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Anyone want a hypnosis challenge?

PostPosted: September 10th, 2008, 9:00 am
by perryfletcher
I have been using files on this site for over 3 years now and have yet to have any success. I have no problem trancing but just do not get any results.

I am at my wits ends I am up for just about anything. If for some reason you think you can break my barrier and get me to accept your suggestions I am all your for the challenge. I really need hypnosis in my life so if you think you have what it takes please by all means contact me. I have google talk and my address is .

PostPosted: September 10th, 2008, 11:29 am
by nefarious426
I am also having some difficulty getting results if anyone would like to help me as well

PostPosted: September 11th, 2008, 9:34 am
by cardigan
Doing a session with a real hypnotist is usually a good cure for this. He/she can make sure you reach trance and install a post hypnotic trigger to help you enter trance again on your own. Also the mere knowledge that you HAVE been in trance can be enough, because it might be that you somehow THINK you are unable to. I offer free sessions over the internet to help people go into trance. Send me a PM if you are interested. All it takes is having a headset for your computer.

PostPosted: September 11th, 2008, 12:46 pm
by Draygone
Would it matter if this headset had one earphone or two?

PostPosted: September 11th, 2008, 1:07 pm
by perryfletcher
I have a two ear head set that can be set to stereo or mono so it really does not matter if he wants to use one ear or two. That is not a troublesome question for me. He can do it how ever he chooses I will not complain.

PostPosted: September 11th, 2008, 2:01 pm
by cardigan
The real issue is that you need a microphone, so you can talk. The reason I say a headset is, that the mike is fixed in relation to your mouth at all times. Having a free microphone standing on a table in front of you can be a bit of a problem, but that can be overcome. All I ask is that you are hooked up so that you can hear me and I can hear you! :-)

Anybody wanting a free session can PM me. I live in timezone GMT + 1 and I am only able to work during what is the evening time here. So you may need to take time off from work - or school to connect with me, but that will be worth it - I'm sure!

At a later date - after New Year - I plan on going to Albany, New York. No definite plans right now, but I will announce it in due time! Might catch up with some of you guys while I'm there.

PostPosted: October 20th, 2008, 7:26 am
by perryfletcher
cardigan was a huge help. I still have not had the full after effects but can do better now while in trance.