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Idle Chatter version *Rival/Friend*

PostPosted: February 9th, 2014, 10:30 am
by JakeJane
So, I have an idea. . . this hypnosis stuff is interesting, and I'm into sissyfication right now.
I'm into different stuff, with a lot of different interests. Also, I'm a masochist, and this is sort of a joke thread, although I'm also asking how to upload a hypno file myself.(So yeah, I'm asking for this for real, but it's all in good fun, not mean spiritedness).

So, I have an idea. I am looking for someone to discuss my interests with. And they can upload files of humiliation/etcetera, for me to listen to in their voice.

Like, if we have a discussion in PMs, or maybe even the forums, and they hear something they disagree with, they can then upload a file for me to listen to with the different file tags for me to listen to. (Files >)But I'm specifically looking for gay induction, oral/blow jobs, homophobic language. . . and others.
PM me for the exact specifications I'm allowing.