by Brainiac » May 12th, 2005, 12:16 pm
Well I imagine it would probably feel like strong cravings, as to whether you'd NEED it or not I'm unsure, as you may get enough anitoxidants from other sources in your diet.
Processing chocolate into milk chocolate/white chocolate tends to destroy any effects that epicatechin has as a flavonoid, which is unfortunate as epicatechin is one of the most powerful antioxidants out there. As to whether you should be eating flavonoid rich foods, well, it couldn't hurt.
Other good sources for flavonoids are green tea, oranges (pretty much anything citrus), most berries, onions, parsley, most legumes (peanuts, soy beans, peas etc.), red wine. As for the dark chocolate, it should have a cocoa percentage of at least 70%. I'm not on this sleep schedule myself, I'm just a student. No worries about the questions, happy to help however I can. :)