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Masculinisation (of males!)

PostPosted: May 7th, 2010, 10:33 am
by Rossyfox
I see lots of guys into feminisation here, but not so many guys who are interested in becoming more masculine, even though the files are there for it; TrainTotalJock and CurseForcedStraight/Bi for instance

I don't want to use them myself, but I'd be very willing to encourage and follow progress of any guys who want to use these files, or are currently using these files. Feel free to respond directly by IM.

PostPosted: May 9th, 2010, 12:20 pm
by ftslave67
Personally, I'm happy with my gender expression. Masculine enough, I don't see the need for it, for me anyway. Interesting question, though. Maybe there is an attraction to feminization because it's still kind of "taboo"?

PostPosted: May 9th, 2010, 12:24 pm
by plasmamaster
I agree with the idea of 'beefing up' people even men. The reason is that there's so much femmie here that sometimes, having a stronger male idea is best. I'm all for having more masculine files.

PostPosted: May 10th, 2010, 2:30 am
by trawl
Sounds like a wonderful idea to me.

PostPosted: May 10th, 2010, 2:51 am
by Rossyfox
trawl wrote:Sounds like a wonderful idea to me.

IM me about it sometime!

PostPosted: May 10th, 2010, 11:38 am
by curiousguy92
I definitely agree that there should be more masculinization files for men. Fem just isn't my thing, and I'd love to see more masc and muscle files on the site. :D

PostPosted: May 10th, 2010, 12:36 pm
by darkenedav
surely it would benefit everyone as the feminized peeps would get a kick outta ott masculine guys? :P

PostPosted: May 10th, 2010, 1:11 pm
by Rossyfox
curiousguy92 wrote:I definitely agree that there should be more masculinization files for men. Fem just isn't my thing, and I'd love to see more masc and muscle files on the site. :D

Well, the TTJ series is already there, as is CFS/Bi...

PostPosted: May 10th, 2010, 4:12 pm
by curiousguy92
Yeah, but there aren't many others. The feminization files have their own section, whereas the masc/muscle files are few and scattered. I just meant to say that it should be evened out. The world needs more muscular men. :D

PostPosted: May 11th, 2010, 3:38 am
by lettuce
Well, feminization is a little more fitting for hypnosis for various reason. Most of all, although it offends some, people tend to see feminization as a submissive thing, and many of the hardcore fans of erotic hypnosis are submissive. Secondly, being manly tends to be focused on physical activities, like exercising or hunting, while being feminine often seems to work as a passive state.

Don't get me wrong, I'm totally for more masculinisation files, but I doubt it'll ever even out.

Also, just my personal opinion, but I think the masculinisation files we have focus too much on the jock deal. All brawn, no brain tends to be the common theme. I'd prefer something fitting more with traditional views of masculinity, educated, athletic, charismatic, responsible and virtuous. All at once. Basically, a "perfect gentleman" file.

PostPosted: May 11th, 2010, 8:34 am
by Rossyfox
lettuce wrote:Also, just my personal opinion, but I think the masculinisation files we have focus too much on the jock deal. All brawn, no brain tends to be the common theme. I'd prefer something fitting more with traditional views of masculinity, educated, athletic, charismatic, responsible and virtuous. All at once. Basically, a "perfect gentleman" file.

Gentlemen are plenty manly, but I think jocks are what you get when you turn the manliness dial into overload; too manly, even. Some fans of erotic hypnosis like it because they can take things "too far", be pushed out of what they'd normally consider reasonable boundaries.

PostPosted: May 11th, 2010, 1:35 pm
by lettuce
Rossyfox wrote:Gentlemen are plenty manly, but I think jocks are what you get when you turn the manliness dial into overload; too manly, even. Some fans of erotic hypnosis like it because they can take things "too far", be pushed out of what they'd normally consider reasonable boundaries.

Yeah, you have a point, it's the same deal with feminization too (incidentally, I have also pondered on the lack of "fine young lady" files). I understand the tendency, but find it hard to relate to personally. If I wanted to make changes in my life based on a fetish, first priority would be to make sure they're not major, drastic changes. Thumbs up to those who have the courage, though.