
To be a true Dominant is to understand that
a relationship like this isnt sopposed to be....
Let me explain.
If you think you can look for a guy to submit to and one day wed.
You need to understand a few things so you dont get hurt.
First off date the guy first.
Not even as a Master yet, Play around like that but only play.
This is so you can see if he deserves your submission and life to be his.
After you give it to them, you really shouldnt need to take it back.
Because you should only give it to that rite person.
And youll regret it ,or end up alone again if you hadnt.
Secondly dont fear beeing alone.
Trust me in saying their are lots of us here for you to find.
So dont go for it all off the start.
Like I said youll only regret it ,or never understand what youve lost.
And lastly A Dominant Is neither looking for a seriose relationship past submission, or not looking for the love of his life.
Only time would tell were this would end.
So if you seek love then never ask and leave if you dont find it.
But if your looking for a true Master.
Then dont seek something permanent and get to know a person first.
As for me.
I,m not afraid to say what I meen.
Because if its meeningfull or not ,I just want to be open.
Nothing hidden or fake.
And here I can be me.
I thank you for all your very meeningfull comments.
Please let me call you all my freinds ,and know i,m here for you
if you should need of me.
Once again....THANK YOU.....
...Only time can tell its moments and minuts, I just regress that I must wait alone....... Me written just now. grins
Always in mind. And sadly twice as strong.