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New hypnotist looking for a short-term or longer subject.

PostPosted: June 21st, 2008, 3:41 pm
by thedudetg
I'm looking for someone, a young-ish woman, preferably, interested in being hypnotized over an IM program. You can PM me here or you can email me at

I would be interested in meeting up after talking some, in the event you live near Gainesville, Fl, but it's not necessary. Unless you're nearby, our relationship will be pretty superficial, mostly for experience only, I think.

I'm a young student, 20 years old, if that matters. Regardless, you can PM or email me if you have any questions. I look forward to talking to you!

PostPosted: June 24th, 2008, 4:54 pm
by thedudetg
I'm still looking. I've received a few messages and responded, but haven't heard back from any of the people yet.