Post subject: found my writeup and a series of emails where idiscussed it
Mundane Genesis of the Experiment
Long before I read any practical books on magick and magickal practice I was interested in unexplained phenomenon, Psychism, and so on. One day, years ago, I found and bought a “psi wheel” psychokinesis target. I found that it turned when the hands were placed a short distance away from it. Cute, but it was easy to posit that either heat from my hands or air currents directed by my hands was turning it. A photometer, after all, turns by the action of photons and looks amazingly similar. There it stood until I noticed I could cause the direction to reverse with almost universal success. The times it failed were times when I could barely get it to move at all or not at all. I added electrical forces to my list of possible explanations. From time to time I got friends to try it. Some of them could move it from a greater range than I and do this at times when my results were negligible or non-existent. After a time the little device got relegated to a place on my library shelve as an ornament. After about two years I discovered serious magick of the ceremonial type.
Magickal Background
This is a summary of magickal practices immediately prior to and during my telekinesis experiments.
From the middle of September through December 1997, I had been doing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, The DMK shortened version of the Middle Pillar, the Circulation of the Body of Light, The Ham Sa exercise, Robert Bruce’s Tactile Chakra exercises, Dr. John Mumford’s Tattwa visualization exercises, Aural sight exercises, Robert Bruce’s astral rope technique, various beginner’s visualization exercises, Kabbalah pathworking and skrying. I had developed at least fair visualization skills as well as some ability to imagine other sensations such as touch, sound, smell, temperature and internal somatic impressions.
I think it is important that one has developed some of these abilities prior to trying for a demonstration of Psychokinesis. This is because I do not believe this sort of thing is a “psychic power” in the vulgar sense common in new age literature, but more of a function of magick. Perhaps the reality in which the rotor is turning is made coterminous with or superimposed on the operator’s reality through magickal means not by the functioning of some bizarre hardwired psychic center. In many books I have read on magick and psychism, it is postulated that a fundamental problem is communication. Either communication between the lower and higher self in magick or the conscious and subconscious generally in psychism. The language used in day to day communication by the lower self or conscious mind is not one that is understood by the higher self or subconscious or so I have read. According to this line of thought the language spoken by the subconscious is nonverbal in nature though this is becomes a little hazy in regard to magick varying by tradition. For this reason a means of communicating your desire to the higher self or subconscious by other than verbal means is desirable. In a book on dowsing I read that beginners are advised to first ask questions or search for something that they have prior knowledge of. This along with moving the rods or other paraphernalia in an affirmative motion by force were said to be a way of developing a common language with the otherwise uncommunicative “Other” and establishing a rapport. In other words this link must be created or reinforced and a way to do it was to cheat at first. This was referred to as the cheating principle. In no way did it imply that the operator was to continue this practice after the “rapport” was firmly established. I would later use this as a method of communicating my will to the “Other” despite having tinkered with the rotor target in the past with apparent if only weakly convincing success.
I further read that the more ways you reinforce your will in working magick the better the chance of it having an effect, so when I decided to see if magick could reproduce the apparent PK effects I naturally set out to use as many reinforcement techniques that I could manage at one time.
Psychokinesis Targets
I will start with a description of my primary target object and ideas for other targets. The purpose of using multiple target types is to eliminate potential sources of error in ascribing motion or other physical changes to a certain cause.
My primary target for my last set of experiments was a lightweight four armed aluminum rotor balanced on a rounded needlepoint pivot. The needle pivot was fixed perpendicularly to a solid base. The above apparatus was centered on a solid wooden base to which a large glass dome was set. The base of the dome was recessed into the wooden base via a circle cut into the wood to a depth of over 1/8th inch. I purchased mine ready made but one could be fabricated with relative ease though there is some possibility of creating an asymmetric or unbalanced rotor. To fabricate one all you need is heavy gauge metal foil from a hobby store, a round pointed needle, a small round pointed nail, a hammer, cork or other soft base, glue, some cutters or scissors, a fine felt tipped pin a protractor and straight edge. The rotor pattern is drawn onto the metal foil and carefully cut out, then an impression is made in the center with the nail and hammer and the arms bent down the long axis into a “V” shape. The cork or other base should be glued to a tile or other stable platform. The needle’s eye end should then be pressed deeply into the cork perpendicular to the base.
The rotor is then placed on the needle tip with the indent of the rotor mated to the needle tip. Observe the assembly for tilt and adjust the arms of the rotor until the rotor balances as perfectly as possible. Spin the rotor gently and again check for imbalances adjust if possible. If an imbalance cannot be corrected discard it and fabricate a new rotor. It is really easier to just buy one of the several ready made ones. They range from eight to fifteen dollars and are available from several sources.
This set up greatly reduced the probability of motion of the rotor being caused by errant breezes, vibrations, Static fields and convection cells. The fact that the dome was not evacuated eliminated the possibility of any motion being produced by photon or radiation pressure.
The weight of the rotor made any unwanted impulse turning the rotor somewhat less likely but allowed for the assumption than any genuine PK effect would be very small.
For my experiments I wanted a target that could be subjected to a force whose results I could see right away and not have to rely on statistical or other forms of abstract analysis. This influenced my choice of target object away from RNGs and Die type targets.
I had tried at least one other type of target object but found that I could easily ascribe any changes to mundane causes. I was using a candle flame. The changes in the flames direction of orientation could be explained as air currents and changes in intensity or height could be explained as ordinary combustion factors or impurities in the wick and wax.
Since my initial forays into this topic, by conversation with other magicians and by internet searches I have learned about a few other types of targets which meet my needs.
One is a floating target suspended in water and consisting of a wooden object usually a oblong one. The objective is to control it's drift or orientation through a series of trials. PK confirmation would consist of producing observable motion in a direction chosen ahead of time with the target placed in several different locations. Random motion or motion due to environmental conditions would not count and can be filtered out by choosing different motions and placing the target at different locations.
A less satisfactory target is the good ol' pendulum. Of course, I consider most of them to be too massive to show an easily recognized anomalous movement. So this one requires a little re-tooling. The bob must be light weight but not light enough to be moved by ordinary wind currents or static electricity. Since its motion is very likely small it may help to develop a measuring grid and/or recording stylus to measure any imperceptible displacement.
A sealed foil leafed static charge measuring device could be used. Success conditions would be having the leaves separate or come together only on demand or within a short specified time of initiation of PK efforts with no contact with the target housing nor even close proximity. The Operator also could not engage in any large amount of motion especially rubbing anything together.
I suppose with proper controls, like standard fuel and a protective mantle, a flame control target like the candle one mentioned earlier could be used. Some objective way of measuring variations over a long series of trials and ones that cannot reasonably be explained by the normal motions and behavior of flame would require further thought.
As I stated earlier, I prefer not to use RNGs and other computer driven targets. I have no qualms about using them for recording or measurement purposes. For me PK should affect an object that can be seen and felt. The electrons and holes moving around in a circuit do not fit the bill (IMO.)
1. Ritual preliminaries: Perform the LBRP, Middle Pillar, Circulation of the Body of Light, Robert
Bruce’s or Dr. John Mumford’s tactile chakra activation technique (particularly to the minor ones in the center of the palms.) Similar preliminaries may be observed if they produce the proper altered state of consciousness. For example from time to time I used the kanji (kuji kiri) named Kyo or Shen, “direction of energy”, and others related to the task at hand.
2. Use the cheater principle The first few times I attempted to will the rotor to move I gently pushed one a rotor arm with a finger. I did this even though my earlier PK experiments resulted in motion without this aid. I wanted to demonstrate symbolically what was required of the rotor. This was left off after a time.
3. Visualize the aura around the body extending from the hands to swirl around the rotor like a galaxy or a black hole’s accretion disk. Imagine the feel of a recoil or reaction to the energy flow on your hand. Imagine the faint sound of that energy connecting you to the rotor as it flows. Imagine the temperature is a little warmth radiating in flux as the imaginary energy flows.
4. “Will” the rotor to turn. With your eyes open, superimpose the image of the rotor turning so that it becomes almost a willed hallucination. Reinforce your will for the rotor to turn by moving your fingers or arm towards the target slowly with dynamic tension in the muscles.
5. Once you get the rotor to turn, mentally reverse the energy flow in all visualizations. Will it to stop or reverse direction with as much force as used to start the rotor the first time.
6. Increase the distance from the operator to the target incrementally from session to session. See how far you can get some rotation.
Falsification of the Psychokinesis Hypothesis
By now the operator has probably noticed a correlation between his or her will for the rotor to move and the actual movement of the rotor. Now is the time to try to falsify the hypothesis that psychokinesis or magick is at work. To do this add control measures designed to block or expose mundane causative factors since no one knows if directly material effects of magick or telekinesis even exists let alone how to block them if they do. Here are some suggestions of things to try. It is of course not all inclusive. Try to wobble the rotor out of it’s rotation axis: try to get it to jump, anything but it’s normal action. Add a dome or maybe a transparent cup to prevent air currents from reaching the rotor.
Take a lit candle and see how close it must get to the rotor to make it turn by heat. Move the target rotor to different rooms or locations within a room. Pass an activated electrical appliance near it. Observe the target when PK or magick is not being practiced to see if it ever turns on its own.
I do not claim to have eliminated all possible mundane explanations. I have tried some of these control actions. I think it may be impossible to completely eliminate all such possibilities. I do think that the rotor commences to turn, reverse and stop seemingly on demand when the procedure is used. It does not turn when the procedure is not used unless the dome is off. Based on months of such efforts I must state that I believe PK is the explanation that most fits what I have experienced. I have not practiced this for over a year now but I intend to take it up again in the future. When I do, I will expand it to include Tumo and to investigate the rumored PK events reported during evocation magick. You will have to form your own conclusion as to it’s validity but you cannot do that in good faith without experimenting yourself.
Addendum: If anyone is interested in the sources for the rotor I used let me know and I will provide an address or URL as appropriate.