Psychic abilities

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Psychic abilities

Postby a3a2004 » May 31st, 2005, 1:36 pm

I say no.
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Postby tirips » May 31st, 2005, 2:58 pm

i absolutely believe
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Postby loony28 » May 31st, 2005, 5:04 pm

:twisted: I definately believe that psychic abilities exist. :twisted:
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Postby a3a2004 » May 31st, 2005, 7:27 pm

Do you think they can be learned, or do you have to be specially talented?
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Postby loony28 » May 31st, 2005, 9:29 pm

:twisted: I do believe that hey can be learned. You just have to deprogram yourself of the idea that you can't. :twisted:
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Postby danmalara » May 31st, 2005, 11:52 pm

I've always wanted to achieve a level of psychic ability. If anyone has any tips that's be great. I been listening to a brain wave file called "ESP"...and I've already had a few deja vu's. So I know that psychic ability existes, and I belive I can achieve it, but just havn't totally yet...again any help would be great. :)
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Postby makidas » June 1st, 2005, 12:10 am

Dan! Way to go!! :D
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Postby Casey » June 3rd, 2005, 12:39 am

I do not believe..

I know they exist. Everyone has different types of psychic abilities..
Some discover it naturally as a survival tactic, others find it when they become more spiritual, and others can be learn and taught.

I have many abilities...
I use them all the time.

NO do not ask me for a reading.
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Postby loadedkaos » June 3rd, 2005, 1:58 am

I'm a maybe I've experianced some weird things but I also think there is somethings about the brain which we don't know not necessarily psychic. Perhaps there will probably be more mundane scientific evidence to metaphysics in the future. When I say mundane I'm just saying it probably isn't what any one would expect, and most likely will dissapoint so called psychic beleivers.
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Postby sandy82 » June 5th, 2005, 8:11 pm

If somebody comes up with practicable telekinesis in the near- to medium-term, call Toulouse immediately.

AirBus needs all the help it can get in safely lifting their giga-seat A380 off the ground.

And then a heavy-duty fast/slow trance at the end of the that passengers won't realize it took them two hours to collect their luggage. :)
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Postby makidas » June 5th, 2005, 8:57 pm

I don't think most people capable of such an ability would be speaking about it in forums on a fetish hypnosis site. But yea, it's totally possible to do. It's mostly about believing in yourself and doing away with any preconceived scientific skepticism. If you believe in something, it will usually manifest. Not always as you'd expect, again doing away with any preconceived notions. Consider people who are always thinking about getting sick, does it not usually manifest? Or how about some of the files on this site, take some of the feminization files, people listen to a file and grow breasts. Is this caused by the file? Or is it caused by the person listening believing that such a file will work. I tend to think the latter, anyways thats all, hehe.
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Postby Linja » June 9th, 2005, 6:14 am

I personally don't believe such a thing is possible. It's a pseudoscience.

If telekinesis was possible, there'd be a single person out there making a fortune practicing it, even in the slightest degree. Well, they wouldn't be out there actually, they'd be in a lab, being frantically tested on by scientists, but there is no such thing. If there was such a thing, it'd be documented accurately and scientifically. There has been lots of experimentation on this sort of thing, and everytime, it's either been inconclusive, or provent to be a hoax. What does this tell you?

If you want more of my opinion, read my other posts on this topic.

Also, what is the scientific reasoning for these abilities? I'm curious.

I'm also open minded, but I'm naturally a sceptic. I may still change my mind though if you guys can convince me.

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Postby Anti » June 9th, 2005, 12:25 pm

I voted maybe, because im not sure at all. There is stuff that cant be explained, but im a bit pessimistic as to whether psychic abilities exist. I do believe in a sixth sense though. Its like there was this study about plane crashes, and they found that the majority of planes which crashed, had fewer people in them than normal flights. Coincidence ? :P
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Postby makidas » June 9th, 2005, 10:09 pm

Do away with preconceived scientific skepticism, science is a true blinder. Science can't prove anything supernatural. How about spiritual healers? I recently seen a show where a woman had an mri and was found to have cancer. A spiritual healer came in, immediately new what the problem was, and shrunk the tumor by over %50. As a matter of fact, in Russia, spiritual healers work side by side with doctors in hospitals. Science can't prove god or supernatural powere exists. Science is bullshit. Medicine is bullshit. Anything a doctor or medication can do, you can do for yourself. Occultists are the scientists of the future! If you do a google search on learning telekinises, you can learn this amazing ability. It's really not that difficult, a hypnosis file might help in making you believe in yourself and help you focus. I'm not sure if it could just give you the ability with no effort. But, who knows, there's a whole bunch of dudes on here that have grown breasts through hypnosis, or made their cock grow or shrink. I ask that you stop trying to find proof an start trying to find disproof. Prove that it doesn't exist. The world was flat at one time, was it not?
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Postby loadedkaos » June 10th, 2005, 12:36 am

Whell I'd be lying to say I haven't gone back and started chatting at my old forum Why? You may not have even asked this. So shut up I'm going to tell you anyway. No I'm still the same LK who is straddeling the two archetypes of the hardcore skeptic and the over zealous beleiver. Like I said I have had some events in my life to make the occult special to me some 'psychic' some 'metaphysical' if there are such things. :wink:. And besides some people don't even believe that hypnosis is real.

To makidas I still have a hard time beleiveing one can move objects with their mind but I'm open to try your theories if we get a telekinetic file that can train someone to believe in their telekinetic abilities I will give it a sincere effort. Or maybe someone else can make one. Your spiritual healer I feel is more a hypnotic phenomina but like I said some people don't believe in hypnosis. Also I would watch what you say about science there is actually some science which helps back up metaphysics. This why some scientist are occultist and paranormal investigators too....In fact I have a book written by a brain scientist about psychic abilities.
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Postby sandy82 » June 10th, 2005, 9:00 am

makidas wrote: ...I recently seen a show where a woman had an mri and was found to have cancer. A spiritual healer came in, immediately new what the problem was, and shrunk the tumor by over %50. .... Anything a doctor or medication can do, you can do for yourself. ... If you do a google search on learning telekinises, you can learn this amazing ability. ... [T]here's a whole bunch of dudes on here that have grown breasts through hypnosis... .

Faith is a wonderful thing.

makidas wrote:The world was flat at one time, was it not?

I don't think so.

People of faith believed the earth was flat...until science proved them wrong.
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Postby makidas » June 10th, 2005, 8:39 pm

sandy82 wrote:

makidas wrote:The world was flat at one time, was it not?

I don't think so.

People of faith believed the earth was flat...until science proved them wrong.

Yea, that's what I meant, except science didn't prove them wrong, a mistake proved them wrong.
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Postby Agriff » June 10th, 2005, 9:19 pm

A mistake? You mean the world turning into a sphere was a mistake? Or the mistake was that the people were thought the world was flat had mistaken beliefs?
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Postby makidas » June 10th, 2005, 9:28 pm

Actually what I meant was thhe world was found out to be round by mistake as in people didn't know the world was round until they actually travelled all the way around it, on accident that is.
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Postby Agriff » June 10th, 2005, 9:29 pm

Oh ok I get what you're saying, thanks for clarifying.
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Postby sandy82 » June 11th, 2005, 8:38 pm

Makidas, we're in luck! We're both right.

When Columbus sailed west en route (he thought) to China, he was reasonably sure that the earth was round, but he wasn't 100 percent sure.

The absolute proof came when Magellan's ship sailed around the world westbound in the 1500s.

But the problem the post-1492 explorers had was that much of ancient Greek scientific knowledge was not passed down in Europe during the Dark Ages. A lot of it made a detour through the Arab countries and re-surfaced much later in Spain and Sicily where there were Europeans who could read Arabic.

It turns out that the ancient Greeks first figured out that the earth was round because they noticed that, during an eclipse of the moon, the earth's shadow on the moon was always rounded. Being experts/discoverers of geometry, they knew that the only object which consistently throws a rounded shadow is a sphere. Then about 205 B.C. a Greek named Eratosthenes used the angle of the sun on June 21 at Syene in southern Egypt and at Alexandria in northern Egypt to calculate the circumference of the earth. He estimated about 24,000 miles...and missed the exact distance by about 2 percent.

If you type <<Greeks earth circumference>> into Google, the first two sites are very interesting.

(The topic here is Idle Chatter; and the observations from Makidas, Agriff, and me are not off the subject. :wink: )
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Postby makidas » June 11th, 2005, 9:31 pm

Good lookin sandy! :) Unfortunately I feel that you have failed to understand what I was trying to say. People believed the world was flat because, well it does look flat (unless your atop Mount Everest of course where you can see the curvature). They believed what they saw. They never thought the world was round because they didn't see it as round. Basically, this whole explanation can be summed up into one line, "Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist." Also, no sarcasm or rudeness intended if thats how it came off. :)
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Postby sandy82 » June 11th, 2005, 10:24 pm

Makidas, I didn't sense any sarcasm or rudeness. I wouldn't expect any from you; you're one of the mainstays of the site.

I also agree with your proposition that just because someone hasn't seen something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never seen Mecca, but I'm sure it's there. I've never seen Fallujah either, and I'm least...that it used to be there.

When I begin to behave like a Missourian ("Show me") is when something falls outside the range of the expected, previously reported, formerly witnessed, etc. For instance, I'd like to see a clear picture of the Loch Ness monster, but I'm satisfied not to have a picture of a bird sitting on a tree limb next to Loch Ness.

The guy Eratosthenes did see enough evidence to prove that the earth was round and even how big the earth is. He knew how to use the evidence that was available. It took about 1700 years before Europeans were able to duplicate his accomplishment. He also is said to have been a friend of Archimedes...the one who figured out how to tell when gold had been adulterated. You weigh it in water, where the known specific gravity of gold will quickly show whether lead has been added to the mix. He was in the bathtub at the time of the discovery.

Archimedes then reportedly ran down the street naked, screaming "Eureka."

I'm sure that last item woke up at least a few readers. :wink:

makidas wrote:Good lookin sandy! :) Unfortunately I feel that you have failed to understand what I was trying to say. People believed the world was flat because, well it does look flat (unless your atop Mount Everest of course where you can see the curvature). They believed what they saw. They never thought the world was round because they didn't see it as round. Basically, this whole explanation can be summed up into one line, "Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist." Also, no sarcasm or rudeness intended if thats how it came off. :)
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Postby Linja » June 12th, 2005, 12:16 am

Loadedkaos, I'm agree with you entirely, there is still a fair bit about the brain yet unknown, and perhaps scientific evidence will one day prove the existence of abilities or phenomena in the like of psychic ones, but I also think that it will leave most believers in the "supernatural" disappointed.

I do not believe in the supernatural at all. Belief in the supernatural arose in a time where there was uncertainty about things that they had not the scientific capacity to explain, like witche's herbal medicines. Now we do have the science to explain them, and we see that there was no "magic" involved at all, and it is all perfectly logical.

In this way, and all ways, scientific scepticism is the best thing that's happened to humanity. Science is the true route to truth in my opinion. All the marvels of technology you see around you, and are indeed looking at right now, are the result of direct science.

The power of thought has been scientifically proven to work. And examples of spiritual healing are nothing but another manifestation of this. The person with the tumor no doubt achieved such amazing things through thought, not through spirituality.

Makidas, I don't know how you can be so bold as to say "Science is bullshit. Medicine is bullshit." Science is the only real magic out there, and has performed real, logically explainable miracles. Take a battery radio back in time to a time when belief in the supernatural was rampant, and they'll believe it's magic. They believe this falsely, because they are ignorant to the scientific truths that underpin everything. I will only believe in the supernatural when it gains some substanstial scientific grounding, which I still certainly believe is possible. But until then, I'm going to remain sceptical.

And that's my two cents :)

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Postby Folsom_god » June 12th, 2005, 12:17 am

so uhhhh ya phsycic god i cant spell it. Why do they make that word so hard to spell eh? all this nonsense about the world being round. I used to live in australia and its as flat as a pancake yesireee.
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Postby makidas » June 12th, 2005, 1:27 am

I believe the year 2012 will hold some significant changes, we are currently in the Computer/Science Age, we are headed for the Age of Enlightenment. Soon you will find that everything you accept as a reality is a lie.
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Postby sandy82 » June 12th, 2005, 11:11 am

LOL, I want to go to the great beach I've heard about at Alice Springs. You just have to concentrate really hard. And then, there it is. Beautiful unspoiled sand, as far as the eye can see.

Now, some spoilsports want to harp on the fact that there's no ocean. Or even a drainage ditch. Gimme a break, already.

I say that there's lots of sand, and one out of two ain't bad. :wink:

Folsom_god wrote:so uhhhh ya phsycic god i cant spell it. Why do they make that word so hard to spell eh? all this nonsense about the world being round. I used to live in australia and its as flat as a pancake yesireee.
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Postby loadedkaos » June 12th, 2005, 9:20 pm

Sometimes I wonder if we don't end up dictating our destiny to us by trying to read the future. Like is something going to happen on 2012 because it was written in the stars or is something going to happen on 2012 because all these sources point to it and we believe these sources. Or maybe nothing will happen.

This is probably why other occultists, and psychics leave me out of discussions but I think if you are interested in the paranormal you need to think everything through, and always apply ohkems razor(I know I probably spelled that wrong)to every situation. Otherwise how can you say you have all this power, or you are capable of doing all these things or that the world will end soon. You might just be delusional. Maybe we can levitate maybe it's all hog wash. I think some of the answers will be mundane but others maybe spectacular.

Oh yeah and don't worry if they are delusions, I once saw an article by a chaos magician stating that as long as his delusions had special meaning to him, it really doesn't matter what others think.
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Postby Linja » June 14th, 2005, 5:43 am

Wow, LoadedKaos, really nice post. While reading that, I couldn't help but get the feeling that I was talking to some wise man or something, I was just really impressed.

Makidas, excuse my ignorance, but why does the year 2012 have special significance? If we are headed towards the age of enlightenment, and 2012 will be a breakthrough for that, then I'm happy that something like that is happening within our lifetime.

I think the human race needs something like what you're talking about right now. Well, I know I do. I really want to believe in all the spiritual, supernatural ect, but I'm unable to due to my strictly scientific view. I think that most people need to believe in something. It's just that science is the only thing that I personally have found plausible for belief.

I partially believe that ironically, it will be through science and technology that a breakthrough in metaphysics will occur. Science and technology is in my opinion the only hope for proving or disproving the existence of such things, and I hope that this happens soon, because it's being agnostic that I can't stand. And unfortunantly, only science or an experience of my own will change my mind.

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Postby loadedkaos » June 14th, 2005, 11:45 pm

Thank you Linja! :oops: Just some ideas I've been thinking, Oh yeah for those who don't know what okhems razor is it's a scientific principal that states that when something happens or goes wrong it's usualy the simplest solution. You should just stick with what feels good for you. It's possible that our spiritual proccess as far as the occult goes may just be a creative way to hypnotize our selves.

Part of the reason spirituality works and the occult from my understanding is faith, yes you may be delusional but who cares as long as these delusions don't tell you to hurt yourself. Some occult philosphy I think an athiest can relate to the most would be Jung pyschology,(the psychological applications I think you'd find interesting)Chaos magic(chaos magicians just experiment with every form of occult but are only interest in ones they see results in).

If anything happens on 2012 like every one is saying then I hope that it is what you say Makidas. Alot of other people think it wil be the end of the world, but I've seen more occultist beleive or maybe wishfully think that it will be the end of our society as we know and that a new society will be reborn. I guess we only haft to wait another 7 more years and we will know for sure. I for one will be staying in that new years not because I fear the end but because so many other people fear it and people will probably be acting crazy.
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Postby makidas » June 15th, 2005, 12:18 am

I by no means believe the year 2012 will bring an instantaneous change, but it will definitely be a gradual change, if Christ returns it will be in the year 2012. I've also had some interesting dreams about the year 2012. The astral and physical realms merging into one, but who knows.
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Postby Linja » June 15th, 2005, 2:14 am

LoadedKaos, I agree with you, on that faith is a matter of personal choice, and as long as it means something to the individual, then it's doing it's job in their eyes. So Chaos magicians experiment with every form of the occult but only continue with that which produces results? What about black magic? In my opinion, black magic would produce the fastest results, but wouldn't it incur a dramatic backlash against those who invoke it's power? Wouldn't even Chaos Magicians be aware of this? If they are, do they continue regardless? I'm curious.

The end of the world? Havn't we already been through a whole heap of end-of-the-world prophecies? Lots of people I know were saying that the world was going to end on 2000, not because of the millenium bug, but because of some Aztec prediction of a commet or some shit like that. Also, I some Christians I knew were saying that Christ was going to return in 2000, but this was all just speculation, and none of it was backed by any evidence and this view wasn't supported by the Christian community as a whole, I figure it was just rumour gone crazy.

I can't see how such a large change can occur between now and then. Maybe an asteroid or a mass epidemic or war would incur such a change, but these seem unlikely, the only thing that may seem on the agenda is a war between America and China.

If Christ returns, what would happen? Would he reveal himself as an adult, or would he only have been born in 2012? And how would he prove that he's Jesus Christ? Nothing short of a miracle would prove that, I'm sure. Due to many nutters arising to claim reincarnation of Jesus Christ, the real Christ may have difficulty proving his worth. Would he admit to being Christ? Or would he not know of anything like that and just be a fresh human being? I think that he'd have a hard time getting his message to the world and avoid assassination at the same time. Regardless, I hope that the religions of the world don't try to use it to strengthen their own power. Like claiming he's Christ, Mohammad, Buddha or any type of mesiah or prophet. Hopefully, he'll discard religion, and spread his message purely and peacefully. With media technology he would be capable of destroying the segregation religion causes, because he'd be able to reach everybody. Maybe he'll be a she. How do you think it'll occur?

The astral and physical merging into one? Wow, that'd be incredible. I can't even begin to imagine the implications of such a thing. Just the thought excites me. Do you think it's possible though? Do you think people are ready for such a change? Tell me about your dreams.

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Heres what I think?

Postby Tribial_Tiger79 » June 15th, 2005, 4:59 pm


I've been thrilled to read a dicussion like this. If you don't mind I wold like to put my two cents in.

first to understand my take on these subjects you have to under stand my influence. I at one time had a strong belief in God, I prayed, read the Bible,ect. But for a large protion of my life I have always belived in the Martial Arts, at first it was just the physical ( because I was to young to beleve in the spirtual side) then as I got older I got my hands on books from Ashida Kim, Stephen K. Hays ( these are some of my heros) Ialso read books from Wing Cung Kung fu. As I would read and study my proficancy incresed, untill one day I realised it's all worth nouthing with oput Chi ( chinese word for a magical force in your body) I know your going ohh lord another Martial Artist. I practiced with my chi every day for at lest an hour for a year. I could chi blast people, I could get them to develop a bond with me ( she could tell when I was having a bad day with out seeing me) I could push it out of my body to lessen blows. Then I met a group of people who role played and I joined them, and through them I met my magical friends and from them alot of spiritual things changed.

So please belive me I come from a very wide back ground.
heres my take,

I belive that we are only limited by our imagination
Science has done some great things it's to bad its corrupted by money and politcs, and looking back if we knew some of the results of the things science has created would we have created it?

No matter what you belive Magic, science, Martial Arts, prayer, what ever it is


There are lots of things science could prove but why wait for some scientist to publish some thing why not exerince it for your self?

Magick is a great power but does it really come from a god?
or is it a mind power where we create the result?

I also think that people have been able to shape shift for decades but I think they are Werecreators, and Vampires I think they all exist ( I have a hard time beliveing about the Psyicic Vampires) but not in the way we or the movie industrie makes us belive they do.

But so I ramble :)

so weather it be science or magic
expolre it all don't let any one limit where
your own mind will take you



I'm sorry if I ramble or jump around to much I was just giving my 2 cents
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Postby danmalara » June 15th, 2005, 5:19 pm

That was great post! :D I would love to learn as much as I can about chi, as I am exremely interested in the occult practices right now. I have makidas to thank for that. Any sites or anything that I could read more about chi, magick, or any occult thing would be great. So if you have a link post it. I have recently found this site, and don't know how creditable it is yet. <[url][/url]>
My MIND is happy. BLANK and empty. BRAINwashing is GOOD for me.
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Postby loony28 » June 15th, 2005, 6:50 pm

danmalara wrote:That was great post! :D I would love to learn as much as I can about chi, as I am exremely interested in the occult practices right now. I have makidas to thank for that. Any sites or anything that I could read more about chi, magick, or any occult thing would be great. So if you have a link post it. I have recently found this site, and don't know how creditable it is yet. <>

:twisted: I have a forum you can go to. it's htpp:// Check it out, it has some great threads on it. :twisted:
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Postby loadedkaos » June 15th, 2005, 11:45 pm

LoadedKaos, I agree with you, on that faith is a matter of personal choice, and as long as it means something to the individual, then it's doing it's job in their eyes. So Chaos magicians experiment with every form of the occult but only continue with that which produces results? What about black magic? In my opinion, black magic would produce the fastest results, but wouldn't it incur a dramatic backlash against those who invoke it's power? Wouldn't even Chaos Magicians be aware of this? If they are, do they continue regardless? I'm curious.

White and black magic are philisophical at best but most often it is religous occult group that dictates what is white and black. They may say it is black if the magic you work is destruction but is it really evil if you are doing it to destroy bacteria or viruses to be healthier because of this most chaos magicians from my understanding don't label their magic as good, evil or black and white. This is one of the reasons why I'm starting to learn chaos magic because the goal is to strip away the dogma and philosphy surounding most practices and using what works. As far as the backlash of the magic one works, well I don't know how that would happen if you accept the fact that their is no evil and good magic. I guess if you believe your doing something bad then that can severly effect what it is your doing.

Anyway here is a website to answer some questions about chaos magic just read some of the archives
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Postby Linja » June 16th, 2005, 1:20 am

Hmm, yeah, I've always wondered about black and white magic, because from what I see, good acts can often be bad if you work far enough down the line and vice versa, so where is the line drawn? I believe in the Tao, or the Ying Yang. I believe that good and evil coexist in harmony and within each exists some of the other.

Chaos magic sounds like a great prospect, for the reasons you said. It'll also be the fastest way to gain proof of it's reality and that would strengthen your belief in it and hence also strengthen it's strength, that's a cycle that can't go wrong.

Tribial Tiger, I enjoyed your post, it was a nice view to have.
I practice martial arts as well, I do Kickboxing now, but I used to do Karate where we did some work with Ki, although not on the same level as you are. It was taught to us merely as energy, which when focused can cause added strength and resistance to blows. I didn't think there was any supernatural force behind it, and I figured that it was just like focusing more thought to it and so it was through the power of the mind that such things happened, not for any mystical reasons.

In your experience of chi, do you believe it to be powerful enough to be applied practically? Do you think that it's more than just the power of faith and confidence? I know that you've covered all areas by saying all that matters is belief, but I was just curious as to your personal opinion. And tell me about your belief in Vampires? You said they don't exist in the way they're presented in the media, so how do you believe them to exist?

By the way, you didn't ramble or jump around at all in your post, it was very well constructed and very easy to understand.

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Postby Tribial_Tiger79 » June 17th, 2005, 4:29 am

Thank you all for the complaments,

when I used to role play a good friend took me to a live action game called Vampie the Mascarde, the game is produced by White wolf Productions
thier web site is white but in this game Vampies exist but they fallow thier own set of laws, thier number one law is that humans are not allowed to know about thier existance which is called the Mascarade. In this game they are not the wild suck the blood out of any thing that the movies have depicted them, and to me that makes sense because it if a Vampie was created every time someone was bitten then wheres the army of blood suckers? If I was a Vampire I wouldn't want every body knowing because the goverment I'm sure would just love to get thier hands on me. I know it might sound weird that I'm kind of beleving in a game, but when I played and read the books the more it made sense to me or maybe it was because I was young and impresionable.

Do I belive that Chi can be practical? Yes I do because in magic they meditate and " Gather thier energy" before they cast a spell, and I've heard of many Pro Atheletes "Zoning out" before a game and look at what those people can do, and from the Martial Arts side of it, When I watched The Bruce Lee story, he was in hong knog shooting a film and got into a real life fight and punched a large block of ice!, when i saw that it took me a week to get my jaw up off the floor

Linja when you are sparing in you K.B. class haven't you ever felt your hands get hot? that's your chi. I belive that chi, ki, or what ever you call it can be applied to all aspects of life, because in Karate they teach that this isn't just a some time thing it's an all time thing and thats very true. One thing Chi has taught me is that you can never let any body tell you "you can't do that it's not possible" the reason I experimented with it mysticly is because of some of the books I read. When I was in school I poured chi into my house so that I knew when some one entered my area I just knew, then I would go see who it was and I would try a read them just to see if they were good or not.

Some thing else I would like to say is that Please beware Kundalini it is a very powerful force of the body. I started to experiment with it and I was way way out of my league, it was so powerful it made me qestion my sexuality, So I stoped every thing for a long time, So if you decide to experiment with it be very very careful.

I really dont know of any good web sites that can help you study chi because when I started i didn't have internet yet. Some good books i can sujest are

Iron Body of the Ninja by Mr. Ashida Kim
actually all of his books are really good

thiers a book called " How to Develop Chi Power " I cant remember the authers name because I loaned the book to a friend but it is about Wing Chung Kung Fu

And all of Stephen J. Hayes books are good to

Well I think I answered every body, and I hope I was helpful

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Postby loadedkaos » June 18th, 2005, 2:04 am

Here is another good site that gives good explanations of what I'm talking about I personally liked the Models of Magick section and suggest most of the people to check it out it goes over the stuff we have been talking about. I think pseudo-skepticals would get alot out of the psycholigical method and chi magick would definately fall under the energy method. There are a couple of others. The theory is nice and of course for eclectics and chaos workers blending isn't out of the question. I just ordered Condenced Chaos a book I'm told is good for newbies.
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Postby Linja » June 19th, 2005, 3:26 am

Tribial Tiger,

My best friend believes that vampires exist, and no matter how much I try to shake him of this belief (I know, I'm a bastard), he won't let it go. The thing is, I would like to believe in it, but I can't, and I'm hoping that by arguing their existence with other people, they can convince me of their existence, but so far, no luck. My friend(s) have all provided a few views that cannot be rebutted, except that these views don't hold vampires as a different species, only as an organisation, cult or a disease.

I'm with you, in saying that if they do exist, I severely doubt that they suck blood, or that they can turn into bats or anything like that. I believe that all of that was just rumour and myth invented in the times when the stories of vampires first became rampant, but then, isn't it possible that the existence of vampires themselves is just a myth?

Yeah, I've felt my hands get hot. I've felt nearly everything get hot. But I must admit, when we did out katas, and did the moves involving ki, it did fell wierd, tingly, I'd say. There's been many times when I have believed it, but I still feel that there's not enough evidence. It could just be friction, or blood rushing, or my mind, or all of the above. I've read about it a lot, and some scientific research into it has produced some interesting results, I can't remember what it was, but I'm sure somebody here will know. There were photos of leaves and things, showing a blue-ish glow. This was meant to be the "life-force" or something. It was electro-photography or something like that, if anybody knows what I'm talking about, please exaggerate, because as you can see, I don't know much about it, it's just a memory.

I saw that bit in the Bruce Lee story too, and damn, Bruce Lee is crazy. It's such a shame that he died I think. But it's still possible that all of that is just meditation, or the power of the mind. Perhaps the "power of the mind" is chi? I dunno, let me know what you think.

Maybe you were just naturally questioning your sexuality? I know I've questioned mine before.

Thanks for all the book references, I'll check 'em out if my library has them.

And thanks for the website Loadedkaos, I'm reading it now...

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Postby dharden » June 19th, 2005, 9:05 am

Linja wrote:I've read about it a lot, and some scientific research into it has produced some interesting results, I can't remember what it was, but I'm sure somebody here will know. There were photos of leaves and things, showing a blue-ish glow. This was meant to be the "life-force" or something. It was electro-photography or something like that, if anybody knows what I'm talking about, please exaggerate, because as you can see, I don't know much about it, it's just a memory.

Kirlian photography, which uses high-voltage electrical fields.
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Postby loadedkaos » June 19th, 2005, 12:12 pm

The "Science of Vampires" is a pretty good book that you might want to check out if we are talking corporal vampires. I haven't read the whole thing but they talk about cellular regeneration and what type of change people would need to go through to survive off of blood alone.
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Postby makidas » June 19th, 2005, 8:40 pm

Vampires: The Occult Truth, by Konstantinos is a good non-fiction vampire book.
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
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Postby Linja » June 20th, 2005, 5:35 am

Awesome. Thanks dharden, loadedkaos and makidas for the information. I'll be sure to check out those books and resources and pass them onto my vampire obsessed mates.

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Postby Tribial_Tiger79 » June 20th, 2005, 10:42 pm

Hey all,

well here's what I know about ki. Ok we all know about what the chinese belive but science has proven that the mind and the body runs on tiny electric pulses, this is how we feel love, pain, ect. So science has said that they think that this is the mysticial Martial Arts force. Linja I can understand your scypticism, I also like to know results in my own mind, So I will do this,

I chalange you or anyone ,
As a scientise teast your self, cast a way your scientific mind and delve into the study of bodily energy.

But here are the rules you may only read books no internet
Keep track of your progress in a fourm that everyone may read and learn from your journey

from personal expericence
Martial arts will only be able to carry you so far
and at one point you will have to let go of your science to contenue your study

Now I warn you this will be a long path for you but, you will also learn much about your self and people around you.

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Postby Linja » June 22nd, 2005, 4:36 am

I can't cast away my scientific mind, sorry.
If I did that, then any knowledge or seeming results gained in such a "journey" would be invalid, at least in the eyes of logic, because there would not be any empirical evidence to back the pseudo-reasoning behind it's existence or application.

I'm sorry, but I believe that science is the only route to true knowledge. Knowledge gained by anything other than science is open to scrutiny.


P.S I'm sorry for the post in the journal thread, I understand what it was for now. Sorry again.
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Postby loadedkaos » June 22nd, 2005, 3:51 pm

I think for most people "psychics" and "occultist" it's more about personal development than it is about actuall science. I know my initial interest in anything "supernatural" is more about the psycholigical impact it has on me and not wether it is scientificly supported. I'm gonna be practicing stuff that will either disprove it or prove it but mostly I'm interested in me, my behaviors and how I function literaly and metaphoricaly. This is why I'm interested in hypnosis also I think the occult and hypnosis have a couple of things which would go well together, and if I'm delusional well then I hope they are beneficial and meaningful delusions.

I'm not arguing with you linja in fact I agree with you but I have not seen anything I would consider as objective evidence that would prove or disprove psychic abilities. Even though I have my reservations about some being workable such as psychokinetics does not mean that it isn't possible. If anything I think both sides are fanatical about the existance of or the non-existance of psychic abilities. The whole theory behind "supernatural abilities" have alot to do with belief, and conviction in ones abilities and ontop of that the leading researchers and scientist in the field of "paranormal" say alot of psychics filter their abilities through their imagination which makes it even harder to prove. If this is true then the ones for the "paranormal" will have a hard time trying to seperate fact from fiction from their subjects, not to mention all the mentalist out their performing tricks that seem disturbingly psychic. As for the scientist against it makes it easy to dismiss because it doesn't exist but that very attitude is their reason for failure their lack of belief.(sorry about grammar I am in a hurry today)
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Postby Linja » June 23rd, 2005, 2:43 am


Very well put. I don't want anybody to get me wrong in the existence of the supernatural, I certainly believe that it is a possibility, but I am not certain of it yet. Science in my opinion, has not proved, nor disproved it's existence, and so I remain agnostic on the issue, but due to my personal views and personal logic, I tend to sway on it not existing.
I am all for the belief of it, other people can believe what they want, and until science can disprove the existence of whatever they believe in, I don't have a problem with that. And even if science has disproved it, it's still their choice, but I know what I believe in, and I know what you believe in, and I don't think anybody has a problem with anybody else's beliefs here, so it's all good. That's what I believe anyway...

I didn't think for a second you were arguing with me (and even if you were, I don't mind, as I see argument as a good way of ironing out faults in one's own beliefs), because I read nothing but truth in your words. Another great post, thanks.

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Postby Tribial_Tiger79 » June 23rd, 2005, 6:57 pm


Those were great posts, And I agree with bolth of them.
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Postby VeryGnawty » July 9th, 2005, 11:08 pm

I know several people (including myself) who have varying levels of Empathy.

So yeah, I believe in telepathic stuff.
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