Rude discord admin

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Rude discord admin

Postby outkast1728 » January 21st, 2020, 2:24 pm

I posted a link to some custom nimja spirals to the site's discord channel and got admonished for it, then when one of their admins, Kelesia, messaged me in private chat, she said "I RUN the server with my Master and Nimja's trash is not welcome" and i responded with "By the way, your personal prejudice against Nimja does not dictate the rules of that forum, while I am willing to concede the point that I shouldn't directly link stuff, calling it trash just because you don't like it is rude and not appropriate" at which point i was removed from the server and banned from returning.

Is it just me or does anyone else see this as an abuse of admin power?
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Re: Rude discord admin

Postby EMG » January 21st, 2020, 3:47 pm

She has very personal reasons why she dislikes Nimja(they are real, very valid, and partially shared by me), but should not have made it personal with you.
No matter where you go, there you are.
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Re: Rude discord admin

Postby stan » January 21st, 2020, 4:01 pm

anyone can make a discord server.
they take the time and effort to set it up, admin it.

this is not political persecution of free speech.
this is their free to use sandbox, with any rules they wish to impost that are 'legal' from discords terms of use.
we don't see how many people think they're special and that the rules don't somehow apply to them.

i will happily admit if it was the 2nd time today and the 10th time this week I'd just run a script that kicks them off, bans them and tells to visit the exit page as they broke "rule 4".
I'm probably a not much fun admin.

calling it trash just because you don't like it is rude and not appropriate

why on earth do you think arguing, insulting or being confrontational with an admin is going to end well

it may be a lot of things, including, rude, prejudicial, without oversight. point is - it's their sandbox. they are the admins.

if you want it to be any different you're quite free to put the time and energy and effort into running your own discord server or sharing the custom links you've made in a multitude of other ways.
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Re: Rude discord admin

Postby keileon » January 23rd, 2020, 1:21 am

Though I'm not on the WMM discord, I have run, moderated, and been a member of staff of my fair share of them, and other forms of communities besides. Regardless of her reasons for not liking Nimja's stuff, that kind of speech and behavior is not only inappropriate and unprofessional for an admin but also extremely disrespectful to the user, and this isn't even counting the hair-trigger ban in response to valid criticism.

Feel free to ignore my two cents but I'm just speaking up in agreement with the OP. This isn't how staff should act.
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Re: Rude discord admin

Postby rw789 » January 23rd, 2020, 2:03 pm

My take on this is:
  • We only have one half of the story. From experience, never act on one half of the story or else it can make a fool out of you. We do not know of the past interactions between these two if any.
  • Why bring up the forums when the discord server is a separate entity? Both parties could have handled the situation better.
  • I'm always weary when an operator of some server has someone of direct relation as a moderator. Often it seems like their poor behavior is overlooked because of a personal relationship and they're put in a position of power because of such instead of their capability of being a fair moderator. - I was a moderator of a discord server where a pair was making unilateral decisions and actions that went against the other moderators. Ultimately, 90% of the group moved to another server and we deleted the server after moving.
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Re: Rude discord admin

Postby cloudstalker » January 24th, 2020, 8:59 am

I was curious about what the problem with Nimja was. but this thread gives a basic outline: ... med_nimja/

From what I gather, he was something of a predator when he started out; his excuse is that he had no community and had to figure out things for himself. He claims he has gotten better (and he appears to have). The discussion (from a year ago) indicates his wrongdoing was fairly recent in the memory of some of his victims. (I call it "wrongdoing" as I have no specifics, but I must assume that it involved ignoring limits). Doing some math: this board has been around for about 20 years (the 2003 starting date was when EMG moved to this software; I was on this board and communicated with EMG in creating the Robo Mistress files from before that), and it was a reaction to the active erotic hypnosis community, not a beginning. So I don't think that Nimja's excuse of having no way of knowing better really holds, although, from his current rep, I do believe that he has gotten better.
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