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Supernatural power as kids?

PostPosted: January 8th, 2006, 10:30 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
My birthday is coming up, and I've been reflecting on my past. Meditation brought up memories I'd left buried for years. One in particular made me a little sentimental.

When I was really little (3-4, I think) I had the power to influence what my dreams would be. Like, I'd think to myself, "The one with the fishes" and I'd immediately go to sleep and have a dream sequence. Next night, I'd think "The one with the bikes" and I'd immediately sleep and dream about bicycles. A few days like that, and I go back to the "one with the fishes" and it would immediately be the same exact dream as before. That, I believe, is where I discovered my transformation fetish. In those dreams, I'd transform into a fish, and swim around till I passed this invisible wall that changed me back.

This was a very cool power to have, I now realize, but I took it for granted. Now reality, troubles with life, and even the endless pursuit of knowledge has taken that power away from me. I never realized what I lost until now, all those years later. It was my own version of Lucid dreaming, now... gone. I also have lost my unnatural hunger for knowledge that I used on everything as a kid. I learned so much, so quickly. Now I have to work at it, like everyone else.

I have reached so many great heights in my life so far, not even half over. But I've lost some very special gifts. If anyone else had special talents or powers as a kid they'd like to share, please do. I'd like to know I'm not alone in this, and I really wanted to share this with somebody. Writing this post has made me sentimental.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 7:52 am
by loony28
:twisted: As far back as I can remember I've been able to control my dreams somewhat and thus I never really had a nightmare when I was a kid. :twisted:

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 8:04 am
by Hyp-know-fetish
I couldn't stop the occasional nightmare, but I remember occasionally dreaming of a series of dream "thumbnails" being sorted through and the bad ones removed. It was like your popup blocker telling you that it had blocked a popup. :D

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 12:07 pm
by goldragon_70
As a kid I would have so many nightmares that I didn't want to sleep. There was one night when I finally broke that, now even though I don't always control what I dream, I still control the dream.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 8:05 pm
by Jack
I used to have nightmares(thanks to my sister waking me up and wanting me to watch the late, the late late, and the late late late horror movies with her). It got so bad that I complained to my mom. It was then that I gained the first tool to alter my mind, and it was utterly simple. Anytime I thought I might have a nightmare before I went to sleep or if I fell asleep and started to have a nightmare I would realize I was dreaming; wake up; blink my eyes twice while thinking what I wanted to dream instead; go back to sleep and I would invariably begin to dream whatever it is that I wanted to dream instead of the nightmare.

Have you ever been setting your alarm just before you go to bed, and told yourself that you needed to wake up before whatever time it was that you set the alarm for, gone to bed.. and then it's a few minutes before the alarm is supposed to go off so you get up and get going? Have you ever considered that you could add more commands instead of wasting that opportunity? Ex: I need to wake up by (whatever-time) feeling completely rested, absolutely wonderful, ready to go through my day enjoying each and every second as I do everything I want and need to do.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 8:38 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
This makes me wonder if we had all abilities on WMM, and we merely outgrew them, and hypnosis is an involuntary method of regression to the time we had such abilities. If that's true, all the more reason to love this site. :D

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 9:08 pm
by Jack
*raises his hand* I think so.

PostPosted: January 11th, 2006, 8:57 pm
by loony28
:twisted: That sounds about right. But I don't think we outgrew them, I think society just drummed it into our heads that we can't possibly have these abilities and so forget how to use them. That's probably why hypnosis works, someone is telling you that these things do exist. :twisted:

PostPosted: January 11th, 2006, 10:02 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
Either way you look at it, we apparantly had all of the abilities on this site. Well, perhaps I should qualify that. We could do most of the stuff on the site. I don't think too many of us sat in our cradles and made ourselves gay, bisexual, or any other sexual stuff. I mean, we were too young to understand it. But I frequently was some sort of animal, or a train, or a... you get the picture. And LucidDreaming.

Something else I remember now. I saw these commercials for a squirt gun I later was given from my parents. The commercial had this scene where someone was hit by a shot, and ice formed all around him, and he couldn't move. I didn't understand why at the time, but I got turned on watching that, not because it was a guy, but because he was frozen and couldn't move. Sound familiar?

PostPosted: January 12th, 2006, 1:35 pm
by Primus
Some of us exist outside of society and didn't outgrow all of them. We are the freaks and geeks the ones that no one really wants to talk to... It could be a sad thing I suppose but when you stop and think that my jedi mind trick still works it's a pretty good trade really

PostPosted: January 12th, 2006, 3:19 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
Primus wrote:Some of us exist outside of society and didn't outgrow all of them. We are the freaks and geeks the ones that no one really wants to talk to... It could be a sad thing I suppose but when you stop and think that my jedi mind trick still works it's a pretty good trade really

Now, that's an ability I might like to have for... other... purposes. :twisted: But seriously, you can do that? I have a feeling you're joking, but at the same time, I can't help but wonder, since I was serious and all. Does that actually work? Is there a Jedi Exile here? Cause that'd be frickin' awesome.

PostPosted: January 12th, 2006, 6:30 pm
by goldragon_70
Jack wrote:I used to have nightmares(thanks to my sister waking me up and wanting me to watch the late, the late late, and the late late late horror movies with her). It got so bad that I complained to my mom. It was then that I gained the first tool to alter my mind, and it was utterly simple. Anytime I thought I might have a nightmare before I went to sleep or if I fell asleep and started to have a nightmare I would realize I was dreaming; wake up; blink my eyes twice while thinking what I wanted to dream instead; go back to sleep and I would invariably begin to dream whatever it is that I wanted to dream instead of the nightmare.

Have you ever been setting your alarm just before you go to bed, and told yourself that you needed to wake up before whatever time it was that you set the alarm for, gone to bed.. and then it's a few minutes before the alarm is supposed to go off so you get up and get going? Have you ever considered that you could add more commands instead of wasting that opportunity? Ex: I need to wake up by (whatever-time) feeling completely rested, absolutely wonderful, ready to go through my day enjoying each and every second as I do everything I want and need to do.

Unfortunately, mine were so bad, that some times I would wake up and still be in the nightmare. It would sometime take up to an hour before I could gain control over myself, and I knew it was not real, but I still couldn't stop myself. I had to face my nightmare before I could control them.

PostPosted: January 12th, 2006, 8:12 pm
by Mallic
had one or two real bad nightmares. It was strange, cause all them consisted to a black room and me getting a very powerful feeling. It was differant feeling each time, and the worst one I had gave me that feeling you get when someone tells you someone else has died. The sick feeling. I had that same one a couple of months ago, and it still scares the shit out of me.

PostPosted: January 12th, 2006, 11:57 pm
by loony28
Mallic wrote:had one or two real bad nightmares. It was strange, cause all them consisted to a black room and me getting a very powerful feeling. It was differant feeling each time, and the worst one I had gave me that feeling you get when someone tells you someone else has died. The sick feeling. I had that same one a couple of months ago, and it still scares the shit out of me.

:twisted: Well just hope you don't find yourself in a pit with a lot of doors that are on fire. I was there once but it didn't scare me, I just flew up to the top of the pit. Lightning struck me when I got to the top and I almost fell back down into the pit but I was able to grab the top and pull myself out. The thing is my brother also had this dream but he couldn't climb out because the lightning knocked him back down into the pit. According to my brother there is only one door that leads out of the pit, behind all the rest are your worst fears. :twisted:

PostPosted: January 17th, 2006, 5:46 pm
by Primus
Just because I use the jedi mind trick is doesn't make me a jedi (that's right the lightsaber is red motha fuckas). In all seriousness I can make use of mental abilities such as thet, my control isn't as great as I would like them to be but I'm trying to increat my skill in them. I wouldn't call what I had to do to get here a good trade but I have them and I'm alive

PostPosted: January 18th, 2006, 5:16 pm
by gerbillord
I could never really control my dreams, but I do remember that I could just sit and go into a trance. It pisses me off kinda because I just can't go into a trance whenever i feel like it, now I need EMG's voice. :?

PostPosted: January 18th, 2006, 5:45 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
One of the things that comes with my imaginary "mistress" (never knew I had a submissive streak until recently) is that she will put me into trance immediately if she wants it. Oh, that's fun. In fact, she put me under inbetween "fun" and "Oh". Just a small quickie that worked well. :twisted:

PostPosted: February 15th, 2006, 4:11 pm
by hailtheprinceofdarkness
Hyp-know-fetish wrote:This makes me wonder if we had all abilities on WMM, and we merely outgrew them, and hypnosis is an involuntary method of regression to the time we had such abilities. If that's true, all the more reason to love this site. :D

That is interesting, my latent ability was a little different then everyone else's though. When I was young, I did not dream. It was proven, I went to the doctor to test why I never seemed to have enough sleep. I woke up tired every morning.

The doctor was amazed at the tests. I didn't REM sleep for the entire time I was asleep. The doctor pressed for experiments, but my mother worked at the clinic and made a gag claim.

About a month later, I had a dream. I dreamt that a small Cat made it's way up to our doorstep and wanted food. It happened exactly how I had dreamt it. In the next part of my life (4-10) I had a dream about every month, just one. That Always came true. I distinctly remember one about a graded test, that i had passed with flying colors. I memorized the answers to the test, and passed it the next day.

This stopped happening around my 11th birthday