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PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:01 pm
by Folsom_god
what else could emg stand for in this world.

electro magnetic grapes

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:19 pm
by danmalara
enourmos monkey gum

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:20 pm
by Folsom_god
elephant mango gang

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:22 pm
by danmalara
egg moo gun

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:23 pm
by Folsom_god
erect mens genitals

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:26 pm
by danmalara
especially massive gaunarria

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:27 pm
by Folsom_god
elastic mowhawk gooch

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 10:58 pm
by danmalara
ebony mom girl

PostPosted: April 12th, 2005, 11:50 pm
by makidas
how about EVIL MAD GENIUS, totally fits!!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2005, 1:18 am
by EMG
While I appreciate the curiosity about my initials(Exceptionally Malevolent Gorilla) this isn't the right forum for it. I'm adding a new one for Idle Chatter.

makidas wrote:how about EVIL MAD GENIUS, totally fits!!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2005, 12:44 pm
by Kendai
yay! a stuff'd board!

this can be moved there after it's created right?

PostPosted: April 13th, 2005, 6:04 pm
by danmalara
EMG wrote:While I appreciate the curiosity about my initials(Exceptionally Malevolent Gorilla) this isn't the right forum for it. I'm adding a new one for Idle Chatter.

lol, your a pretty funny guy, EMG. And, I asked Folsom_god why he started this post here, and he said because "no one else was posting anything in the meeting grounds."

P.S. I 'm glad you added that Idle Chatter Forum!!! I hoping that you would do that :D .

P.S.S. Oh and one more thing....have you seen my post about the buddy list thing......if so, do you have any thoughts, maybe. Tell me what you think.