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Hypno Trap, Cover hypno or mental malware...

PostPosted: December 1st, 2014, 12:57 pm
by mtlscream
I was reading some article online.... about deep hypno and mental malware or trojan....

It's very interesting. I think it's fascinating how the mind can be. I know mine is easy suggestible to those suggestion. And yes I did try that video and was working way too much on me. I guess I'm an easy sub to be put under.

Anyone think it's possible ?

I know it may or not be ethical, But anyonr knows any video or mp3 or link with hidden enslavement suggestions or could act like mental....

Feel free to IM me, private message or email me since this can be a delicate topic for some.
Mtlscream2 on skype


PostPosted: December 1st, 2014, 2:29 pm
by Marchasfun
I wish someone would create an app for this. I would use it. Would be great to be able to have someone you let pick the files you do. Let a partner create a playlist for you kind of thing.

PostPosted: December 1st, 2014, 2:40 pm
by ProfessorPig
there are lots of people on here who will have some suggestions that are not labeled in the description but usually you have a good idea of what you are getting into with files on this site.

the one person who really comes to mind when i think of hidden brainwashing is Mr. Daniels. Its not so much that Mr. Daniels does not tell you what he is doing, i think most people who go there are aware that he does his own special blend of bimbo brainwashing, but rather how he achieves it.

Mr. Daniels brainwashing on the surface is quite boring, it consists of simple vague loops of repeating audio and photos, but he constructs a powerful web of subliminals and symbolism that over time is really effective.

If you explored his old site enough you could pick out what the triggers were but its much less clear how he was establishing them. some of them are obvious, they are established through phrases that are repeated thousands of times, but others are reletively incredibly subtle. i think what he was doing for the subtle ones was using subliminal tracks to explain the triggers and their effects that were reinforced with one or two ericksonian plain text or plain audio explanation of the trigger.

PostPosted: December 4th, 2014, 6:13 am
by oddboyx
As someone who was in the pay portion of it, I'll second the Mr Daniels.
Hadn't ever thought of wearing heels or hose and then when i was in there, found myself slipping those on everyday after work.
His current stuff feels more like a tease, and possibly a build up. That, or it's keeping a few of his really deep girls coming back to him.

PostPosted: December 4th, 2014, 2:35 pm
by stewball987
I had not seen Mr Daniels old site, but when I went to what is on the web now, it seems like it is not necessarily maintained any longer. Anyone know if he is still practicing?

PostPosted: December 4th, 2014, 8:08 pm
by mtlscream
I was still trying to find some effective trap and covert stuff like that (or like MrDaniels....

PostPosted: December 20th, 2014, 8:10 pm
by mtlscream

PostPosted: December 22nd, 2014, 8:09 pm
by joecomp2000
I once downloaded ( bittorrent) underground hypnosis is a collection of covert and underground hypnosis techniques... give it a try