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Fraud Warning about MzDominica

PostPosted: August 26th, 2008, 7:02 pm
by Ravyn
MzDominica is a fraud. Her hypnosis is fake. She fakely hypnosis people to fraud them out of their money and gain access to their bank accounts. She acts like she is gifted in things but she is a liar. She uses people because she knows people will fall for anything.

I had an encounter with her and she was very forceful and trying to bark orders and being so hateful to everyone,including me who was very new and was trying ask questions. She told me to F off and then made threats to have my kids taken away and much more.

Proceed with extreme cautious when meeting her. She is a con artist and will say anything to get you to believe she is in the right just to snow you all over.

Re: Fraud Warning about MzDominica

PostPosted: August 26th, 2008, 10:04 pm
by mudkips
Ravyn wrote:made threats to have my kids taken away

Um... right. You'll forgive a bit of reasonable skepticism here? I don't at all doubt the bitch part, but..

PostPosted: August 27th, 2008, 3:43 am
by Lunn
Did you read the warning on the front of her website? She is pretty straight forward and so is the warning. Informed consent. While I don't necessarially agree with certain things some people do, at least she isn't lying about it.

Sorry you feel so badly, you could ask questions here for free.


PostPosted: August 27th, 2008, 2:50 pm
by wmm_guest
While I do not currently interact with MzDominica or
listen to Her files... I have never had any experience
with Her the likes of the original poster.

She can be harsh, but mostly she is fair and generous.

At least with me she was, your mileage may very ;)