Looking for hypnotist in the Central Jersey/Central FL areas

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Looking for hypnotist in the Central Jersey/Central FL areas

Postby rmcnulty » May 21st, 2007, 5:04 pm

Okay...so I have been looking to delve into the world of hypnosis and bdsm, but have had crap luck in finding anybody even remotely in the same area that I am but I refuse to give up.
Currently I am in the CFL area (Orlando) but will be moving up to the Mercer County area of NJ in August.
I am looking for real time experiences, maybe find one tist to work with...want somebody to open my eyes to the world of Master/slave with the hypnotic twist. I'm open to pretty much anything and just hope to find somebody who is not 1)old enough to be my grandfather, or 2) a total thundering looney....and maybe find somebody who is 1) fairly attractive, 2) in the general vicinity of my age range (23-mid 40ish).

Now..just to clarify...I am looking for the real deal in the hypno field...not wanting to simply role play...If all works out well I am hoping to find a Master to serve in any way that I can...

Just to make sure that you also are aware that I am a gay man...
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Joined: May 23rd, 2006, 12:00 am

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