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PostPosted: August 29th, 2012, 3:56 am
by Tangy
Curses are not blessings. They ALWAYS Hurt you sooner or later.

Do anyone agree or disagree?

Please explain below>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

PostPosted: August 29th, 2012, 5:37 am
by EinherjarX
Since most (if not all) are "safe" so they dont trigger when you are in danger they at least wont be fatel.
But a file that may sound fun and interesting at first may turn out to be really bothering later. But i guess thats the whole point of files like that, since the cure files are almost always pretty pricey ;)
In the end, its a matter of opinion. Since i never had the "luck" that a file really worked, i cant say how a working, recurring curse file "feels like"