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Looking for a sub for some quick fun [furry] [Still looking]

PostPosted: April 6th, 2012, 1:31 am
by thebone
Hey. so this is my first time doing one of these request things, but I'm hoping it'll work out.

I'm a (primarily text-based, but I can do voice as well) hypnotist, but this has just been regulated to a few one-off sessions in various chatrooms. They've been fun every time, so I'm hoping I can meet up with someone here through IM or something similar for some - possibly raunchy! - fun.

One thing I enjoy is small, subconscious triggers that can be quickly and silently slipped in without the subject entirely noticing until I deactivate the trigger. This has spilled into a small transformation fetish, so I'm talking about triggers that make you act like a cat without realizing it, etc. There are other examples but that's the idea.

If you want more details I can happily explain them, but if you're interested in anything PM me here on WMM or post in this thread, you know, whatever. I'm excited to see what pops up

PostPosted: April 6th, 2012, 12:22 pm
by outkast1728
I'd love to try this.

PostPosted: April 6th, 2012, 3:38 pm
by CWolfCW
I'm actually kinda curious about this. First time I've heard of this type of method, heh.

PostPosted: April 7th, 2012, 12:12 pm
by qwert32
I would like to try it. Just PM me with more details.

Sounds gook

PostPosted: April 7th, 2012, 6:08 pm
by bloke
I would be interested in trying this. Though given the replies you have already gotten, you may end up with a small army.

PostPosted: April 7th, 2012, 8:58 pm
by Hank01
Same here, would be interested in learning more, but you may have your hands full.

Sounds great

PostPosted: April 7th, 2012, 9:00 pm
by outkast1728
i can help with this too, if anyone is interested, email me at with Furry TF in the suject line followed by your screen name on here

PostPosted: April 8th, 2012, 10:36 am
by DS11
Would love to try this out if you are not too busy. :D

PostPosted: April 8th, 2012, 10:48 am
by outkast1728
I'm always free

PostPosted: May 6th, 2012, 8:33 am
by thebone
I'm still looking, so IM me at thebone0 on YIM, or PM me here at WMM.

PostPosted: May 8th, 2012, 11:20 am
by AFA
I'm a bit interested so I was wondering when you said you do voice as well do you mean files, skype, or something else?

Text based is fine but in order to get me deep enough for triggers to stick later voice is usually is needed.

PostPosted: May 8th, 2012, 2:47 pm
by outkast1728
hit me up on skype at sk8rboi1728 to work with me.