I love hypnosis but love it too much. Been into hypno for 10 years and so...
It's getting very addictive.. and i go under very too easily...
I need help because it'S hard now to focus on anything else then hypno and control... Any hypnotist here who can help me to be less addicted to hypno or get back to normal state.... because...
Just thinking about hypno now makes me feel I must submit and give total control just like i did with previous hypnomasters to a point i was giving without not knowing or resisting personal info, $, account, teamviewer etc…
Only a simple trigger like PuppetTime For You or an hypnotic spiral make me give addicted to hypno and deep under... giving all control and personal info to him even if i didn't want.. made me delete some profile, erase friends so i couldn't escape his power etc
So i need help.
mtlscream2 on skype and yahoo messenger