Some help here..

December 29th, 2006, 10:52 am
by DijitalCub
I'm a begginer to all this stuff.. have no clue how to make scripts, hypnosis files, etc.. and I would really like to try it.. any suggestions?
(sorry for bad spelling/grammer. Southern high-school drop-out here x.x)

December 29th, 2006, 3:45 pm
by Patch_Winter
Here's what you need to know:
- First, hypnosis files are just audio, most of them function on a trance-principal i.e.: that you'll be in a sortof not-very-conscious-if-atall mediative state when you're actually hearing commands. There are tons of free files on this site. Most of them have an induction already attached, but you could use Audacity (which is free) or some other audio editing software to cut the induction out and then put another infront of the file you want to internalize.
- You will ideally be in trance before you listen to the body of a file (the actual commands/suggestions to your subconscious.) To start off, just listen to some of the inductions (these are the files that will bring you into previously mentioned state of mind) that are on the site and see how well you trance, and work on it if it doesn't come super-easily or whatever. When you feel that you're ready to start taking suggestions, you can edit the files that you have so that you get the sequence that you want without being woken up at the wrong spots in the series, so that you can go down, listen to all of the commands, and then come back up, rather than roller-coastering in and out of trance because each file tells you to go down and then come back up every time.
- Scripts are just text-versions of files, so unless you're using Virtual Hypnotist or something, you shouldn't concern yourself with those.

December 29th, 2006, 5:42 pm
by Jacara
It sounds like you're interested in making some hypnosis files.. this may sound flippant, but you should probably have a working knowledge of how hypnosis works and what kind of words someone's more likely to respond to while in trance. Then work on your tone of voice, it should be fairly flat & boring, not bouncy & conversational.
Listening to the files here will give you a pretty good idea of the kinds of things you want to say in a file and how to say them.
You might wanna make a sample available for comment before you upload it to be downloaded by everyone, so you can get better at it before you unveil your finished product.