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Here I go again... Seeking a Female Hypnotist

PostPosted: February 28th, 2008, 7:57 pm
by DianaW

Here I go again... Its been 4 months since I tried this so I figure it is about time.

I am looking for a Female Hypnotist.

Yes... "Female" as in a lack of a certain chromosome.

I tried this with hypnoslave and got an avalanch of requests telling me to get naked and send pictures regardless of the fact that I specifically said what I wanted. Luckily I had a friend parse the e-mail account I used and headed off all such attempts.

Not a single female hypnotist contacted me... Though over thirty eight men did.

So... This time the rules have changed...

I will not give out my e-mail address, save over private messages, so please private message me FIRST.

I am interested in doing some hypnosis in the vein of age regression, not taking naked photos of myself, but in the areas of age regression, even some AB/DL stuff.

If you are interested and are a Female hypnotist or willing to work with the email slave program, please feel free to private message me.

Again... I ask for female because almost all of the guys who contacted me were rather sick and depraved and cared not for my desires. I know not all guys were like that but in this case I don't want to bother with it. So please female 'tists / slavers ONLY.


This even includes guys who open with the line of, "Well I am a guy but..." because you are not listening, NO GUYS, if it exists between your legs I don't want to talk to you. Not right now anyway.

Am I missing something???

PostPosted: February 28th, 2008, 8:30 pm
by wmm_guest
Your score was 38 to 0(males to females who contacted you).

Your hypnotic pursuits would probably be more fruitful elsewhere,

Instead of just incurring more frustration from an obvious
Male/TG/CD/etc dominated site.

I am not trying to be harsh, just helpful.

Truly, I hope you find the fantasies you are looking for.

PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 3:40 pm
by FrozenRose
I am a female, I am newbie at hypno, but I am willing to learn and try.
I was warned when coming here theres more man then females, thats why theres more files for guys then there are for girls and self help ones. I am not interested in naked photos lol. I heared of alot of people abusing hypno power on this site so I am very careful indeed. Write me anytime.