Sticky Situation

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Sticky Situation

Postby zion_r_liengod » October 15th, 2008, 2:10 am

Hello, Everyone of this site!

I seem to have found myself in quite the... mess. Well, i'll start from the beginning. Ahem, the day I found, through, following the furry transformation file. I was amazed to see all these hypnosis files, I just had to make an account, and explore the files! Well, a couple of days later, I find myself IMed by someone who I never met before. In just a couple of conversations, I found myself attracted to this person, and they became my online master, and me, their online pet. That's all fine and dandy, but this person wants to meet me in real life, and by the way their talking, want sexual relations with me. However, I see them as a master. And I have the bad feeling that their intentions are particularly as "good" as they say their intentions are

The fact that a pet doesn't really have a choice does dawn on me, but due to the other fact, that i'm not trained as a pet plays a role.

I did the one thing that seems like a good idea, I cut the leash, so to speak. But I find myself drawn to them. Should I get a new leash...? I feel my longing for a master... someone to take care of me, to love me for who I am, and understand anything i'm interested in. Like this master does... but i'm scared that no one else is as good as this master is... or is it true what they say... "If it seems too good to be true, than it probably isn't."

Opinions and comments?
"We're not tools of the government, or for anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was good at. But at least I always fought for what I believed in." - Gray Fox
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Postby SDoll » October 16th, 2008, 12:32 am

What was your master's name?
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Time wounds all heels.

Postby Calimore » October 16th, 2008, 8:21 am

Although you may feel that you owe a debt to the person who was there when you realized you wanted to be a pet, you don't. I am sure that there are plenty of people who'd like to own you and take care of you, so take your time and figure out what it is you want beforehand, then be sure start asking potential Masters what THEY want. You'll find that you can much better serve your Master once you fully understand both sides of that equation.
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Postby zion_r_liengod » October 16th, 2008, 5:48 pm

Thank you guys, for your opinions and comments.

CD-Sara, I don't think it'd be my place to tell his name. I believe in privacy, if I had permission to, I would.

Calimore, I will definitely take your words into consideration.

On a final note, i'd like to point out, that the people on this site... Are very kind. i've never seen a site with people so willing to help others. I'm glad I was able to stumble upon this site, even if it was an accident.
"We're not tools of the government, or for anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was good at. But at least I always fought for what I believed in." - Gray Fox
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Postby SDoll » October 17th, 2008, 1:43 am

I was just asking for his online name to see if any of us know him. :) And Calimore is right. It's pretty much like looking for any kind of partner.
Last edited by SDoll on October 17th, 2008, 1:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Don't worry,I don't want anything from you.

Postby WhiteSnake13 » October 17th, 2008, 1:45 am

That's a bad situation...
Hypnosys can be really strong.
I saw that sometimes you can't even resist a bit.

so you say that you could stay away from this guys If you had a new master?
Please answer this question,but think about it.
could you really resist? just imagine it.

If yes,then please say me your age and gender (oO I know sounds strange,but I only wanna help)
If no then I can't help you...
Then theres only one more part wich is strange...o_o
what do you mean with:take care of you?

And don't worry,I don't expect any sexual things from you.
I just want to help you out of this file.and hold you away from this "sexual" things.
Cause it seems that you don't really want it,and I can't just watch how some guys are letting you do things against your will.
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Postby zion_r_liengod » October 17th, 2008, 5:33 am

I thank you for your Concern. I don't want to sound silly... but I like to think I have two personalities, you know, like another me inside. and I can let that other me out when ever I choose. My normal self, cannot resist, but this other self, seems completely emotionless, and can think simply based on Logic and intellect. (How I managed to resist the first time) but whenever I let the normal me back out, I feel drawn to him. So I end up having to let the inner self back out to stop myself.

as for you question that you requested me to answer Whitesnake13. "Can I resist, if I had a new master?" That would all depend if I liked the new master as much, or, more, than my old one.

My age and gender? I am a male. of 19. and Take care of me, meaning, like what you'd do with a normal Pet, take care of me.

I know, that sounds like a leech or something, but i'm a writer, and I plan on writing a book. and if it's any good, lookie there, money.

I am simply answering your questions, so, in no way, am I expecting anything of you.

CD_Sara: I see, The name is Britdude.

P.S. Whitesnake13. Is your avatar Cloud?
"We're not tools of the government, or for anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was good at. But at least I always fought for what I believed in." - Gray Fox
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Postby WhiteSnake13 » October 17th, 2008, 11:32 am

first of all the P.S. questions.
yes my avatar is cloud xD a bit pixeled because of the size it has to be,you know.

So and now the not easy questions.
First of think I am not going to take care of you as a pet.
Not only that I am male,too and that would be gay.
and I just can't take care of a person...that would be too...strange...or I don't know.

But how about this?
maybe you could fight hypnosis with hypnosis.
just try a file like enchanted keyboard and type in "I can resist it" or something like this,or try some other files like this.
That's my main idea.

I'm really sorry for bothering you,I was just interested in that,cause It's fascinatingly for me.
I found this site trough the furry transformation file on
and then I tried the TrigWerewolf file.
And I want to try even more files.
But I would really not klick on a file like that one that you have chosen.

So...looks like you "real personality" wants to end this.
And I will help you to end this.
Don't worry I don't want any visits or friendships. I just want to help.
So I will keep the conversation with you in this thread.

If I have any other Ideas I will post them^^

Good luck with your book^^
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Postby zion_r_liengod » October 17th, 2008, 6:00 pm

Thank you for your luck giving.

As it turns out, If problems continue, I can do the simplest form of problem solving. And no, it's not addition. (lol, sorry for the joke)

I can simply ignore him. Block him on my list, if things need to go that far.

However, I recently talked to him again, I asked him, if he wanted me as his pet, than he'd prove to me, he's trustworthy. He did.

Although, he did, he didn't want me back, I guess it's because I had doubted him. Although, hypnosis does wear off, if you don't listen to it.

Conclusion: I'll have to keep my eyes open, and pay attention to the surrounding aspects. Stay on top of things, and this should run smoothly from this point forward.
"We're not tools of the government, or for anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was good at. But at least I always fought for what I believed in." - Gray Fox
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Postby WhiteSnake13 » October 18th, 2008, 1:43 am

^-^ I'm very happy to see you out of this now! :D
I think you won't click on that kind of Hypnosys Files anymore. xD

So...I wish you good luck and succes in your life!
And hold your eyes open (like you already siad).

If you need help again,I'm always there for help^^
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