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Outkast isnt that bad

PostPosted: October 13th, 2013, 9:33 pm
by outkast1728
I know I've got a bad rap but honestly, I've been getting better, one guy is really nice and I've got him from being a dumb jock barely passing classes to being an almost-valedictorian..

So this thread is all about how I've helped people and all the good ive done, if you want to badmouth me, try to at least keep it polite...

PostPosted: October 13th, 2013, 9:43 pm
by sleepyjosh
Mmmmfff mmmm mmmmppphhh mmm mmmmfff.

PostPosted: October 14th, 2013, 5:55 am
by shadowguy
Hopefully not going to make people mad or whatever, but what did outkast do to get such a bad reputation? That's not sarcastic I'm bein completely honest I have no idea what happened though I am curious, and hell it won't even change my opinion on him, I will admit he has control over me, but I'm just asking because I'd like to know

PostPosted: October 14th, 2013, 9:07 am
by sfhole2stretch
As near as I can tell by posting this sort of crap himself. I've not really seen anyone else post horror stories. Seems more like a cry for attention than anything else.

PostPosted: October 14th, 2013, 2:37 pm
by shadowguy
I always thought it was something really bad like changing someone against their will or not respecting a boundary, I might ask him about it tonight and see what he says, so long as he's changed I don't have a problem with him

PostPosted: October 14th, 2013, 3:24 pm
by danny1988
Honestly ive not seen anything bad about Outkast, its all heresay and conjecture. I can understand if he gets upset with people saying hes bad with no evidence. Its just not nice in all honestly, ive never been his subject and honestly I dont want to be but thats mainly because im very very picky about who I choose to hypnotise me and now that is something I will only let my master do.

I cant remember what happened before really my memory is a little fuzzy partly due to personal issues with a friend on here. But I like to think if there was anything bad that happened hes changed and good on him for that.

PostPosted: October 14th, 2013, 3:51 pm
by uw_onsterfelijk
The fact that you actually have to make threads like this about yourself speaks volumes! I personally have no opinion on you other than you seem to generate and/or attract drama.

But hey, on the bright-side, good on you for getting better. You go man :-P

PostPosted: October 14th, 2013, 11:48 pm
by WatDo
He's OK. He just specializes in working with people who want to become dumb jocks. So if that's not your cup of tea, you know what to do.

PostPosted: October 15th, 2013, 3:02 pm
by shadowguy
He told me why last night, it honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it was, but I can understand why it would ruin a mans reputation

email slave

PostPosted: November 7th, 2013, 4:46 pm
by martinbeds
Outkast is a really good guy. He has given me a purpose in life, to be his slave and I will do anything for him.

Outkast has been working on me,

Outkast is my Master. I must and will obey him.

PostPosted: November 8th, 2013, 3:47 am
by EntrancedVulpine

Regardless, a bad rep has followed you around for SOME reason, and I've heard it on multiple occasions. So why then, are people being dicks to you and spreading rumors? Is it just one guy sockpuppetting around? I've never had a single sub have a bad experience with me or go onto boards to talk about it.

Try to use a new alias, and if people can't put two and two together, or better yet, say GOOD things about you, then I'd have a lot of respect for you because then that'd really mean you've changed.

Maybe you aren't a bad guy, but perhaps you're vapid and unoriginal or too expectant as a dom? Do you try and force the sub to do all the legwork? Not the right way to do it, bud. It's not right if they expect you to do everything, nor is it right the other way around.

From a sub perspective, you don't seem interesting enough.

PostPosted: November 8th, 2013, 5:44 am
by demigraff
I don't really know outkast; all I know is that I've seen a few people share their addresses on the email slave thread, then go on to start a new thread saying what a good master he is and how he's not that bad.

But ... if the person said they're only interested in submitting to a female, or only someone in their own country, and then their next post is saying they're suddenly devoted to outkast, then that's enough to give me a bad feeling about it.

PostPosted: November 8th, 2013, 6:42 pm
by Mutazoa
In the past, Outkast has responded to nearly every post that were looking for subjects, he has also posted quite a few threads looking for subjects himself. He also had a thread where he was looking to give away a subject (slave) he just acquired. This has made him appear very irresponsible at best.

He has gotten much better lately, though the fact that he started a new thread just to talk himself up isn't really a point in his favor, and the sudden appearance of several newbies that are raving about him about the same time seems a bit fishy. (to me at least) But I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for now.

PostPosted: November 8th, 2013, 9:28 pm
by EntrancedVulpine
Hmm, could this appeal to be seen in a better light perhaps be a chip in to try and turn his reputation around for the sake of reeling in subjects who actually think he's decent and upright when he's anything but, so he can then go on to take advantage of them?

Public image is one thing, what you do behind closed doors is something we'll never be able to know outside of the filter you put your subjects in. The ones who are stable enough to break out and snitch bad shit about you give us the only clarity of your character.

Honestly, you disgust me. The things I've heard of you make up the epitome of qualities found in a bad, unethical, irresponsible, one-dimensional hypnotist who cares more about himself than his subjects. You're bold enough to ask for "polite" criticism. What planet are you on, dude? Who are you trying to fool?

Honestly, it's laughable that you are the one who started this thread. I was expecting it to be created by a third party with a clear mind, but no. You made a thread about your own reputation being misunderstood. Wow.

"I'm not such a bad guy, take my word for it!"

PostPosted: November 9th, 2013, 5:29 am
by Bwarp
He's an annoying retard who starts telling u u are a 'jock' whatever that is, and trying to make u be one, every time u chat to him. Posts about him being good are done either by him or by him making someone post them even when they don't think it. There are 2 things he does, make u a 'jock' and make u post good things about him.