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How to put this?

PostPosted: September 24th, 2014, 9:07 pm
by dazedsub
I'm a female submissive. Rather profoundly submissive, I would say. Even though I've had extremely strong submissive fantasies all my life, I've found it quite hard to come to terms with, as some of my desires or fantasies seem to be rather... extreme. Or dark. Not in the sense that I'm aroused by things that involve harming others (thank goodness). But rather in the sense of what they turn me into.

Hypnosis plays a central role in many of my fantasies. And I'm not so unselfaware not to realise that the idea of a dominant hypnotist taking over my mind and will does strange things to me. However, I also realise that fantasies are fantasies and the desire of being brainwashed into mindlessness is likely impossible as well as not really a good idea and...

This post is a mess. I apologise - I don't really know very well what I'm saying, and I suppose I'd rather not overthink it or I'll lose my nerve and not post.

I suppose that what I'm saying is that I'd be happy to explore submission through hypnosis with someone who is also interested. My email is

So there it is.

PostPosted: September 24th, 2014, 9:12 pm
by Milesx3
Sent you an email, I'm really interested in helping you out!