can i get some advice from some real people? girl problems

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can i get some advice from some real people? girl problems

Postby booo » November 13th, 2005, 10:32 pm

ok so let me start off by saying, i cant ask my friends for advice because they'll jsut say something like "F*CK that bitch!", or as long as u get the pu$$y", but thats not the advice im looking for.

heres my situation:

about a year ago i got out of a really long 5 year relationship. so in the last year, i've got with other people, but nobody that i really care about. just dates here and there.

so 2 weeks ago i met this girl, and im really into her..shes someone that i really like. not someone that i just want to mess around with.

heres the problem.

the girls that i've messed around with in the last year, were ppl i already knew, or ppl i met at work, so it was easy to carry a conversation, but for some reason i dont know what to say to this new girl i met. its like when i see her i kinda run out of things to say, and i feel these awkward moments of silence.

when i call her i always ask the same things like:

so how was your day? how was work? what did you do today?,
but thats about it. i dont know what to talk about.

can anyone help me out here? any advice on what i could do to get the conversation going? THX i really appreciate it.
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Postby missypuss » November 14th, 2005, 3:13 am

Sounds like u truly like this girl so the coversation feels a little stinted. If you are feeling too nervous that could be why you clam up. She likes you enough to have you call her/ so just relax/ take a few deep breaths and let it flow. Find out if she has any interests other than work that you share perhaps, ask her about her favourite bands, films she likes , books shes read, maybe that will open up a world of possibilities to start off with hey!?
And if that fails I guess you need to post on here again and let us know!
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Postby Ceot » November 14th, 2005, 12:35 pm

Yeah just relax man.
Fear will only cause you to act out in the relationship.
Ease up and simply relax.
She's been with you for this long, So why not longer?

Show interests in her life and feelings.
Just dont over do it.
Ask something every now and then,
Or try and find out in a situation...
Like you take her out to eat,
Only asking what restraunts she likes .

Say it like your just happily pokeing around.
Dont take to much interest into the answer.
Just make sure she knows your listening intently.
Keep a smile on your face then when she's done talking,
Tell her about some foods you enjoy yourself.

Take her to one of those restraunts.
One thats not to expensive.

then casually ask what she enoys.
Bring up something you enjoyed eating,
And she should follow course.

If she gets quite as the waiter shows up.
Perhaps she wants you to order for the two of you.
Knowing what she wanted.

I cant say if she's that type of girl thow,
so better just stay at qualms,
and let her show if she wants to speak for herself or not.

As you eat ask her about her favorite dishes.

Then make a good note of it.

Wait a bit till you suprise her with the meal at your place.
A week or so, Gives you time to prepare.

Dont tell her you cooked it,
unless you did.
That way you can get it from the restruant if you must.

Just make sure to set it up lovely on the plate.
Show the love put into the moment.

Candlight and whatever she likes to drink.
Drink with the meal or in general.

Some nice sweet music she enjoys.
Nothing pop or metal.
Unless you feel it fits dinner music.

play it softly in the background.

Then just gaze deeply into her eyes,
And show all your love and devotion.

Let things go were they will,
But try (not opposingly) to see her home when youve rested.

instead of looking for something more.

Let her bring it up if she really wants to.

If she doesnt.
Then just make sure beyond placeing your coat
over her if she's improperly dressed and cold.

That you kiss her goodnight as sweetly as you can.

Just to see her eyes light up as she smiles.

Then walk away like you cant stop looking back.

Oh course dont take my advice to seriosly.
I,m just a hopeless fool.
Always in mind. And sadly twice as strong.
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Postby Primus » November 14th, 2005, 5:49 pm

Coet can you write anything as normal paragraphs and not poetry?
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Postby Dustpuppy » November 14th, 2005, 11:36 pm

Maybe just tell her what you just told us?
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Postby booo » November 15th, 2005, 12:34 am

wow thanks for all the advice, i really do appreciate it.
Posts: 12
Joined: July 24th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby missypuss » November 15th, 2005, 1:28 am

Ceot has a poet in his soul..... aww :wink:
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Postby Ceot » November 15th, 2005, 7:47 am

Didnt even realize I was doing it again.
Sorry. :wink:
Always in mind. And sadly twice as strong.
Posts: 108
Joined: August 22nd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Mallic » December 4th, 2005, 7:34 am

Ceot may be a poet at heart, but he never uses commars properly, and it fucking pisses me off. Well, knowing that I just used that sentence in an attempt to be diplomatic, I'll give you some dating advice.

You don't want to make a date too formal. Don't go out of you way to impres her. Don't get worried about arwkard silences. There is no rule against playfully teasing her. Who said you had to bring flowers and chocolates? You wouldn't do that if you went to your mates house. You can make good progress by making fun of these things. You might do a over the top putting your arm around her shoulder. This is good.

Bad is letting her know you are bothered when she regects something. Don't act like a sumissive wuss. Act funny. When I say that, I don't mean you need to have a stand up rotine up your ass. Just make a semi-smartass comment about how handsom you are, or heavily patronize her. This might sound Counter-productive, but it works. Try for a friend relationship before a long term one.

Mallic (More over, the dinosures where an excuse for really crappy jokes)
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