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Abandon on Mars To Die?

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2013, 5:06 pm
by Tangy
Abandon on Mars To Die?

Why in the World would anyone want to Go to Mars to be Abandon to Die? with no way of Coming back to Earth or even getting supplies? I want to be an astronaut but come on Abandon What is If ufo56spockalien111dpanicbyekitty the private company Goes out of business Should we trust that.? :o :?: :idea: :arrow:

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2013, 11:32 pm
by ProfessorPig
while it is probable that things could quickly get very bad there there and there would likely be many hardships to endure i dont think its that much different than any earth based colonies. most of the early ones in america failed. some of them due to lack of corporate support before they could become self sufficient.

PostPosted: June 3rd, 2013, 8:21 am
by Endo
^This. Although Tangy usually sounds like a spambot most of the time, I understand what s/he is saying. BUT: It's a what, 200? day journey to Mars, and that can be psychologically messy for a lot of people. If you're going, you'll probably NOT want to go back, just for that reason. No offense to Aussies, but we COULD send our criminals out to Mars, then they'll either have their sentences served, or they will survive and build a colony. Most supplies will be generated on Mars eventually. If there were to be some terra-forming drones sent ahead, we could develop green-zones where plants could grow, and then could be farmed. We could also send pipes and heaters up and down to the icecaps for water.

Beg to Differ

PostPosted: June 3rd, 2013, 8:55 am
by Calimore
There seems to be a "Get Your Ass to Mars" meme if effect here...

Our first two priorities should be:

a.) establishing a functional base in the Moon; and
b.) supporting and building up the International Space Station.

Only by taking those first two steps an we insure the survival of Martian colonists.

Currently, the United States has gutted it Aeronautics program, having defunded it until it cannot properly function. This has done to protect the lobbied interests of private aerospace concerns in this country and abroad. Until such time as the United States again has a presence in the aerospace industry, discussing this topic further is probably best seen as an exercise in mutual masturbation.

The "Martian Colony" is a ploy being used by a game show which doesn't even have the money to launch such a mission. As I don't watch television and actively campaign to get others to unplug from the boob tube, I refuse to discuss this topic any further.

My final volley - anyone going to Mars before we have a proper support system set into place is a Tool who deserves to be used and discarded on that Angry Red Planet.