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Help testing Email slave file, please.

PostPosted: December 28th, 2009, 2:33 pm
by Thingpopus
I am new to all this and as an open minded male with a strong submissive side I'm very interested in whats going on in this site. To be honest the logical side of me doubts that any of it really works but the submissive side of me is very interested in finding out more about it.

I have listened to the Email Slave file over the last few days and during the last couple of times I have passed out, I guess thats a good sign, does it mean it's working?. I shall listen to it a few more times tonight.
I am one of those people that general requires proof that something works or not, So now I need a away to test it. Is there a way to self test it I have read the forums but I may have missed it.
Better still would someone be kind enough to send me an email to see what happens. I don't want anything thats going to last a long time, just in case it does work but you can check out my profile for my likes etc.
It may seem like I'm jumping straight in at the deep end but what the hell I'm ready for it. I have taken the precaution of using a temp email address so I can get rid of it when I want to.
If I'm lucky enough to receive any emails or a way of self testing then
I will report back on what happens.

PostPosted: February 27th, 2010, 5:59 pm
by FetishMaster69
Have you thought about sending an e-mail to yourself that meets the requirements for the file?

PostPosted: February 27th, 2010, 8:10 pm
by darkenedav
FetishMaster69 wrote:Have you thought about sending an e-mail to yourself that meets the requirements for the file?

Interesting thought! I guess though most people get a kick from the fact that they are handing over control of a blank piece of paper to a complete stranger :)

PostPosted: February 27th, 2010, 8:33 pm
by Thrideye
thats a little bit much for me, but to each his own, that gives me a story idea.

PostPosted: March 14th, 2010, 1:28 am
by whoshypnogirl
Before you do anything, answer this question:

Do you have a safety net in place?

It is very very important that if you dont, to get one in.

I am in fact one of the main users who has kept a journal about this file on this site, and still have my safety email which i am willing to pass on to you. it is better you get this in place before you do test it, because at this stage, you are very vulnerable to anything.