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Looking for vic.... er guinea.... um, test subjects :D

PostPosted: May 30th, 2009, 1:23 am
by slyspeaker
Hi there,

Brand spankin' newbie to WMM but pretty decent amateur hypnotist in general. I've been doing this for a few years on second life and yim, mostly text with a few calls here and there. I've gotten fairly good at text and want to start branching out and practicing other methods. I've tried recording a few trances with audacity but I'm having some trouble focusing on it without someone else on the other end. Its really annoying but I really struggle to do anything serious if I don't have a subject at hand.

So this is a general open call for volunteers who will let me practice a bit on them before I start making some real trances. I'm hoping to focus mostly on inductions, relaxation trances and a few triggers and minor suggestions and then build from that once I get more comfortable. There will be nothing permanent or long lasting unless you request it. I'll be doing everything as well. Text, chat, e-mail etc. Once I get a few scripts recorded I'll post them for everyone.

My preference is for female subjects but I can do males as well. Also I'm not looking to build a harem or take a sub at this point though I am open to it at some point in the future. There won't be anything too erotic to begin with but I can promise that it will be a very pleasurable experience.
Right now I'm just wanting to get comfortable with speaking and to get used to this style.

Any and all volunteers would be appreciated. You can pm me or im me on yim at slyspeaker.


PostPosted: May 31st, 2009, 9:22 pm
by SeraAngel
I wouldn't mind being a vic...test subject my e-mail is and please tell me your name so I know who you are :)


PostPosted: June 2nd, 2009, 1:23 pm
by Val_Gal
I'm new here too and not sure what I'm looking for but if you're still looking for volunteers, I'm sure I could be of some assistance.

