Want to become redneck/country boy

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Want to become redneck/country boy

Postby makemebad » January 4th, 2019, 6:26 pm

SF Bay Area here. Want to become a redneck/country boy, listen to country music, wear boots and jeans, chew tobacco, fish and hunt, etc. Can anybody do this?
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Re: Want to become redneck/country boy

Postby Jackstock » January 7th, 2019, 9:12 am

This is pretty cozy. I like it.
You can order a custom with me if you like (see my website)
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Re: Want to become redneck/country boy

Postby outkast1728 » January 14th, 2019, 2:53 pm

I'll do it, but it'll take a while to build it up, step by step into a full personality. Its not going to be a one trance thing where *POOF* youre a redneck..
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Re: Want to become redneck/country boy

Postby Jackstock » January 16th, 2019, 11:48 am

would be really nice if you could get someone with a southern USA accent to record it
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Re: Want to become redneck/country boy

Postby Jackstock » February 17th, 2019, 6:58 am

Someone else custom ordered this from me, just by chance. I put it up on my website.
You may have to copy-paste the link, as outgoing links dont always work on WMM
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Re: Want to become redneck/country boy

Postby makemebad » May 13th, 2019, 5:41 pm

Jackstock wrote:Someone else custom ordered this from me, just by chance. I put it up on my website.
You may have to copy-paste the link, as outgoing links dont always work on WMM

Bought it and have been listening to it almost daily for a month now. Definitely seein changes.

Have become a NASCAR fan and have been watching weekly (big fan of the 18 car, Kyle Busch). Football fan as well and getting ready for football season. My political views have changed radically as you said they would and am proud to call myself a conservative, want to buy my first gun. Bought a pair of boots and am hating most of my old clothes, wearing the the widest jeans I can to fit over the boots and have only been wanting to wear my plaid shirts. Listening to country music and dipping.

Good work man. Finally becoming the man I always wanted to be.
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Re: Want to become redneck/country boy

Postby outkast1728 » May 13th, 2019, 11:05 pm

@makemebad, can you message me on discord? i'd love to talk about it with you more in depth! Morphmaster Outkast #8569
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