Wish Corruption Game

For discussing Anything and Everything.

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Postby boomsmee » April 20th, 2012, 1:40 am

Granted. your Psychology professor becomes a serial killer slaughtering the entire class, including you.

I wish I had an intergalactic spaceship.
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Postby qv » April 20th, 2012, 5:02 pm

Granted, you have an intergalactic spaceship, but it is nearly as small as a speck of dust and is promptly inhaled by a nearby dog.

I wish I could have sweet rave parties with elemental beings
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Postby curiousguy92 » April 20th, 2012, 8:12 pm

Granted, but the strobe lights bother them and they blow up your house. And you.

I wish I could safely teleport anywhere I wanted.
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Postby Guuliar » April 21st, 2012, 6:42 pm

Granted the first place you teleported was a location with great treasure, underneath the ocean. You telelport out too quickly and die of depressurization.

I wish for awesome eyebrows!
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Postby steelchastityboi » April 23rd, 2012, 4:23 am

Granted. You now have Bert from Sesame Streets Eye brow.

I wish I had a larger dick
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Postby outkast1728 » April 23rd, 2012, 7:05 am

granted your name is now dick and you're 20 feet tall.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » April 23rd, 2012, 4:45 pm

outkast1728 wrote:granted your name is now dick and you're 20 feet tall.

I'd like to remind you of the "rules" of the game: "The idea is each person makes a wish, but first they grant the wish of the previous person, twisting it in a way that's not what the person meant. Such as the classic "I wish I was taller." "I grant your wish by turning you into an oak tree."

I wish I was Taylor Lautner"

You constantly reply without making a wish!!!
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Postby Tangy » April 24th, 2012, 12:03 am

uw_onsterfelijk wrote:
outkast1728 wrote:granted your name is now dick and you're 20 feet tall.

I'd like to remind you of the "rules" of the game: "The idea is each person makes a wish, but first they grant the wish of the previous person, twisting it in a way that's not what the person meant. Such as the classic "I wish I was taller." "I grant your wish by turning you into an oak tree."

I wish I was Taylor Lautner"

You constantly reply without making a wish!!!

your wish that everyone makes a wish is Granted"" Only problem is that everyone makes a wish at the same time and Zapping everyone out of existence""

I wish that I was the Little Mermaid.
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Postby qv » April 24th, 2012, 12:55 am

(Your 'granted' part makes no sense whatsoever, Tangy, but I'll ignore that for now)

Granted, you are now the original Hans Christian Anderson's Little Mermaid, and you make a twisted deal to be with your on-shore hubby, only for him to marry some girl from a nunnery and completely ignore you. You're given the choice to kill him to make things right, but you kill yourself instead, leaving behind nothing but some ocean foam. Congratulations.

I wish I could handle multi-variable calculus without going insane.
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Postby curiousguy92 » April 24th, 2012, 2:13 pm

Granted, but whenever you do calculus, everyone else goes criminally insane and starts killing everyone else.

I wish Shakespeare had never existed.
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Postby boomsmee » April 30th, 2012, 6:36 pm

Granted. Unfortunately for you your great great great great great great great great great grandparents had met at one of his plays, so now you no longer exist.

I wish for a 12 inch pianist and a million ducks.
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Postby steelchastityboi » May 1st, 2012, 6:17 pm

Granted. You have a 12 inch pianist surrounded by a million ducks. However your 12 inch pianist have a 12 in penis and is naked, covered with bread crumbs. The hungry ducks beak him to death started with his penis.

I wish I was an oompa loompa from the original willy wonka and the chocolate factory movie.
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Postby curiousguy92 » May 3rd, 2012, 2:48 pm

Granted, but your Oompa Loompa hates you and drowns you in chocolate.

I wish I had some cheese puffs.
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Postby twich » May 3rd, 2012, 3:34 pm

Granted, but they are so stale that they lead to dehydration.

I wish I had a movie to watch.
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Postby boomsmee » May 3rd, 2012, 7:15 pm

You are granted a copy of Avatar 5, It is the most amazing movie ever, in surround 3d and tactile and smellovision. Unfortunately for you the Holographic Crystal Disk Player, which the movie is recorded on will not be invented for another 45 years, but feel free to stare at the disk all you want.

I wish the next person to post would turn into a leprechaun.
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Postby Scottythegimp » May 6th, 2012, 12:41 am

Granted... Now I extract the where abouts of your pot of gold using thumb screws and a red hot poker..

I wish for hot 20yo trophy wife.
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Postby boomsmee » May 6th, 2012, 1:31 pm

Granted. Your wife is a virgin sacrifice to a volcano god. And so are you.

I wish Al Gore won the US 2000 presidential election.
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Postby Tangy » May 6th, 2012, 5:54 pm

boomsmee wrote:Granted. Your wife is *////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////a virgin sacrifice to a volcano god. And so are you.

I wish Al Gore won the US 2000 presidential election.

Granted Now Global Warming is out of control because he only stop it in this country we all soon will have to wear mask AND Fire protection gear, to go outside


I wish i was The All Seeing eye on the back of the Dollar.
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Postby Scottythegimp » May 6th, 2012, 8:47 pm

GRANTED- you are now on the back of dollar some seedy unwashed homeless guy with a incontinence problem keeps in his underpants so no one will steal it.

I wish I could move it like Jagger
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Postby qv » May 8th, 2012, 7:23 pm

Granted, you now can move it like Jon Jagger, self-described "Software Coach, Consultant, Enthusiast". (I love Google)

I wish I could do whatever I want and get paid for it.
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Postby outkast1728 » May 8th, 2012, 7:43 pm

Granted but you choose to do only the disgusting job nobody else wants and you only get payed one penny a year.

I wish I hod more jock slaves *wink wink*
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Postby Tangy » May 9th, 2012, 2:31 pm

outkast1728 wrote:Granted but you choose to do only the disgusting job nobody else wants and you only get payed one penny a year.

I wish I hod more jock slaves *wink wink*

Granted now you have so many Jock Slaves they get into a fight over which slave is your pet so they solve the problem by taking turns screwing you you become comatose .

I wish that i become a fetus and experience birth all over again with an IQ of over 200 when I am reborn and the Daughter or son of the next person who make a wish.
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Postby KIY » May 9th, 2012, 6:38 pm

Granted, but, due to my poverty, you wind up in a terrible school and are mercilessly bullied and wind up in an overcrowded mental institution for the rest of your life.

I wish I had some Pepto Bismol for my..., er, digestive troubles I'm having. :oops:
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Postby steelchastityboi » May 10th, 2012, 12:11 am

KIY wrote:Granted, but, due to my poverty, you wind up in a terrible school and are mercilessly bullied and wind up in an overcrowded mental institution for the rest of your life.

I wish I had some Pepto Bismol for my..., er, digestive troubles I'm having. :oops:

Granted. But you've taken so much Pepto Bismol you are terribly constipated.

Im so damn horny. I wish I had the keys to my chastity device.
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Postby boomsmee » May 10th, 2012, 1:41 am

Granted. Too bad the chastity device you are currently wearing isn't yours.

I wish the president of North Korea would get eaten by a T-Rex.
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Postby Scottythegimp » May 10th, 2012, 2:26 am

GRANTED...Top secret research by the North Korean military using defected British scientists and body parts, on reanimating dead tissue which comenced in 1977 see the re-animation of Mark Bolan former T-REX member as a zombie, A plauge of zobies now spread as a pandemic.

I wish the world was more sparkly.
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Postby steelchastityboi » May 10th, 2012, 4:54 am

Granted. The world aroud you is so sparkly and bright that you go blind.

hee hee im going to be more specific. I wish I had the keys to the chastity device locked on my dick so that I can take it off and jerk off and cum.

trigger: orgasm denial time for you.
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Postby boomsmee » May 10th, 2012, 6:53 pm

granted, but a small irremovable explosive has been placed in your scrotum that will detonate on orgasm, ensuring that your next orgasm will be your last.

I wish EMG would post a wish.
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Postby Tangy » May 11th, 2012, 1:10 pm

boomsmee wrote:granted, but a small irremovable explosive has been placed in your scrotum that will detonate on orgasm, ensuring that your next orgasm will be your last.

I wish EMG would post a wish.

EMG makes a wish but because of Power outage no one know what is is the power went out in the city just as he pressed the Summit button.

i wish the power comes back on. :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:
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Postby Scottythegimp » May 11th, 2012, 3:59 pm

GRANTED- The power comes back on as you are engaged in a disgusting, disgusting act in what was a dark place but with the power back on is brightly illuminated for the hundreds of onlookers, all of whom are willing witnesses in the indecect exposer/indecent acts trial. you now are a registered sex offerded, neighbours throw stones at your windows.

I wish I had a harem...
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Postby KIY » May 11th, 2012, 7:45 pm

Granted. Since you worded your wish in the past tense, your harem was in a past life, nearly 1,000 years ago.

I wish someone would buy me a lottery ticket, since I don't feel like I should spend what little money I have on one.
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Postby Scottythegimp » May 12th, 2012, 6:17 am

Granted- you find yourself sucked into the reality of "My Name is Earl" and you are given a lottery ticket by Randy, Its a winner $5,000,000, the last thing you remember is the sound of the car horn.

I wish I was a wizard.
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Postby steelchastityboi » May 13th, 2012, 1:02 am

Granted you are now a wizard. You walk around in a long robe and wizards hat. Your spell for a bigger penis went wrong, so your penis is now 18 inches long when erect but the nerves dont reach. Your dick becomes numb when you're erect and you cant feel anything or cum.

I wish I had a time machine so I could go back to the medieval era.
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Postby Tangy » May 13th, 2012, 3:21 am

steelchastityboi wrote:Granted you are now a wizard. You walk around in a long robe and wizards hat. Your spell for a bigger penis went wrong, so your penis is now 18 inches long when erect but the nerves dont reach. Your dick becomes numb when you're erect and you cant feel anything or cum.

I wish I had a time machine so I could go back to the medieval era.

You go back in med evil times and become so Depressed over the fact that you miss your Family who have not been born yet, you miss your car which have not been invented yet you miss your favorite foods you miss your TV YOU HAVE TO GO TO THE BATH ROOM OUT DOORS COLD SHOWERS no hot water no super markets should i go on?

I wish that Scottythegimp did not grant my wish
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Postby curiousguy92 » May 13th, 2012, 11:10 pm

Granted, but as a result you get nothing except for profound sadness.

I wish I had a body sculpting machine that could instantly make me more muscular.
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Postby Scottythegimp » May 14th, 2012, 3:12 am

GRANTED - You tryout the new body sculpting machine but poor quality saftey components made in India see an overload and you turn into some sort of freaking super hulk, due to all the weird veins sticking out nobody want's to have sex with you and because you are so muscle bound you can no longer bend you elbows properly or move you biceps past your pecs making masturbation impossible..... you gotz da blu balls....

I wish Tangy blew out to a triple E
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Postby boomsmee » May 14th, 2012, 4:04 pm

Granted. While driving past your house in his SUV, Tangy runs over a porn star wearing a size EEE Pointed bra. This causes his right front tire to blow out, and crashes his SUV into your house. His SUV then catches fire burning down your house.

I wish that tangy could only type backwards from now on.
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Postby curiousguy92 » May 18th, 2012, 1:24 pm

Granted. From now on, tangy will have to face away from the computer when typing.

I wish I had a way to masturbate without having to use my hands, since my body sculptor worked too well. I want to relieve de blu balls.
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Postby boomsmee » May 18th, 2012, 9:39 pm

Granted. You are now a girl and have a chair with a dildo attached.

I wish this wish was invisible
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Postby Tangy » May 20th, 2012, 10:07 pm

boomsmee wrote:Granted. You are now a girl and have a chair with a dildo attached.

I wish this wish was invisible

GRANTED ~~Poof ~~

You are invisible only thing is people are afraid of you because they think you are a Ghost.

I wish i brought a char of Facebook stock.
maybe MySpace will get rich too.
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Postby Scottythegimp » May 21st, 2012, 2:01 am

Granted- you receive Facebook shares the next day shares are frozen as a massive class action against Facebook by its users for privacy issues send the company into debt and is liquidated, share holders are forced to pay out the remaining debt.

I wish I had 18" long nerves in my wizard cock
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Postby boomsmee » May 22nd, 2012, 6:52 pm

Granted. you now have a wizard with 18 inch long nerves in his 4 inch cock. Unfortunately that means most of his nerves are just hanging out exposed to air, and he is constant pain. He turns you into a toad (without a penis) for making this horrible wish.

I wish for a space suit.
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Postby ztshp » May 23rd, 2012, 3:50 pm

Granted you have a space suit but you are in space and the visor has a crack so you explode and die

I Wish I had the power to make womens breast grow
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Postby Tangy » May 24th, 2012, 1:13 am

ztshp wrote:Granted you have a space suit but you are in space and the visor has a crack so you explode and die

I Wish I had the power to make women's breast grow 8O

Granted you have the Power to make women breast grow and grow and grow while you are sucking them, The nipples got so big you can not pull your mouth off of them, the nipple start to lactate and you explode of milk overdose.

i wish to change my fantasy to being a little boy instead of a little girl.
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Postby curiousguy92 » May 24th, 2012, 11:59 pm

Granted, but once you change your fantasy you realize you want to go back.

I wish vampires were real.
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Postby ztshp » May 25th, 2012, 1:25 am

Granted vampires exist and they rule the world and your just a lowly human liveing in fear

I wish for the power to make women's breasts grow
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Postby boomsmee » May 25th, 2012, 1:30 am

Granted, but since the mass has to come from somewhere, every time you make a woman's breasts grow, your penis will shrink by the same amount.

I wish everyone else in the world was naked.
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Postby Scottythegimp » May 25th, 2012, 5:44 am

Granted - everyone but you is now without clothes and freezing, they quickly appoint blame to the only person to escape the magical disappearence of robes i.e. you, as responsible so decide to warm themselves with a big bonfire, you adorning the top like a screaming, blistering, sizzling christmas tree angel.

I wish I had devil horns.
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Postby boomsmee » May 25th, 2012, 9:38 am

Granted. Too bad it was while you were at the bonfire too with hundreds of people watching. They throw you in the fire too.

I wish airport security didn't have the TSA.
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Postby steelchastityboi » June 30th, 2012, 2:12 am

Granted. TSA is no longer at the airports. You are sitting next to a beautiful couple and have been eyeing you the entire flight. They invite you to join the mile high club. As they follow you into the lavatory you fell a prick. You wake up and the plane has landed and all the other passengers have left. you feel pain and you find that a chastity belt has been welded on to you with so visable means of removing it.

I wish I couple have multiple orgasms cumming huge loads.
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