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Looking for a serious tist (please read)

PostPosted: February 22nd, 2010, 4:38 pm
by Girlyboi
Hi there. I've been into hypnosis for many years now and have spent a lot of time with many tists. Sadly I've been unable to click with anyone ranging from very amature tists to people who I haven't meshed with or just haven't really been that serious about spending time working with me.

I'm a young male from England very much looking for someone to have some fun with. I'm interested in feminization, however I'm not a time waster and don't want any ridicullous changes which I won't be able to cope with. I am as fed up with insincere tists as I am sure many of you are of insincere subs. I'm a lovely person who loves being sub. I am interested in being pushed outside my comfort zone (otherwise where's the fun?) and want the tist I work with to have some fun with me (as I will working with them). PM me for more details if you are interested and we can talk more.


PostPosted: February 23rd, 2010, 2:11 am
by darkenedav
Good luck with your search!

I can't offer as 1 Sub's enough for me at the mo :)
But I know what you mean, from the other side of the river; There are loads of subs that go 'ooo make me be naughty' then that's it you don't hear from them :P

Ah well good luck! :lol:

PostPosted: February 24th, 2010, 6:28 pm
by Girlyboi
Nobody interested?


PostPosted: February 25th, 2010, 2:36 am
by darkenedav
Gotta remember this is only 1 forum (and mainly usa - hence $ signs everywhere).

You might wanna try fetlife, hypnofetish etc as well :)