Anyone know this person?

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Anyone know this person?

Postby Lunn » November 5th, 2008, 12:35 am

Ok, something wierd happened to me. I got a file from a and I don't know this person. My computer can't play the file so it seems new. In addition, they used an e-mail that I don't use for here, though I do use it for MSN and the person addressed me using my middle name, which I don't use anywhere. And lastly, it came as a format one would expect as a e-mail to a slave undergoing e-mail training. Since I am unaware of any such training and don't know the person and they are not in my contacts or sent files, then I have to wonder why I am getting such. Anyways, any info from anyone would be helpful as I would be irritated if someone managed to compromise my computer.

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Postby kitten » November 5th, 2008, 9:40 am

Are you sure that it's not just some driveby spam? It might just be something that's being sent out randomly to a bunch of people.
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Postby Lunn » November 5th, 2008, 10:35 am

No, I am not sure that it isn't. I just thought I would ask just in case.

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I think I can help

Postby MRhello » November 5th, 2008, 5:54 pm

My computer can't play the file so it seems new. In addition, they used an e-mail that I don't use for here, though I do use it for MSN and the person addressed me using my middle name, which I don't use anywhere. And lastly, it came as a format one would expect as a e-mail to a slave undergoing e-mail training.


In my real job, I am a computer technician, so I might be able to tell you what happened, with a small bit of information. The info is nothing personal, just some small details about the file sent that you couldn't open. It does, however, sound as if someone DID compromise your computer, at least for the name.
Ok. Here are the questions:

#1) What was the NAME of the file that you could not open?
#2) What was the file type; ex. .wav, .mp3, .jpg, etc.
#3) Is your middle name used on your COMPUTER- like in the registration, UserName, Etc.
#4) What Anti-virus do you use?

That's it. I am a consultant for G-mail, so I will see what I can dig up on that person, in case he did this to others.

If you do not want to post the info on the forum, just PM me.

Pissed off at some idiot for doing this,


If I can find out his WMM user name, I will be happy to report it to EMG as well as his computer info so he can no longer do anything like this.

One last bit of advice: save the e-mail, but block his/her e-mail address. That way, he/she cannot spam, annoy, or generally break the law (Yes, It is illegal to send e-mails without some sort of permission) anymore.
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Postby Lunn » November 6th, 2008, 2:37 pm

The file was an avi file and RealPlayer and Windows Media player couldn't open it, it was sent to my hotmail account, so was never actually on my computer other than as an attempt to play it. I don't know of a single place my full name is used anywhere on my computer, I don't use it for my registration info nor e-mail info, but it is likely not hard to have nabed it from public records somewhere if you wanted to watch me long enough. I use AVG Free 8.0 for anti-virus and anti-spam, I have ZoneAlarm free for firewall and use the latest Opera for my browser. WindowsXP has the latest security patches. I made sure everything was updated and rn a full deep scan. I found a lot of website tracking cookies, but no virus or other stuff. I of course eliminated those and then cleaned the virus vault.

Unfortunatly, the e-mail is history but the guy is blocked from my hotmail and my MSN. I forget the name of the file, but it was something nonsense.avi and as I said, RealPlayer wouldn't play it, so it must not have been genuine.

Just kind of ticked me off as it was written like something that you would send to an e-mail slave if you had done work with audio or video files as well. And, well, I am pretty sure that I haven't gone that route with anyone or anything that I know of. I also went back and checked all my MSN, Outlook and other contact lists to see if I could find any traces and even checked my undelete records and there are no files there that suggest any relationships.

I am not seeing anything on my computer that suggests something is running in the background or I am loosing processor power or memory to anything I can't redily identify.

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Postby MRhello » November 6th, 2008, 6:59 pm


I have managed to find the e-mail address used, but there was nothing useful. It was apparently made using a dummy name, address, and other information. I tracked the e-mail usage and found out that the e-mail was sent to many different people, who, in interest of their privacy, I will not disclose. This WAS a "drive-by spam", and the dummy info has been submitted to G-mail so they can stop it from being used again. The AVI file he/she sent was corrupt, and not a virus. It was downloaded with a compressor, and wasn't uncompressed correctly. The contents of the file said to contact that person, etc. etc. And contained a major privacy breach; if you WERE a willing "e-mail slave" you would have found yourself in a rather compromising position, to say the least.

As a last note, the e-mail account has been warned, and reported for further investigation. I am very sorry that the scumbag (to use the polite term) got a hold of your e-mail, and I will pursue this matter with my employer.

I truly regret that there are people out there who are so %$#@ up that they have to resort to this. If you get any more crap from g-mail addresses, PM me.

Happy that this idiot was stopped,


PS: I am sorry that a person has ruined your experience on this site.
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Postby Gannon » November 6th, 2008, 7:09 pm

This is very unfortunate. I hope this never happens again.
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Postby Lunn » November 9th, 2008, 12:12 pm

Fucking A DUDE! That is awesome to know. Glad that maybe I am responsable for helping get rid of a spammer. Good deal! I surely hope that no one gets messed up with this crap and no one ends up hurt from giving out personal information because of this person.

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