IRC - A place to avoid?! or not depending on your kink

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IRC - A place to avoid?! or not depending on your kink

Postby Rogue » March 22nd, 2009, 1:01 pm

It seems from past few months that the IRC chat server has sucumb to feminisation only and then enslavement of anyone there, so if you dare to enter be warned if your male you might not be much longer.

Don't look for me there as the madness has forced me to take check on my senses and depart..

My new IRC home is on the collarme server ( in the #ControlledThoughts channel, sorry EMG but I hope things go well with the chat and with HF but I will not be supporting the chat room any longer.

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Postby thephantom » March 22nd, 2009, 10:04 pm

First of, I asked you to talk to me, you refused.

Enslavement ?!?!? are you kidding? there was NO enslavement there!
feminisation? people ask for it all the time. If you ain'T happy with that, go elsewhere.
We do NOTHING against the subject will.
And what madness? I think you have some serious issues there.

You NEVER EVER talked to us about ANY problem or rised any concern.

Beside, you wasn't even paying attention to the channel since month
november: 0 line
december: 0 line
january: 0 line
febuary: 12 lines (all same day, in the same hour)
march: 4 lines (3 in 7 minutes, one nasty message quit message)

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Postby Wildsprite » March 22nd, 2009, 10:33 pm

Rogue, you rarely showed your face, things happen, you could have been part of it but you chose not to be, your accusations of our server being a madhouse that turns males into females is outragious and uncalled for, we force nothing on noone, infact if anyone tries to force anyone to do anything and we find out about it they are kicked from the room and if severe enough from the network

I also agree with Casper, no concerns expressed to us whatsoever and we get this

let me make this clear, if your goal is to force anything on anyone we do NOT want you on our network

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Postby Flow123 » March 22nd, 2009, 11:16 pm

I'm a user/tist/half-op of the Warp My Mind chatroom. I'm there a LOT. Accusations that the chatroom has turned into a den of feminization and enslavement are both uncalled for... and... well... shocking.

First off, the only people who are allowed to tise there are people that have proven themselves trustworthy and ethical. We have a set of rules that are enforced to the best of our abilities, harshly even, for the safety of the users who visit.

Another thing, we have visitors who are interested in all the kinks represented on this site, and even people who just visit for chat. Feminization is a common request, and that shouldn't seem that odd... LOOK at the number of feminization files represented on this site vs the number of any other group. We never do something the subject doesn't want, and we even won't do some things that they DO want... We try to be safe and sane.

Personally, I have worked with feminization, age regression, furry, triggers, robotization, and nearly anything else people have wanted.

As for enslavement, we do our best to make sure that doesn't happen. Not here.

I personally feel safest in this chatroom than any of the other hypnosis themed chats I have visited, and it's going to stay that way.
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Postby BeMine » March 22nd, 2009, 11:32 pm

Might I add that if you see something you disagree with in the chatroom, why not bring it up then and there? I mean, there's no better place to put something out in the open than a room full of people watching. It sure beats privately brooding over it, of course.

It's clear there are people keeping an eye on the chatroom. The logs mentioned bye someone up above there shows that. That's one of the impressive things about IRC.

Anyways, my point is, there's no better place to call something out you don't like than chat. So do it. Don't back down or wimp out just because things might be against you. You won't befriend everyone, but you'll find people that think like you do, and make the friends you'll want.

My guess? Something happened a few days or so when few people were around over a large span of time. Not everything in a chat room is actively monitored, it's not possible. It can be assessed afterwards, but having a patroling and intruding bot can be annoying. Let chat be chat, and just have fun with it, say what you like, and don't let it get to you too much if you see something you don't like. If you don't have the guts to debate the issue to the people you have a problem with face-to-face in chat, then don't go behind their backs to complain about it on the normal forum.

Regardless, when it comes to hypnosis chat, PLAY IT SAFE! That's a note to anyone out there. Learn about the people in the room. A large crowd doesn't always mean you're safe, so be a bit careful.
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Postby Krysta » March 22nd, 2009, 11:43 pm

It's interesting to me how you can say that the IRC channel has succumb on ly to feminization and enslavement. It's true that in our chat setting, these things are a frequent topic of discussion, and subjects seeking these things often come to the chat looking to meet up with a tist. This I know, because I am in the channel every day.

I am a tist and half-op in the channel, and feel very comfortable with both the regular crowd, and the subjects who come in. As a group, we can be kind of rowdy, but isn't that what one wants in a social chat? As tists, all the tists in the room are very good at keeping as professional as one can, given the subject matter we are asked to cover.

Feminization happens. A lot. But only to people who ask for it. And only to the degree both tist and subject are comfortable with.

Enslavement happens, but not so often. Those few tists in the room who are also Dom/mes tend to keep themselves to two or three submissives at any given time. Only those who are truly looking to be submissive, and no more than that Dom/me can handle.

Many other things happen as well, covering the spectrum of fetishes. And that's really what this site is about. We're not there for therapy, we're there so that people can explore sides of themselves they otherwise wouldn't be able to.

As a subject, I've done triggers with the tists in that room covering a huge variety of fetishes, just for the sake of trying them. I've been a catgirl, tried baby play, been even more of a Domme than my usual, and been a willing sub.

I trust the people in there, because we have a setup that makes me feel safe in this setting. The tists have all proven trustworthy, and people proven untrustworthy are removed.

In closing, I'm sorry our "madness" has taken you elsewhere, but our madness occurs only when we play, and I take insult at the implication otherwise. I will NEVER do anything to a sub sithout their will and consent, and I know from experience that every practicing tist in that room feels the same.

subject / tist / half-op #warpmymind
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Postby tecywiz121 » March 23rd, 2009, 12:17 am

I suspect there is copypasta here.
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Postby Krysta » March 23rd, 2009, 12:21 am

there is, I saw no need to try to compose two totally different replies to the same comment posted in two places :P
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Postby Rogue » March 23rd, 2009, 2:25 am

casper & sprite,

Neither of you have ever activly come and spoken to me about anything, and the one time I passed on an official complaint regarding issues on the IRC server to you sprite you refuted the issue, and went off to talk to casper about it, then changed the rules with out discussing it with.

I dont have to sit with my op's showing to be a part of the op team, I have been on that server every day and not one of the IRCop members has ever come and spoken to me about any issues going on regarding changes to system or issues arrising on the servers.

If you wish to send others after me when you both have ways to talk to me directly and can't be bothered then I'm sorry but I do not feel that the situation warrents even discussing as my participation is not really required and therefore you might have well asked me to leave ages ago.

Dont worry I will not be visiting as I can't see any point in discussing this as whatever I say you will deny and I'm sure will make certain that you can find people to agree.

The D/s issue, that has all kicked off in the last couple of weeks, suddenly everyone becomes submissive, or slave to another, I'm not fussed over who is doing what with who, and I'm sure there are people that are going to love to rant and rave about that but I am from a background that believes you should be able to focus one Dominant to one submissive, if you want many that is your issue, and I know EMG has a few but that is his choice, and the same for everyone else.

EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OWN OPINIONS, if you dont like them tough, but I believe freedom of speech on the internet is still a valuable thing and I will continue to use it where I see fit.

As far as I'm concerned I have given you my reply, and I will not be posting any further comments here so flame away!

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Postby thephantom » March 23rd, 2009, 3:10 am

yes, you raised a single issue, which was a quick fix, no need to make a conference there. rule change don't need to be voted...

I came personally talk to you about some issues, you was just plain NOT interressed into hearing it or finding a solution. Plain regular was more interessed.

As for server issues and alike, we know you ain't interessed, when you are even there to hear about it. Beside I did most of the stuff via global message, to EVERYONE on the network. You must have missed those.

I did not had any way to reach you. I also asked sprite, she don't have any contact info. So I had to ask someone. but you didn't wanted to come talk. Your own lost.

For the D/s thing, there was no dom in the past, there is some now, so sure the activity increased. Don'T like it? you could have /part

As freedom of speach, yes, it exists, but it do NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO DECIDE TO MAKE UP FALSE CLAIMS.

You don't like the channel? your reaction? Make the channel appear to be unsafe, spam another network and channel. Very mature.
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Postby poetzero » March 23rd, 2009, 7:08 am

I would have to agree with the responses from Rogue's comments. His postings were unwarrented and inaccurate. As a regular visitor for a number of years, and one with voice (+), I can absolutely say I have not seen said madness. Silliness, at times, maybe, but not madness.

In regards to his comment about enslavement, once more, inaccurate. I, for one, have never enslaved anyone, nor have I ever been enslaved by any tist. Not my style, dude.

I enjoy hanging in the chat here. The vast majority of people there IMO are pretty cool. I may not talk in channel all the time (not the most talkative individual), but that does not mean I am not aware of what's going on. In fact, I usually am mildly entertained. And isn't that what it's all about?

Just thought I'd add my two devalued cents.

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Postby alysia_M » March 23rd, 2009, 7:35 am

Casper/phantom/Felancia: Sprite did have contact info for Rogue and apparently did not tell you she didn't have it only that she couldn't remember it ... which is slightly convenient eh.

Some people have complained about things going on in there but feel that they can't complain to the ops because the ops have been part of that complaint.

This girl is a regular on the chat and it has changed and not for the better; and she is not the only one who feels like it, a few people have also said the same to her and said that it is too weird in there now but feel they have nowhere else to go.

There have been two seperate conversations in which ops and admin have condoned using stealth trance for revenge and it was only after receiving complaints and Rogue brought these up that that rules were put in place to deter the discussion of it.

There was another incident where 'a feminisation ray' was directed at a user and when he took offense and said so there was almighty hell to pay ... how dare he take offense! Ops were also involved in that incident. In fact, the op the user was blasted for taking a swipe at was the same op who was encouraging another user on the chat to learn and use stealth trance especially at those who 'slight' her. Silliness? This girl doesn't think so!

Hmm ... is there a pattern emerging here? Also, aren't ops supposed to be impartial and neutral? Where was the user's (one who objected to being turned female) rights to free speech and his own opinion?

There was a time where a sub was tranced/triggered outside the room but then told to tell all in the main room just what she would do if there was a person in front of her and the tone of the room went from hypnosis to smut. This girl is no prude but not everyone wants to know exactly what that sub would do if there was a c*** or a p***y in front of her. Oh and guess what happened then.... an op jumped on the said sub and 'done' things to her ... good role model in how to behave in channel! There's fun and then there's smut and what transpired was smut and that isn't just this girl's opinion.

This girl is sorry things have come to this; she has made some good friends in the chat room and it does have it's moment's, lot's of them, but things have changed there. She was hoping things would return to normal but now she can't see that happening.

*just an afterthought... the op's are there to police the channel but who is there to police the op's?

**Most of what this girl has described here has happened recently, over the last month, maybe two.

***The chat room Rogue set up on the other server was there before His 'outburst'. He did complain and say that He would leave the server if things didn't shape up and they didn't and so He has done what He said He would.
"Most welcome, bondage, for thou art a way, I think, to liberty." William Shakespeare
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Postby thephantom » March 23rd, 2009, 2:40 pm

alysia_M: Being rogue's sub make you need to defend him it seems...

This girl is a regular on the chat and it has changed and not for the better;

Not for the better? The chat is WAY more active, almost everyone does chat now.

they can't complain to the ops because the ops have been part of that complaint.

Real bullshit. The real reason why they don't make any official complain to the op is simply because there is nothing to complain about. They have an head on their shoulder and know that it's all fine, that no one go overboard and it's all play. Thing that you and rogue clearly can't see.

There have been two seperate conversations in which ops and admin have condoned using stealth trance for revenge

stealth trance that's it. And it was not allowed already, we just forgot to make it formal in the rules. Rogue knew about it already.

There was a time where a sub was tranced/triggered outside the room but then told to tell all in the main room

That is called hummiliation, which is something quite in demand you know?

***The chat room Rogue set up on the other server was there before His 'outburst'.

So he was only waiting for an occasion to leave it seems.

He did complain and say that He would leave the server if things didn't shape up

So his solution? don't talk about it at all and just dissapear.
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Postby alysia_M » March 23rd, 2009, 6:22 pm

thephantom wrote:alysia_M: Being rogue's sub make you need to defend him it seems…

This girl does not need to defend Him, He is quite capable of that Himself if He feels the need to. And just because this girl is Rogue's slave does not make the points she made any less valid and trying to discredit her that way is rather weak.

This girl is a regular on the chat and it has changed and not for the better;

Not for the better? The chat is WAY more active, almost everyone does chat now.

This girl didn’t say it that it being more active was the problem, she thinks it is good thing that it’s gotten more active. What she did say was just that it had changed and not for the better.

they can't complain to the ops because the ops have been part of that complaint.

Real bullshit. The real reason why they don't make any official complain to the op is simply because there is nothing to complain about. They have an head on their shoulder and know that it's all fine, that no one go overboard and it's all play. Thing that you and rogue clearly can't see.

No, it’s quite clear that you don’t see the point at all. If your boss is causing concerns with his behaviour who do you go to, to complain.. Management? What if he is the management, if the buck stops with him? Same thing in regard to the ops. Oh and just for an example, someone did complain to an op about certain behaviours and was told by the op that they had offended the op etc by thinking that way. Nicely dealt with eh?

There have been two seperate conversations in which ops and admin have condoned using stealth trance for revenge

stealth trance that's it. And it was not allowed already, we just forgot to make it formal in the rules. Rogue knew about it already.

So it wasn’t allowed. Why is that? And if it wasn’t allowed how come you don’t see the problem with an op or an admin, condoning it’s use in a revenge act? Especially as, being an op, they knew it wasn’t allowed, whether omitted from the rules by mistake or not. And as it was an op condoning it’s usage, who was the complainant supposed to complain to?

There was a time where a sub was tranced/triggered outside the room but then told to tell all in the main room

That is called hummiliation, which is something quite in demand you know?

Yes actually this girl does know and wasn’t complaining the person in question was humiliated. There are ways of humiliating without it turning as smutty as it did.

***The chat room Rogue set up on the other server was there before His 'outburst'.

So he was only waiting for an occasion to leave it seems.

No actually, He set it up for this girl and a friend. We also had the same room set up on the wmm server too, not many visited and we thought it might be more suitable on the collarme server as it is mainly for BDSM and we were not only discussing hypnosis but D/s relationships. For a while it was on both servers.

He did complain and say that He would leave the server if things didn't shape up

So his solution? don't talk about it at all and just dissapear.

Actually, He was quite plain in telling people where He could be found in His first post here. Plus as said previously, Sprite has His contact details.

It seems to this girl that you have been rather selective in picking out quotes and in doing so evaded the real questions brought up by her original post.
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Postby Shadow2000 » March 23rd, 2009, 7:16 pm

It seems to me that everyone is just blasting alysia and Master Rogue's comments to discredit them and divert attention away from them. No one is standing back and objectively discussing it (and some responses to their posts are just too aggressive which are uncalled for). It seems a lot of the time you're just saying to go away.

I think that the notion that alysia is agreeing with Master Rogue because she is his sub is outrageous and pathetic. She is still an intelligent person, and her opinions are just as valid. Alysia does not need Master Rogue to point out to her what problems arise before her eyes, she is very capable. Why would she say such things if they were not true? And also, I know for a fact that some are true, because I myself witnessed them.

It also seems that in places you are responding, and attempting to justify the problem by telling us what other people think. Very convienient of you. And as an op you seem very quick to shovel dirt on any potential threat to you. Any complaint would need to be handed to you, so no wonder there are none.

I think any issues that have arisen from their posts have been quickly disputed and evaded.
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Postby thephantom » March 23rd, 2009, 7:47 pm

The only thing we're doing is correct them. Rogue is never there, how can he know what happend in the channel? Same with alysia. Both have no idea what the subjects asked for, yet they claim abuse? And you are even less often there.

I know what people do, I DO investigate on potential abuse. I DO take actions against any abuse.

As for what you beleive to be true, have you asked the subject or the tist about it? No, how can you be so sure that it IS true? I DID asked. In some occasion I requested logs from both side. You did not even asked them.

You seems to do like rogue and forget that this channel cover a very wide range of fetish and needs. What appear to be painfull for someone is the best experience of their life for someone else.

I do look at it objectivelly. Sadly some do not or are too closed minded.
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Postby EMG » March 23rd, 2009, 7:47 pm

Ok, this has all the makings of a flame war and really doesn't relate to site improvements. Therefore I will be moving this thread to Idle Chatter(the one in Meeting Grounds too). IF anyone has a serious complaint about how chat is being managed please contact me privately. Preferably with examples.
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Relief is in Site!

Postby Calimore » March 23rd, 2009, 11:14 pm

Thanks Big Guy. I'm just happy the site has an associated IRC channel. If I have any complaints I'll just take them to the operators there. They all seem to get along okay.

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Postby lorcain » March 24th, 2009, 2:56 pm

EMG wrote:and really doesn't relate to site improvements.

The IRC chat is linked to as a part of this site. I don't see how you can say a problem with IRC doesn't relate to the site (and therefore improving IRC would be imporving the site)

EMG wrote:Therefore I will be moving this thread to Idle Chatter.

Dismissing this as 'idle chatter' seems rude and counterproductive really. Any complaint made by a former IRCop should be taken seriosuly.

I think Rogue might have been a little extreme in the OP.
The server seems to be predominantly about feminization, at least from a casual observer's view (I'm there most evenings, not often chatting). Other kinks are present, but to a much lesser degree from what I see. There was a period for about a week where at least 5 or 6 people suddenly had dominant or submissive urges, and resulted in quite a few D/s style relationships. I was concerned about that since it seemed like such a huge coincidence, and I mentioend it to Rogue. I don't know what was done, but I've never gotten a satisfactory answer about it.

And there was an issue about stealth trancing thats already come up, I talked to Rogue about it because I didn't particualrly want to say it to Wild^Sprite since she was involved (and has since said in channel she was wrong, this isn't a personal dig at anyone). I ended up having to anyway since no headway was made between the two IRCops talking. It seems to me like there was just a complete breakdown of communications, on both sides.

Pretty much everything else I wanted to say Shadow has already said. Some people have been dismissing Alysia's opinoin since she is Rogue's sub and thats just wrong, plain and simple. And there are questions being evaded and not answered.
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Postby Wildsprite » March 24th, 2009, 3:16 pm

alysia_M wrote:Some people have complained about things going on in there but feel that they can't complain to the ops because the ops have been part of that complaint.

if any op is complained to and the complaint is about them they are supposed to treat it from an outsiders point of view, if they dont they dont deserve their status

alysia_M wrote:
There have been two seperate conversations in which ops and admin have condoned using stealth trance for revenge and it was only after receiving complaints and Rogue brought these up that that rules were put in place to deter the discussion of it.

this was corrected, nothing can be done except to apologize about it

alysia_M wrote:
There was another incident where 'a feminisation ray' was directed at a user and when he took offense and said so there was almighty hell to pay ... how dare he take offense! Ops were also involved in that incident. In fact, the op the user was blasted for taking a swipe at was the same op who was encouraging another user on the chat to learn and use stealth trance especially at those who 'slight' her. Silliness? This girl doesn't think so!

I dont remember this but again I apologize

alysia_M wrote:Hmm ... is there a pattern emerging here? Also, aren't ops supposed to be impartial and neutral? Where was the user's (one who objected to being turned female) rights to free speech and his own opinion?

yes they are

alysia_M wrote:
There was a time where a sub was tranced/triggered outside the room but then told to tell all in the main room just what she would do if there was a person in front of her and the tone of the room went from hypnosis to smut. This girl is no prude but not everyone wants to know exactly what that sub would do if there was a c*** or a p***y in front of her. Oh and guess what happened then.... an op jumped on the said sub and 'done' things to her ... good role model in how to behave in channel! There's fun and then there's smut and what transpired was smut and that isn't just this girl's opinion.

another incident I dont remember...

alysia_M wrote:
*just an afterthought... the op's are there to police the channel but who is there to police the op's?

thats what the IRCops are for, to police the server and make sure everything is run properly

again, ops are supposed to remain impartial and neutral when using their rights on any channel, if they do not they dont belong as an op, but remember these ops and IRCops are humans as well, we should be allowed to have fun, I dont recall any incidence where an op used their rights during any of these, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong
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Postby Rogue » March 24th, 2009, 3:21 pm

I said I wasnt going to post again to this thread but after comments that have been made I feel I have no choice.

clear and plain enough?!?!? I have been on the server every month, every day until the day I left and started this thread!
Just because I did not sit in the WMM channel doesnt mean I am not there, and other channels there do not interest me. Most of the time you could have come in the admin room, strangly a room for admins that was set up by me, and then frequented mostly by wild^sprite or whatever nick was being used at the time, YOU were never there as an IRCop

WILD^SPRITE you have had my contact information all along, you have even got my yahoo address which is linked to my yahoo messenger

BOTH OF YOU MUST BE BLIND! you both had my new server information in the first post that I did!!

You both commented about it so you both saw it, after all if you were to move wouldnt you give a forwarding address?!? that was the simplest way to do it for all my FRIENDS on this site.

As to your comments about alysia's post, she came to me and said she was posting and did I want to read it first, I told her no, her opinions are her own and should be treated as such, strange that both of you dismissed them totally without a second thought! if that is your attitude to a post here, then it also shows your attitude to your ability to run an IRC server correctly.

I havent wanted to post this and I didnt want to get so heated over it but it has been actually affecting my real life situation and that was causing me issues which I will not go into.

But thank you both for lying blatently on this post.

If you want to talk about me continue to do it behind my back on YOUR servers as obviously SLANDER and BACKSTABBING are all you are good at.

SORRY EMG this is taking place in your forums but your site is linked to the IRC server and as such it DOES impact on you and will continue to do so.

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Postby hypnointerest » March 24th, 2009, 3:50 pm

Here is an outsider point of view: Relax.
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Postby Wildsprite » March 24th, 2009, 4:01 pm

Rogue wrote:WILD^SPRITE you have had my contact information all along, you have even got my yahoo address which is linked to my yahoo messenger

I never denied having a way to contact you Rogue
infact I only told Casper I didnt have it with me when he asked because at the time I was at work
Rogue wrote:
BOTH OF YOU MUST BE BLIND! you both had my new server information in the first post that I did!!

You both commented about it so you both saw it, after all if you were to move wouldnt you give a forwarding address?!? that was the simplest way to do it for all my FRIENDS on this site.

I made no such comments about your new server
Rogue wrote:
But thank you both for lying blatently on this post.

what the frag are you talking about? I havent lied in any of my posts on this thread yet
Rogue wrote:
If you want to talk about me continue to do it behind my back on YOUR servers as obviously SLANDER and BACKSTABBING are all you are good at.

I have tried to be civil in every post I have made Rogue, I still consider you a friend, I just see this as unfortunate things had to happen this way, I don't backstab or slander anyone, not even on my server, the only thing I expressed on their was being upset about your parting and how it happened
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Postby BeMine » March 24th, 2009, 4:25 pm

Rogue, take it easy for a second, and read what Casper's saying again.

His point is that if something bothered you about chat, you certainly didn't take a moment to point that out or discuss it with anyone.

I've always envisioned chats to be like, well, an airport or a subway, with the "If you see something, say something." idea firmly in use. The mere fact is that whatever has bothered you, feminization, domination, or anything at all, well, you waited on it, waited to bring it up for a very long time. You didn't address it as it was happening in chat, and you didn't bring it up here until you were so frustrated by it that you'd given up on it.

If you see something you think is wrong, speak up! That's what chat is for: To discuss things. Debate about what's happening. Besides, if you think someone was being placed in a stealth trance in chat against his or her will, the best thing to do would be to disrupt what's going on, anyways, right? If someone's trying to make someone else his or her slave, wouldn't talking be the one thing to disrupt it?

My point is this: You could have done something any of those times you saw it happen. If it happened while you were gone, but you later read logs, then you could have at least discussed it when you came back, and made the room regulars aware of the issue, as soon as possible. Instead, you held off until what seems to be months later.
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Postby thephantom » March 24th, 2009, 5:27 pm

Rogue wrote:
clear and plain enough?!?!? I have been on the server every month, every day until the day I left and started this thread!

Logs wrote:
Sep 28 06:40:45 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Oct 02 02:58:40 <-- Rogue has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
Oct 02 05:52:04 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Oct 04 10:24:08 <-- Rogue has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
Oct 04 10:31:16 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Oct 05 09:35:02 <-- Rogue has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
Oct 05 09:42:37 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Oct 06 18:04:11 <-- Rogue has quit (Quit: )
Oct 11 04:50:46 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Oct 14 11:28:08 <-- Rogue has quit (Quit: )
Oct 20 16:00:56 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Oct 21 06:59:13 <-- Rogue has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
Oct 21 07:05:09 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Oct 21 11:44:11 <-- Rogue has quit (Quit: )
Oct 21 18:06:16 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Oct 21 18:56:15 <-- Rogue ( has left #warpmymind
Oct 24 12:27:18 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Oct 24 18:31:51 <-- Rogue ( has left #warpmymind
Oct 25 12:58:25 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Oct 25 13:34:33 <-- Rogue has quit (Quit: )
Oct 26 12:31:15 --> Rogue ( has joined #WarpMyMind
Oct 26 15:57:43 --> Mavrick ( has joined #WarpMyMind
Oct 26 15:57:54 <-- Rogue has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
Oct 26 15:58:02 --- Mavrick is now known as Rogue
Oct 26 20:34:49 <-- Rogue ( has left #WarpMyMind
Nov 18 04:09:34 <-- Rogue ( has left #warpmymind
Feb 28 16:16:43 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Feb 28 17:57:24 <-- Rogue has quit (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
Mar 01 14:47:29 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Mar 01 14:49:15 <-- Rogue ( has left #warpmymind
Mar 03 16:55:14 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Mar 03 18:34:42 <-- Rogue ( has left #warpmymind
Mar 22 14:52:55 --> Rogue ( has joined #warpmymind
Mar 22 14:54:58 <-- Rogue ( has left #warpmymind

every day?

Rogue wrote:
Just because I did not sit in the WMM channel doesnt mean I am not there

I guess you mean "because I did not talk in the WMM..."
Because it's hard to be in the channel when you are not.

Rogue wrote:
Most of the time you could have come in the admin room

There was no reason to go there really, and this is actually unrelated to this.

Rogue wrote:
strangly a room for admins that was set up by me

BTW, the founder of #admin is wildsprite, not you.

Rogue wrote:
and then frequented mostly by wild^sprite or whatever nick was being used at the time, YOU were never there as an IRCop

So? there is contact info in the topic, useless for me to be there, and this is UNRELATED

Rogue wrote:
WILD^SPRITE you have had my contact information all along, you have even got my yahoo address which is linked to my yahoo messenger

BOTH OF YOU MUST BE BLIND! you both had my new server information in the first post that I did!! You both commented about it so you both saw it

I did not had the contact info, Wildsprite didn't had it with her.
Those two threads has been reported to me.
Seeing those made us realise it was useless to try to you directly.
I tried to contact you, all what I could get was your email address.
But seeing the length of your first post, it was clear that you decided to not anyway.

Rogue wrote:
As to your comments about alysia's post, she came to me and said she was posting and did I want to read it first, I told her no, her opinions are her own and should be treated as such, strange that both of you dismissed them totally without a second thought! if that is your attitude to a post here, then it also shows your attitude to your ability to run an IRC server correctly.

Her post clearly show that she posted anything, just to take your defence and has been proven wrong by more than one person.

Rogue wrote:
But thank you both for lying blatently on this post.

Thanks for YOU for lying blatently on this post. I provided "unedited" logs (filtered to remove the irrevelant stuff like chatting, I can provide unedited logs to anyone requesting it)

Rogue wrote:
If you want to talk about me continue to do it behind my back on YOUR servers as obviously SLANDER and BACKSTABBING are all you are good at.

it seems like it's you that is in slander and backstabbing. You attack, we show proof that you lie. Yet you claim that we're doing it?

Rogue wrote:
SORRY EMG this is taking place in your forums but your site is linked to the IRC server and as such it DOES impact on you and will continue to do so.

If anything of this would have been real, you wouln't have done it, but have went talk directly to emg. You claim to be sorry? I don't think you are.
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Postby EMG » March 24th, 2009, 5:36 pm

If you have a complaint, send me a PM with a copy of the chat log.

Otherwise this is not a site improvement, it's an argument and I'm moving it elsewhere not deleting it.

The IRC for WMM has been hosted away from WMM for several years, the ops have been reasonable and have always responded to any issues that a user has raised. Therefore, until someone SHOWS me that there is a problem I will side with the reliable people that I have trusted for years.

In the end, MY site, MY choice, if you have a problem talk to me.
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Postby Rogue » March 24th, 2009, 5:43 pm

that would be your answer EMG, stand up for Casper
he posted your message to the channel

[16:28:09] 11@Felancia : interresting
[16:28:21] 11@Felancia : From: EMG
[16:28:22] 11@Felancia : Subject: Re: hmm hi again again :) Quote message
[16:28:22] 11@Felancia : Thanks for one of the head's-ups. I'm going to leave his sillyness(in 1 spot). I'm not sure what sets Rogue off, but this won't be the first time. Generally speaking, he's high strung, but his post will disappear in a week and won't matter in the long run, so I'll let him vent a little.

Sorry but This isnt something that I am going to vent over and leave.
this IS related.

Seems anything to do with IRC is brushed under the carpet...

I understand my position now, thats as it was in the IRC channels, just another name on the screen.
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Postby EMG » March 24th, 2009, 5:49 pm

See, I knew this belonged in idle chatter.

Enjoy your fight. When you have a serious complaint with information to go with it send it to me.
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Postby thephantom » March 24th, 2009, 5:49 pm

Rogue, what are you trying to do exactly? spread dirt on everyone? including EMG? You're out of "valid" arguments so you're going with unrelated things? Are you that desesperate on trying to make you look better? All you do is show what you really is.
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Postby alysia_M » March 24th, 2009, 6:19 pm

thephantom wrote:The only thing we're doing is correct them. Rogue is never there, how can he know what happend in the channel? Same with alysia. Both have no idea what the subjects asked for, yet they claim abuse? And you are even less often there.

Funny how this girl has logs going back almost two years then! Yes she may take a few weeks break sometimes but has been a regular for quite a while; and just because alysia in not in channel constantly does not mean she would not recognise unacceptable behaviour or abuse if it did happen. This girl is not blind and neither is she stupid.

Wildsprite wrote:
alysia_M wrote:Some people have complained about things going on in there but feel that they can't complain to the ops because the ops have been part of that complaint.

if any op is complained to and the complaint is about them they are supposed to treat it from an outsiders point of view, if they dont they dont deserve their status

That is fair enough Sprite but surely you can see how difficult some people might find that.

alysia_M wrote:
There have been two seperate conversations in which ops and admin have condoned using stealth trance for revenge and it was only after receiving complaints and Rogue brought these up that that rules were put in place to deter the discussion of it.

this was corrected, nothing can be done except to apologize about it

Thank you for admitting this Sprite and alysia was aware of the apology., maybe this girl should have put that in her post. alysia was trying to point out that there have been problems and for anyone to deny them is just not right.

alysia_M wrote:
There was another incident where 'a feminisation ray' was directed at a user and when he took offense and said so there was almighty hell to pay ... how dare he take offense! Ops were also involved in that incident. In fact, the op the user was blasted for taking a swipe at was the same op who was encouraging another user on the chat to learn and use stealth trance especially at those who 'slight' her. Silliness? This girl doesn't think so!

I dont remember this but again I apologize

This girl did not name you Sprite, did not want to single any one person out but thank you for standing up and apologising.

alysia_M wrote:Hmm ... is there a pattern emerging here? Also, aren't ops supposed to be impartial and neutral? Where was the user's (one who objected to being turned female) rights to free speech and his own opinion?

yes they are

Most of the time the ops will remain neutral in regard to most fetishes but alysia will say she does find that the ops and admin are slightly biased towards those into feminisation and will tend to band together and go on the defensive if anything is said about it.

alysia_M wrote:
There was a time where a sub was tranced/triggered outside the room but then told to tell all in the main room just what she would do if there was a person in front of her and the tone of the room went from hypnosis to smut. This girl is no prude but not everyone wants to know exactly what that sub would do if there was a c*** or a p***y in front of her. Oh and guess what happened then.... an op jumped on the said sub and 'done' things to her ... good role model in how to behave in channel! There's fun and then there's smut and what transpired was smut and that isn't just this girl's opinion.

another incident I dont remember…

Not a lot to say to your answer here but this girl does have the logs. And no, alysia did not at any time say the girl was being abused.

alysia_M wrote:
*just an afterthought... the op's are there to police the channel but who is there to police the op's?

thats what the IRCops are for, to police the server and make sure everything is run properly

Yes ok but if there is problems with the ops and they wont see it, how then do you deal with that; who then, do you turn to?

again, ops are supposed to remain impartial and neutral when using their rights on any channel, if they do not they dont belong as an op, but remember these ops and IRCops are humans as well, we should be allowed to have fun, I dont recall any incidence where an op used their rights during any of these, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

This girl has never said you should not have fun, of course you should but you should also remember as an op you should lead by example… correct this girl if she is wrong.

Rogue wrote:]
As to your comments about alysia's post, she came to me and said she was posting and did I want to read it first, I told her no, her opinions are her own and should be treated as such, strange that both of you dismissed them totally without a second thought! if that is your attitude to a post here, then it also shows your attitude to your ability to run an IRC server correctly.

Her post clearly show that she posted anything, just to take your defence and has been proven wrong by more than one person.

Show this girl where she was shown to be wrong… as far as this girl can see the only one to answer the points she brought up was Sprite and she did not show this girl to be wrong. You, just evaded the issues.

That's it for this girl... she has had enough.

*If EMG wishes to see any relevant logs then he can.
"Most welcome, bondage, for thou art a way, I think, to liberty." William Shakespeare
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Postby thephantom » March 24th, 2009, 6:34 pm

alysia_M wrote:
Funny how this girl has logs going back almost two years then!

So? I have basically uninterrupted logs dating from december 20 2003, make the math.

alysia_M wrote:
Yes she may take a few weeks break sometimes but has been a regular for quite a while

he was claiming mostly uninterrupted, which show that you isn't paying attention to the thead at all

alysia_M wrote:
and just because alysia in not in channel constantly does not mean she would not recognise unacceptable behaviour or abuse if it did happen.

look like you can't.

alysia_M wrote:
Wildsprite wrote:
alysia_M wrote:Some people have complained about things going on in there but feel that they can't complain to the ops because the ops have been part of that complaint.

if any op is complained to and the complaint is about them they are supposed to treat it from an outsiders point of view, if they dont they dont deserve their status

That is fair enough Sprite but surely you can see how difficult some people might find that.

Then they should have complained to emg, which none did, so that "abuse" musn't be that bad, if any.

alysia_M wrote:
Most of the time the ops will remain neutral in regard to most fetishes but alysia will say she does find that the ops and admin are slightly biased towards those into feminisation and will tend to band together and go on the defensive if anything is said about it.

Which show you ain't following stuff at all when it happend, go read back your logs. You'll see what I talk about. Feminisation ain't understood by many persons and think they have mental issues, not to say that they should be locked up because "it ain't normal to want to change sex"...

alysia_M wrote:
Yes ok but if there is problems with the ops and they wont see it, how then do you deal with that; who then, do you turn to?

First, we can't see everything
Second, if no one complain how can we know we missed something or did something?
Third, if all fail, EMG is there. I did directed some to emg when they came to me complaining and ended up still in disagreement.

alysia_M wrote:
Show this girl where she was shown to be wrong…

I did pointed up some places where you has been wrong

I think everything has been said, Alot of thing has been brought up that was unrelated. Can we close this thread now?
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Postby Wildsprite » March 24th, 2009, 7:26 pm

will you people please stop arguing the points here, this is going in circles and it seems that the only ones seeing anybody elses points here are me and alysia, this is stressing me out, and the dr told me to avoid unnecessary stress, so please either get to the point or agree to disagree, I'll have someone else tell me the end results as I'm not returning to the forums till my health gets better
Peace of Mind Is a Blanket That Purrs
When you look at me, tell me what do you see??this is what you get its the way I am - Holly Valance
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Postby Krysta » March 24th, 2009, 7:39 pm

I have to agree with Sprite, the arguing is getting to be overkill, and it seems that nothing's going to happen as a direct result of it except people getting angry. Reasonable points have been made from both sides. I have seen the sometimes somewhat excessive femme play in the room, including the specific incident alysia mentioned, after which I ended up talking to the person in question privately elsewhere afterward. Personal bashing from anyone to anyone will not solve anything, and I refuse to remain if it continues in that direction, as it threatens to.

I do love the IRC channel and it's crowd, and I hope to see whatever issues people have there get resolved. Obviously I am not one of the full admins there, but I am always available if anyone has a complaint they don't feel like sharing with others above me. I have no issue passing those things along, anonymously if requested.

And if I am part of the problem for anyone, pleeeeeeease tell me something. I acknowledge that I do sometimes go further with my play than I really should, as serious as I am when I'm tizing. But I will never take offense if asked politely to tone it down, sometimes I need it, I know.

If any have issues they need addressed by me or with me, and they don't wish to talk to me directly, I can be reached by email at

Rogue, I will miss you now you're gone, alysia I hope will still be somewhere, as I've enjoyed our talks. to all others, see ya soon =3
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Postby Flow123 » March 25th, 2009, 4:25 am

hello again. Flow here.

One thing I wanted to clear up. I spent about a week... submissive to another member of the chat because I wanted to give it a try and see if I could change my state of mind. Mind you this was by choice, and in no way involved hypnosis. :)

It was interesting, and sorry if it caused anyone undue concern.

Also... let me know if you have any concerns about me. :) i'm a nice guy. Really.

Rogue, I didn't really get to know you. I talked to you maybe, once or twice. I'm sorry to see you go, regardless.

alysia, this one will miss you. If i was a problem, i'm sorry. >.<
You can catch me on HF and such too... I hope to see you around.

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Joined: July 17th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby alysia_M » March 25th, 2009, 2:05 pm

*smiles at Flow* Thank you Flow and no this girl did not have a problem with you; neither did she with you Krysta. In fact this girl did not have a problem with any one individual, it was a culmination of behaviours that happened over a few weeks.

Krysta thank you for the last post you made, alysia also hopes that these issues will be resolved and some already have i.e. the stealth trance.
(ps... this girl enjoyed our chats too)

Shadow and Fi, thank you for the supportive words you wrote. They mean a lot.

Well this girl was not going to come back on and look at this thread, but someone mentioned it and now alysia is glad she did.

The chat is generally a good room and a good crowd and like this girl said in her first post she has made good friends there. Right now she doesn't think she can go in there, at least for a while; but it's not forever, she will be back :)

well wishes,

"Most welcome, bondage, for thou art a way, I think, to liberty." William Shakespeare
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Postby Krysta » March 25th, 2009, 2:21 pm

to alysia, and anyone who wishes to voice an opinion or ask a question. We will be hosting a moderated Q&A session in a new subchannel #wmm_QA on Tuesday April 7th at 4pm EST. This is open to all users of the chat as a time to meet with the ops to address any issues or concerns seen by anyone who visits there.

Those wishing to participate but unable to attend may leave questions with my in my email - They will be asked and answered, and a log of the entire session will be posted online following the event. Questions posted to me, may be anonymous by request.

Hoping it's a great session, and looking forward as always to seeing you all -

Posts: 59
Joined: March 22nd, 2009, 12:00 am


Postby seattleworld2 » April 9th, 2009, 10:24 am

for me i see no reason to continue the chat process. As i like the site before i even got involved in the chat. In the begining of the site we didn't need a chat. I found out that has more chit chatting going on then here combined. If i'm allowed back in I will only be there as just dead air. Meaning i will not talk. I opened up to people in the Chat room and then they told me i was annoying and disrespectful. on that note I would like to try and start a chat about AB/DL. I also would like to get a a file to Change my High Funtioning Autism. Did Felancia know this month is National Autism month. I would like to talk less. So i really don't see a need for chat. However the forums are better fof doing things. Keep the forums and dismantle the chat room because no one chats in there. :roll:
Posts: 52
Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Re: chat

Postby dood185 » April 9th, 2009, 12:31 pm

seattleworld2 wrote:for me i see no reason to continue the chat process. As i like the site before i even got involved in the chat. In the begining of the site we didn't need a chat. I found out that has more chit chatting going on then here combined. If i'm allowed back in I will only be there as just dead air. Meaning i will not talk. I opened up to people in the Chat room and then they told me i was annoying and disrespectful. on that note I would like to try and start a chat about AB/DL. I also would like to get a a file to Change my High Funtioning Autism. Did Felancia know this month is National Autism month. I would like to talk less. So i really don't see a need for chat. However the forums are better fof doing things. Keep the forums and dismantle the chat room because no one chats in there. :roll:

Yea that makes sense. Since YOU would like to talk less, dismantle the chat. (Sarcasm, if you hadn't noticed)
Why the rolling eyes thing though? It looks contradictory. And people do chat in there.
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Re: chat

Postby seattleworld2 » April 10th, 2009, 12:13 am

dood185 wrote:
seattleworld2 wrote:for me i see no reason to continue the chat process. As i like the site before i even got involved in the chat. In the begining of the site we didn't need a chat. I found out that has more chit chatting going on then here combined. If i'm allowed back in I will only be there as just dead air. Meaning i will not talk. I opened up to people in the Chat room and then they told me i was annoying and disrespectful. on that note I would like to try and start a chat about AB/DL. I also would like to get a a file to Change my High Funtioning Autism. Did Felancia know this month is National Autism month. I would like to talk less. So i really don't see a need for chat. However the forums are better fof doing things. Keep the forums and dismantle the chat room because no one chats in there. :roll:

Yea that makes sense. Since YOU would like to talk less, dismantle the chat. (Sarcasm, if you hadn't noticed)
Why the rolling eyes thing though? It looks contradictory. And people do chat in there.
sometimes they do and sometimes they don't
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Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby seattleworld2 » April 10th, 2009, 4:39 pm

I feel like we need to dismantle the chatroom here. I"m trying to start an IRC Channel of my own that is called i think hat will be a cool place. I won't have very many rules. one of which is no foul language. :roll:
Posts: 52
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Re: chat

Postby thephantom » April 10th, 2009, 7:38 pm

seattleworld2 wrote:for me i see no reason to continue the chat process.

then why are you comming?

seattleworld2 wrote:
As i like the site before i even got involved in the chat. In the begining of the site we didn't need a chat.

No one said it was mandatory, it's fun to have a chat. Sadly, some have issues and want to destroy what many others love just because it's not as they want it to be

seattleworld2 wrote:
I found out that has more chit chatting going on then here combined.

Sure, there is more chat, it's bigger. But have you ever checked what's going on there? there is almost more abuse than legit things there. They FORCE their VICTIMS to chat in many places.

seattleworld2 wrote:
If i'm allowed back in I will only be there as just dead air. Meaning i will not talk.

So you want to just idle... and you think it will make you more loved?
It's extremelly annoying when someone only and only talk in pm. As a channel owner/admin, we see it as: I don't like your stupid channel but I'm forced to be here, go fuck yourself with your channel... ok, not as bad as that, but you get the point...

seattleworld2 wrote:
I opened up to people in the Chat room and then they told me i was annoying and disrespectful.

And your reaction? You don't care, don't even try to find out what they find annoying, you just make the situation worse by bashing the channel and complaining more. This what made you banned for a week.

seattleworld2 wrote:
on that note I would like to try and start a chat about AB/DL.

There used to be one, which died because no one went there. People prefer to talk in #wmm.

seattleworld2 wrote:
I also would like to get a a file to Change my High Funtioning Autism. Did Felancia know this month is National Autism month.

What does the national autism month have to do with this?

seattleworld2 wrote:
I would like to talk less. So i really don't see a need for chat. However the forums are better fof doing things. Keep the forums and dismantle the chat room because no one chats in there. :roll:

No one forced you to come in the chat, if you don't want to chat then just don't come.
And people DOES chat there. you keep forgetting that people have a life. This is from all around the world, people have sometime weird schedules.
I noticed a drop in the chatting since you came in, significant drop. Why? Your attitude is in part to blame. Rude, unrespectfull, insulting and annoying.

BTW, talking about making another network is quite annoying and even insulting for network admin, and channel owner. They see it as "You don't make a good job, go fuck youself, I hate you" (ok, not as bad, but you get the point)... and you keep doing it...

You want to chat less, but want to start your own irc network????
You want this chat to be dismanteled? yet you want to make your own irc network??????
Are you trying to kill the concurence?
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Postby abba149 » April 10th, 2009, 9:19 pm

Irc is Great
Just obey the rules and be nice
all will be fine
Posts: 14
Joined: April 4th, 2009, 12:00 am

sorry for abatement

Postby seattleworld2 » April 10th, 2009, 11:40 pm

I'm sorry for the ban evasion. I will accpet my punishment as i've been a bad sub boy. After talking to Krysta i understand why you are so mad at me. However, with charactristics of Absgers syndrome when i get on a topic. How do i speak to drum up conversation. I like to chat, so i was wondering Felancia what would be a good way to drum up conversation. As politics is my favorite subject. I like to drum up a lot of conversation. I personally would like to put this whole thing behind us. If you want to chat with me personally you can IM me on yahoo at Fast_runners_2000. I have to know do I have to be a sub like on chatroom and obey. I really want to know what are your expectations if i want to have a civil conversation. Or do i need to just sit in the chat with my mouth shut. Like gagging going on? Can you awnser that question for me
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Postby seattleworld2 » April 11th, 2009, 12:03 pm

what i meant is I the chat i would monitor the chat not just sit idle. sort of like i do on yahoo from Time to time. sometimes i don't get the signal's that i'm annoying people. I try not to. overall i try to be a friend to everyone. In seattle We have a group that I hung out with once that is all for fetish clubs. however, I feel i will always be lonely in this world. a lot of m kinks came about because i was thrown out of normal circumstances by my peers. I think I might have been in the shcool shooting. thank goodness for the internet. I try to be respected, but i realize that i have to earn that respect. When i was in school i got so sick and tired of taunting that I went to violence. Then Yahoo came along and made my life better. So I hate Foul language i depise it. On my yahoo messenger i block anyone that puts stuff like that on when chatting to me directly. I would like the phantom to IM me some time so i can talk to her Directly. Thanks Dan :cry: :? :cry: :? :cry: :? :cry: :? :cry: :? :cry: :?
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Postby abba149 » April 11th, 2009, 5:32 pm

is irc church?
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Postby seattleworld2 » April 11th, 2009, 11:26 pm

abba149 wrote:is irc church?

no it's not church happy easter. What do you expect i hang out with a mormon guy
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Postby seattleworld3 » April 30th, 2009, 8:10 am

after all maybe IRC should be Church lol :D :lol: :lol:
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Postby seattleworld3 » April 30th, 2009, 8:25 am

abba149 wrote:Irc is Great
Just obey the rules and be nice
all will be fine

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Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby thephantom » May 10th, 2009, 5:02 pm

and seattleworld3, you always complain, repeat yourself, annoy everyone. you are doing this on purpose. You claim asperger, that is NOT asperger!

You talk as if you was forced to come, no one ever forced you to come.
All what you was asked to is to stop to exclusivelly talk in pm (asking everyone to pm is extremelly annoying, specially when they see that it was more apropriate in public than in pm)

And you also was asked to stop to spam.

Sadly, you refuse and prefer to ignore all advices and blame your asperger.

This is sad. Good luck with your "no rules" stuff

even more good luck having any interraction in any channel.

Take this advice: Take your destiny in your hand, open your eyes, think about how you are. Read more about asperger, as what you do ain't related.
Posts: 25
Joined: April 22nd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby seattleworld3 » May 11th, 2009, 12:21 am


thephantom wrote:and seattleworld3, you always complain, repeat yourself, annoy everyone. you are doing this on purpose. You claim asperger, that is NOT asperger!

You talk as if you was forced to come, no one ever forced you to come.
All what you was asked to is to stop to exclusivelly talk in pm (asking everyone to pm is extremelly annoying, specially when they see that it was more apropriate in public than in pm)

And you also was asked to stop to spam.

Sadly, you refuse and prefer to ignore all advices and blame your asperger.

This is sad. Good luck with your "no rules" stuff

even more good luck having any interraction in any channel.

Take this advice: Take your destiny in your hand, open your eyes, think about how you are. Read more about asperger, as what you do ain't related.
Posts: 22
Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am


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