(Game) Death(ly) Entertainment

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(Game) Death(ly) Entertainment

Postby MRhello » December 18th, 2008, 10:57 pm


Ahem. Onto the gameplay. This game is similar to the Death Thread, which has brought us all quite a bit of fun. It is essentially the same, but with a few small edits, tweaks, and a monkey carrying a wrench pulled outa the gears.

The game starts the same, and never ends ( 8O This is the thread that never ends, it goes on and on my friends... 8O ) :twisted:

For one, no personal insults please. I am quite sure that you all can agree to that.

Number two: Try to be as creative as possible, as this will help you out, as I will explain next.

Next, there is now a point system! I will be reading the posts and awarding points based on elaboration, outrageousness, creativity, dementedness, and humor. As games usually go, the higher the point total you have, the better. (I will award points on a scale from 0 to 50).

And a couple other things: I am going to set up a system to keep track of the points. Eventually (meaning in 'round 2 1/2 months) I will reset the points and declare a winner! And, because this is a "gameshow", I will be awarding prizes of a sort. Namely, I will buy someone a pay-file if they win!

Now, one last thing:

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Postby Martham112 » December 19th, 2008, 12:21 am

*grabs MRhello's head and rips it from his shoulders*

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Postby georgejorge » December 19th, 2008, 12:34 am

*Brings Martham's slippers, a warm glass of milk, and some fresh baked cookies*
"here you go. You look exhausted, I hope that decapitation didnt wear you out too much. It seems like such hard work. Your so strong. Are you comfortable? can I draw a fire for you? fluff your pillow?"

Killed Martham with kindness!
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Postby steve14 » December 19th, 2008, 1:27 pm

tie goergejorge to a vine, start drum beat bum bum bumb bumb babumb bum watch out for that tree!!!!
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Postby hellion0 » December 19th, 2008, 8:46 pm

*invites steve17 into her trailer, excuses herself to go smoke a cigarette, calls for her cat, then pulls out a 9mm and shoots the propane tank, blowing up the trailer with steve17 still in it*
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."
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Postby loony28 » December 19th, 2008, 10:02 pm

*ties hellion0 to a bed and gags her. cuts off her clothes and takes out a razor blade giving her many tiny cuts. pours salt water all over her. takes a knife and slowly cuts along her stomach and takes out several organs finally cutting out her womb. finally takes a dull ax and chops off her head, though it takes ten wacks to fully decapitate her.*
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Postby CycoMelody » December 20th, 2008, 8:29 pm

*sneaks up behind looney and chloroforms them. When looney awakens they realize that each of their limbs are tied to a nascar stock car. A very feminine voice rings out over the PA system*

Gentlemen Start Your Engines!!!!! *engines roar, 4 green flags wave and looney goes to pieces.*
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Postby MRhello » December 23rd, 2008, 12:20 am


I was expecting some antics, but to have this much so fast? WOW! And everyone with such interesting ideas! OK! Lemme compile a list of points thus far:

Martham112, georgejorge, steve14, hellion0, loony28, and last but not least CycoMelody have joined the game! The points stand thus far:

Martham112: Gotta hand it to ya, I love video game references, and that response was, ummm... "brutishly simple." 19 points for you! Nice start!

georgejorge: I had a major LMAO moment at that. Very creative, well thought out for being only the second post with not much to work with. 22 points for you for creativeness.

steve14: ROFLWAFFLE. Again, I love references, especially game and movie references, and that use of georgejorge's name was clever. Nice, but coulda used a bit more effort. Still, nice job! 15 points for mr. steve14.

hellion0: Nice set-up. Gotta love the simplicity, but with good detail, such as the cat, and the gun caliber. Nicely done! (But, if I may offer a hint, a small "BOOM HEADSHOT" woulda been great. ;P ) 22 points for you!

loony28: *MRhello edges away from loony* Damn! I gotta give you credit for creepy-ish ness, complexity, and brutality. I must say, I wouldn't want to run into you in a dark alley when you've had a bad day... *shiver* *shiver* Well, anyway: For good complexity, gore, torture, and a well-done disembowelment, the high-score of this round: 33 points! Nice start!

CycoMelody: Nice. Very nice. Details are good, nice pun with the "looney goes to pieces" part, and good set-up. Our second high scorer: CycoMelody, with 30 points!

Keep the thread goin! Im lovin this!

lemme chime in, tho. *ahem*

*MRhello starts the Barney song. He gets a single phrase out before a giant flash of light happens, and the world is gone. On an orbital view, every human brain on the planet went thermo-nuclear upon hearing that SMD, or song of mass destruction.*

My work here is done. *says a word that rhymes with "Orange" and is promptly sucked into another dimension*

Have fun, kids! Remember, the score is on a scale of 1-> 50! Keep it up!
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Postby Martham112 » December 23rd, 2008, 8:28 am

*Martham112 pulls out a modified calculator. This calculator has what looks like a gun barrel on the top of it. He points it at MRHello and types in 67 divided by 0.*

Bye bye!

*presses =*
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Postby CycoMelody » December 24th, 2008, 8:31 pm

*Snickers and looks at Martham from across a busy highway. She then opens her mouth and begins to sing. The sound of her voice is so hypnotically enticing that he is drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Every note pulls him in closer as cars whiz by him at 65 mph. The singing continues as does Martham's trek across the highway until finally an air horn rings out just barely snapping Martham out of trance in time to see Tractor Trailer hauling Sirens and Light bars for Ambulances, come slamming into him. CycoMelody stops singing, snickers again, then laughs at the foolish man who didn't understand the Siren's Song was actually a warning not to walk through traffic.* :p
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Postby loony28 » December 25th, 2008, 1:15 am

*loony28 kidnapps CycoMelody and ties her to a table. He then gives her muscle relaxants so she can't move or speak. Next he plays with her for a bit brining her to the edge of orgasm then starts an IV drip that is a solution of acid which slowly eats away at her insides until she is dead.*
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Postby hellion0 » December 25th, 2008, 7:12 am

*hellion0 kidnaps loony28 in the dead of night, drugs him, ties him up, then walks into the next room. It contains an old-school standalone bathtub, which is quickly filled with lime. loony28 is at the edge of consciousness when he is tossed into the tub, and the flesh begins to dissolve from his bones. It is an extremely painful and slow death. The lime is then disposed of. Afterward, the skeleton is broken up into tiny pieces with a hammer, then scattered along a gravel road.*
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."
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Postby LimitBreaker » December 26th, 2008, 1:08 am

*Teleports everyone into another dimension, where a zombie apocalypse is occurring*
*Sprays Hellion0 and CycoMelody with blood, pulls out a triangle and rings it: DINNER TIME!*
*The zombie hoards attack. In the brief delay before they get there, I give everyone a shotgun to make it entertaining-at least for me.*

*After the hoard of normal zombies is destroyed, Hellion0 and CycoMelody are still alive; So, I bring in zombies from ANOTHER different dimension.*
*Hoards of hugely-overmuscled, insanely fast zombies attack, with an occasional zombie that tries to strangle CycoMelody with their intestines.*
*After a long-running gun battle, CycoMelody and Hellion0 come across what looks to be a small girl sitting on the floor crying. Hellion0 tries to talk to her; bad choice.*
*Game over. Nice blood type, though. Looks good on the Train Station walls.*

(Video reference is from Left 4 Dead- the "Witch" is an insanely powerful zombie that is hellishly hard to kill. You make a sound, you die. Bye!)

8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
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Postby georgejorge » December 27th, 2008, 8:38 pm

calls up limitbreaker with an offer to try out a new zombie video game. The game is played as one of two people fighting off hoards of zombies on an alien planet. the game is so fuckin' awesome that limitbreaker soon becomes addicted. he can't seem to set down the controller and is drawn into the game more. Three days later limitbreaker dies of a hemorrhaging in the brain for too much awesome, zombie killin' action in a pile of his own piss and feces. He is then used as a poster child for several organizations against video games as a means to pass legislation against the sale, use or creation of video games.

boo ya. double kill: limitbreaker and the video game industry.
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Postby MRhello » January 16th, 2009, 7:12 pm


Ok. On a more serious note, I think that this should get some more attention. This is not just for fun, although it may look it. This is actually a pet project of mine, of which the reason shall be known when this topic is finished. Also, I thought I might reiterate for those who maybe did not read my topic post: I AM OFFERING A PAYFILE TO THE WINNER. I WILL PAY, YOU CHOOSE THE FILE.

Ok then. Now that this topic is back into the stream, I will start judging people again. And for clarification: The payfile has to be reasonable. If you ask for the "All the files on the site" package, I will refuse and ask you to pick another. Also, people can post as many times as they want. I am still grading and tallying points.

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Postby georgejorge » January 18th, 2009, 11:03 pm

well since nobody seems to be jumping (wait for the pun) at the chance to kill me, I take a few quick strides towards the edge of a tall building and watch as the earth comes rushing up at me.
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Postby CycoMelody » February 6th, 2009, 1:14 am

*tosses the spinning vortex of doom onto the ground beneath george. As he enters the dismal abyss, he is spun in circles for an hour or so. During that time he throws up repetitively and clearly turns green. As he enters the event horizon of the vortex he learns that it is actually a wormhole laces with sharp pointy things that skewer him and leads to hell where he is barbecued to a nice crispy color.*

Hey its been a while so I thought I would give this topic a spin! *rimshot*
You define your reality!
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Postby LimitBreaker » February 9th, 2009, 12:58 am

Speaking of taking a spin, let's see how far the rabbit hole really goes...
*Teleports everyone into an alternate universe where the basic law of nature is that there is no law of nature here. *
*While everyone is having massive sensory overload at smelling the color nine, I sit back and laugh at everyone.*
*After thirty years of that, I finally get bored of people turning into pieces of string and then into elephants, etc. etc. so I put everyone right and send them home. (At least what they THINK is home...)*
*As everyone looks around and gapes at their good fortune, I decide to have more fun. TELE TIME!*
*Now everyone is in a version of a once popular computer game known as UT2K4. Little do they know that this game has a new mod on it...*
*Now that everyone is thoroughly confused about what is happening, I start the game. With the AI on "Insane" difficulty, with the unfortunates that just popped in as their targets.*
20 minutes and 9,001 gallons of blood later...
Game over. Game stats: Tele team from WMM: -320 kills. AI bots: 2.0880974297595278485472941149621e+122 kills. TOTAL DOMINATION.
*SNORE* *SNORE* *SNOR-K* Oh? It's over? Meh. At least the railgun got a workout.
*Sits and wonders why the people I was just taking on a standard tour of duty, now that they're back home, are sitting in corners with tinfoil hats.*

Meh. I guess I went too easy on 'em. I think Ill have to show them the wonderful world of Wonka next. This most recent trip was just into my head, then into my computer. I hope they liked the experience of smelling the color nine. It's quite a divisible touch!

Y3S, I h4z uub3r 133T h4x.
*Little do they know that all your base are belong to us nao.*
*(This is MY world. I just let you live here)*
8O 8O 8O :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: 8O 8O 8O
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Postby PS360 » February 9th, 2009, 2:47 pm

Battle music: http://www.imeem.com/groups/cq8dacNx/music/3DjmaqXR/battle_of_rose_rozen_maiden_bg_music_battle_of_rose/

*Activates Inpenatrable Forcefield and Dimension protector around body and runs into the alternate reality*

Heh, Silly fool. I have the tech here to destroy you.

*Arms Chaingun*

Here we go

*Shoots At limitbreaker and robots with 100% Accuracy. It fully knocks him down to the ground. His bots are fully destroyed. As he is recovering, i pick him up by the neck, drag him out of the alternate reality, Breaking his neck. Then forever seals the alternate reality so nothing can come out of it.*

*Suddenly i up the power on the forcefield to maximum, and will never get any damage anymore in my lifetime*
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Postby MRhello » March 25th, 2010, 7:43 pm

Well WELL! Looks like we finally have some new posts!

FYI, The offer of a pay file is still valid...
Current players and their scores:
Martham112= 19
georgejorge= 22
steve14= 15
hellion0= 22
loony28= 33
CycoMelody= 30

New players:

The scoring for recent posts:
Martham, I loved that, being a complete geek. Simple, elegant, and lol-able, 20pts.

CycoMelody- that post was music to my ears (figuratively) and was a great start. 27 points! And it was for a song, too! =P

Loony: d(0-0)b describes it. Creepy, sadistic, and simple. 18 points.

Hellion: *MRhello Faints* Damn! That was sadistic, creepy, and the ending was freakishly demonic. SECOND PLACE HIGH SCORE:38 POINTS!

LimitBreaker: TAAAANK! SMOKERRRR! WITCH! BOOMER! PIIIIIILLSSS HERE! <- Quote from the game. I love L4D, and this was perfect in its execution. HIGH SCORE SO FAR IN THE GAME:43 PTS!

georgejorge:YESSS!!! Great! That happened to be the one I was reading when a RSS feed alerted me to L4D2's release date. That's probably whats gonna happen to me when I get it. 30 points!

Next post was my bump, moving on...

Next post by georgejorge- points were combined with previous.

CycoMelody: SCHWEET! That was "dizzyingly" good, but a small bit disjointed. 10pts.

Limitbreaker: I loved the Unreal Tournament reference. because you got the high score on your last post, a small booster of 5pts is all you get for this. It's worth 45, but I gotta be fair.

PS360: Music idea was good, but I didn't listen, as that was not part of the premise for the thread. Otherwise, pretty good, but a bit halting. 21 points.

adby: Honestly, I could not understand most of your post, and what was readable was nonsense. Sorry, but I gotta give you a 0, only because I have no idea what you were going for.

CycoMelody= 67
hellion0= 60
georgejorge= 52
loony28= 51
Limitbreaker= 48
Martham112= 39
ps360= 21
steve14= 15
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Postby soundexcess » March 26th, 2010, 12:04 am

adby after the zro points whooping wanders aimlessly into a blind ally, where open a door from a mysterious club lures ab in. AB follows noise from club on to find ab on stage as course for a cannibal sex club. Ab is stripped completely and used by all the club members and then ab is taken a away and cleaned thoroughly as live stock would be. AB is then brought to the butchers room where ab is impaled ed anally, and then marinated in a teriyaki sauce, ab is then one last time while on the spit before going over the fire. While over the fire the intense heat and the stimulation of the basting give ab many orgasm the best ones ab has ever had, finally after 6 hours of roasting and over 200 orgasms ab is read to be served still just barely alive and slight coherent ab is going to be eaten well cooked but alive, member begin cutting there favorite pieces toes, feet etc. leaving the just the still breathing torso of ab and ab's head to view the head cannibal approaching with a large knife. The cannibal reaches ab and caress his meal, and the jabs his large into abs chest as ab winces in pain, at the expert stab that missed ab's heart, which cannibal cuts out wand eats while it is still beatin front of ab's now closing and relieved ab releases bladder and bowel in one final act as ab passes to peace.
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