Looking for Imaginative Masters

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Looking for Imaginative Masters

Postby Shikaru » August 29th, 2012, 2:32 am

I've had success with hypnosis, and I still have certain triggers, that'll be mentioned below, but I have abit of info first.

My Trancing is unstable because of natural defenses I tend to have, I snap right out of almost any trance when someone tries to do something stupid, excessively disgusting, or just cruel.

I'm rather sick of getting Childish 'masters' who just want to fuck with someone's head and make them go run around naked in public or waste a whole month trying to satisfy their suspicions that it doesn't work for real.

I want someone who's open-minded, yet controlling, and won't ooze skepticism out of every pore, and the more imaginative the better.

Now, onto the more useful information.

I have a number of triggers, and don't mind getting more, But The most useful I've had are emailslave and bubble induction, Because they allow any sort of experience to be crafted by the master, instead of the triggers doing just one thing.

So the more important trigger works to know are Hypnofun and 'This is your knew Hypnofile'.

Information About me that might prove useful.

I am very open minded, It takes something seriously retarded or out of my wide comfort zone to cause me any problems, But as long as your not childish about it you shouldn't have any problems with keeping me completely under your heel.

I am a fan of not being human [if you wanna call it furry go ahead, but i don't identify with the wanton sex freaks furries are known for], I am GAY!!!!, Female based hypno commands also break my trance out of anti-preference, in terms of 'kinky things' I'm open to a massive number of things and levels of debauchery.

This will actually provide a good list of 'things' that could act as hints, of course If you'll ignore this rather than simply 'not use' anything you don't like from the list, then you might not be the one for me anyway. http://www.f-list.net/c/alosh%20domiru

I am very much interesting in being completely controlled, I adore lasting commands and being 'trapped', as in unable to willingly leave my computer so that master can control me more. Though occasionally something irl will be heavy enough to break the trance.

For those Still interested, My Email is Sergal_Prince@yahoo.com And I'll be on Yim as often as i can to check, but I also accept PMs and Emails =3
Posts: 6
Joined: December 28th, 2011, 1:00 am

Postby Shikaru » September 24th, 2012, 1:53 pm

Bumping ^.^
Posts: 6
Joined: December 28th, 2011, 1:00 am

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