by VeryGnawty » September 25th, 2011, 7:43 pm
I selected female, but only because I found it almost impossible to select male. My hypnosis makes it to where I think of myself as female when I am in a comfortable environment. Lately, I've been referring to myself as female in almost all of my online communications.
I suppose I'll still be able to check "male" on official documents, since people in real life still perceive me as male. I still look mostly male and I rarely shave my facial hair, so people react to me as male. Occasionally someone will react to my behavior or demeanor before they take a good look at me, and they will call me ma'am. They will usually realize their "mistake" (how ironic) very quickly and start using the "correct" designation of sir. Actually, I find gendered social interaction to be quite funny sometimes.
I mean, seriously. How backwards can it get? You have someone who looks male but perceives herself to be female being called "ma'am" by someone who originally perceives her as female but quickly changes her mind once she realizes that the person who seems female but looks male must, in reality, be a man.
I think I could write a book on infinite regress. There is probably no limit to the amount to which I could confuse people if I really wanted to do some mindfuck, which I don't.