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Hypnosis as part of a cult... Cover, malware (Fantasy)

PostPosted: December 30th, 2014, 6:46 am
by mtlscream
In the past, I posted a link about an article talking about deep hypno and mental malware or trojan (see past post), and I've got some interesting answers but I'm still searching for something specific.

I always want to meet an Hypnotmaster with some Guru behaviour with his totalcontrol and hypno power... Creating a powerful hypnosis built to create his cult. Any leads?
I do find that very fascinating how the mind can be and act. Based on past experiences, I know mine is easy suggestible to those suggestion. And i am not the only one. Some tist told me to be careful because I go quick too fast... But I can't stop looking for what I miss n desire.

Because it's a delicate topic, please for safety of other, do not post it in the group.

Feel free to IM me, private message or email me since this can be a delicate topic for some.
Mtlscream2 on skype

PostPosted: December 31st, 2014, 9:09 am
by leudast1215
Please stop these silly posts. If a certified hypnotist were to perform the actions you're suggesting then they could go to jail. Hypnosis is legally a form of medicine in the USA.

PostPosted: December 31st, 2014, 12:50 pm
by mtlscream
leudast1215 wrote:Please stop these silly posts. If a certified hypnotist were to perform the actions you're suggesting then they could go to jail. Hypnosis is legally a form of medicine in the USA.

Thanks Leudast1215.
But like many, i'm talking about fantasies.

It was based on some article online i've read about deep hypno and mental malware or trojan....

It's very interesting. I think it's fascinating how the mind can be. I know mine is easy suggestible to those suggestion.

And i know it's hypno is legally a form of medecine in the USA.... but check this forums too.... a lot want theses fantasies about brainwash, mindfuck etc...

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2015, 8:12 pm
by sleepyjosh
leudast1215 wrote:Please stop these silly posts. If a certified hypnotist were to perform the actions you're suggesting then they could go to jail. Hypnosis is legally a form of medicine in the USA.

Riiiiiite... becuz this is a site devoted to clinical hypnosis and theres no place here for people who want to be brainwashed or hypnotically enslaved.

Did you even reed the NAME of the site up at the top of the page?

PostPosted: February 7th, 2015, 10:55 pm
by jtslave
I hope you will post about it, if you have success, mtlscream.

Good luck with your fantasy!

PostPosted: November 4th, 2015, 10:34 am
by mtlscream

PostPosted: November 4th, 2015, 10:16 pm
by ProfessorPig
leudast1215 wrote:Please stop these silly posts. If a certified hypnotist were to perform the actions you're suggesting then they could go to jail. Hypnosis is legally a form of medicine in the USA.

this cant be true, if it was then stage hypnosis would not be performed anywhere in the US. most states do not even have specific regulations on hypnosis. and there are plenty of cults out there that are and have been using various forms of hypnosis for decades without any legal disruptions.

i think you are looking in the wrong place though Mtlscream. if there was someone here who was interested in giving you what you seek i think they would have messaged you already. it could be that there are some on here but you do not match their ideal demographic. its hard to say.

you might want to try throwing feelers out over at the covert hypnosis irc.

PostPosted: December 7th, 2015, 5:44 am
by mtlscream
This may sound weird... and i'm still looking for it...

Looking to find religious guru, group who's been known to use hypnosis (covert or not... ethical or not)... could be in person or on youtube / site....

I'm very curious to see how they manage to recrute. Trying to find some hypnomaster with MAYBE guru behaviour....or want to built his cult. using covert or malware hypnosis....

Maybe they are able to recrute their people easily by finding them and filling a void their have inside ? Maybe ? I guess just like me...

I always want to meet an Hypnotmaster with some Guru behaviour with his totalcontrol and hypno power... Creating a powerful hypnosis built to create his cult. Any leads?

I do find that very fascinating how the mind can be and act. Based on past experiences, I know mine is easy suggestible to those suggestion. And i am not the only one. Some tist told me to be careful because I go quick too fast... But I can't stop looking for what I miss n desire.

Because it's a delicate topic, please for safety of other, do not post it in the group.

Feel free to IM me, private message or email me since this can be a delicate topic for some.
Mtlscream2 on skype