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A dream

PostPosted: June 15th, 2007, 2:09 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
Okay, I can't make up my mind where to put this, so I'm putting it here. Sue me. :P

First off, hello to everyone! I've been rather busy for the past several months and have neglected this forum. I'm back, to show you a story that came to me in a dream. A darn good one too, IMHO, though it's as trippy as dreams can be. Here we go: Good ol' fashioned hypno story. Sit back and enjoy. Tell me, please, what you think of it. :)

A few comments before I begin this story. First of all, this is the product of a dream I had, a very vivid hypnosis-related dream. Because of this, some of the story is extremely trippy in nature. In fact, so long as you ignore the strangeness of the setting, this story will probably come out O.K. as a legit tale. Second, no sex in this story. I'm sorry about that, but it never got that far. Leaning towards the mf and ff category, but none of that came to me in the dream, so it's out. Finally, although none of you really know the difference, I've added several things to make the story more coherent, mostly dialogue. I didn't need dialog in the dream; you will. Also a little more character development was in order

Without further ado, let us begin:

* * *

The University had taken the field trip to a barren ice field on the coast of Antarctica, and taken along the brightest of the students to engage in a hands-on learning experience. The school had taken the time to set up igloo-like classrooms in which students could demonstrate any interesting finds they had discovered to both the instructors and the other students. Many of the students found this to be a great way to unwind after a hard year of greuling classes, and an alternative to taking notes off of long, boring videos.

Michelle wandered around the camp after a bland lunch, looking for a "class" to attend. The tall brunette had found a variety of interesting specimens, but hadn't had a chance to do anything with them yet. So, she decided it would be nice to attend one of the other's lectures. She read the dockett for the day and frowned. Too many of the classes were being given by some of the more promiscuous boys in the school, most of which would spend most of their class trying to get a peek inside her clothing. More than once, she had heard comments such as "hey baby, let's see what's up that skirt!" or worse. Instead, she found something interesting: "Four Chemicals" by a grad student she'd never heard of before. This, naturally, led her to wonder what the four chemicals were. She walked off to find the igloo-esque class.

The class didn't have many people, and most who did attend were female. Michelle thought that was odd; he must be a geek without many friends. Michelle knew people like that in high school: brainy, most guys didn't like him, but the girls loved him. Michelle noted that while the lecturer wasn't present, there were four test tubes on a rack, each simply labelled: 3, 1, 2, 4. The chemicals were Green, Orange, Yellow, and Blue. Michelle thought that was odd; why such cryptic labels? And why not put them in numeric order? She also noted that there was a sign: "DANGER: EXPLOSIVE DO NOT MIX". All four test tubes were rigged with strings. Aiding with the pouring? Michelle wondered. Michelle was careful to avoid the podium with the rack as she took her seat.

Off in the distance, The rumble of a small avalanche echoed throughout the base. The entire class began to shake, ever so slightly. Then, Michelle saw that two test tubes were getting loose in their rack, and they were going to fall. Fearful of an explosion, Michelle dashed up to the podium and grabbed the strings for the two tubes, keeping them both from spilling their contents just as the Green one began to fall.

Not a drop spilled.

The small audience clapped and applauded as they realized what danger she had just prevented. One does not put explosive warnings on test tubes idly, and they knew she had just prevented a major catastrophe. Just then, the instructor ran in.

"AreTheyAllRight?" He blubbered as fast as he could. Half the class was startled, but soon all noticed his appearance. He was tall, well-built, not like a football-player, but definitely strong. He moved with the grace of a dancer, and the expression of worry on his face showed genuine care and adoration for the people he was responsible for.

That's why this class is mostly girls, Michell thought, he's cute. He strode over to the podium and, much more calmly, said, "Thank you. I'll take it from here." His voice was much smoother than before, and it captivated his female audience. The guys shifted uncomfortably, realizing that they were in for a long, boring lecture on some dumb set of chemicals. They had probably joined to see things go boom, not because there was any genuine interest.

Michelle sat down and watched the lecture begin. The man first reset the test tubes in their proper settings, and began. Soon she was listening, not to what he was saying, but to him speaking. His voice carried a melody that entranced his audience immediately. She soon drifted off into la-la land, as she often did in lectures where she liked the instructor. After about an hour of him speaking and pointing to the tubes, Michelle heard the man announce: "And now, class, I will demonstrate the power of these chemicals to you. Normally I would ask for a volunteer, but instead I will choose the young woman who saved my performance from explosive ruin."

Michelle jerked up. "Uh-what?" The class giggled. The boys were laughing a bit harder. Michelle wondered what was so funny.

"Come on up, my dear; you are going to be the first. Please stand -- right here -- facing the class."

Michelle did as she was told, and the "teacher" poured some of the Orange liquid onto the snow. It immediately set into a crystal "4". The instructor picked it up carefully by the edges, and said, "hold still for a second." Then he placed the Orange 4 on her left cheek.

Immediately, she felt a wave of euphoria flooding her body. It was impossible to say what it was she fely, but she knew that she felt things. Her entire body began to shiver with the feelings pouring in her veins, her legs began to quake, and her arms shook. Michelle's eyes widened in surprise. Her first reaction was to rip the thing off her face. No matter how good it felt, what it didn't feel like was normal. She gasped, and started breathing heavily. Her arms shook too much to think about taking the 4 off her face.

As she looked at the instructor, the old feelings of attraction for him came back tenfold. She thought he was the most handsome man she had met in a long time. There seemed to be a radiant glow about him. The other students in the class ceased to exist. All that was there was her, him and that amazing wash in her body.

"She's still in shock, as you can see," the teacher remarked, "and now for the next batch". He now poured a little of the yellow chemical out onto the snow, and it set into a "4". As he began to pick it up, Michelle was able to mumble, "...thought you sssaid... they were explosive..." Her mind was still being flooded by euphoria, and it was difficult to be coherent.

"They are -- in liquid form, anyway. You have nothing to fear from these crystals -- or me." He placed the Yellow 4 on her right cheek.

Again, she was flooded, but not by euphoria. This one seemed to assault her sense of direction. She found herself becoming more and more dazed by the Yellow 4 and its effects. She stumbled, took a step backwards. The room appeared to be shifting slightly, and she couldn't quite seem to keep her balance.

The class stared, mouths open, at what these crystals were doing to Michelle. She was looking more and more like she was going to fall over -- and that she was loving every second of it.

Once again, Michelle was in bliss. Every curve in her body felt like it was a comforting warm as she became more and more disoriented. She looked over at the instructor again, and saw that he was smiling. Not a creepy smile from a guy who wanted to see her naked, but instead a warm, comforting smile. She gave a loopy smile back at him. His smile only widened.

"Now, I'm going to speed this up, and pour the last two chemicals at the same time in different spots. The Blue one takes time to set." He poured both into different snow pockets. The Green one set into a 4 like the others, but the Blue one simply turned milky blue. He then placed the Green 4 on Michelle's forehead.

Michelle was further dizzied by this new attack on her senses. The entire room seemed to be going into a fog, and she was weakening by the moment. She couldn't stand up any longer. She felt the instructor helping her sit down and lean back against the snow at the base of the podium. She looked deep into his brown eyes as he looked back into her blue ones. She asked him, "What's happening to me?"

His answer was simple: "Giving you something to remember for the rest of your life." He reached up, and grabbed the now-crystallized Blue 4. He gave her a small kiss, sending the Orange 4 back into wild action, and at the same time, placed the Blue 4 on her forehead next to the Green 4.

In that instant, Michelle closed her eyes, and felt herself drifting in a comfortable blackness. She was floating, and she was happy and content. All she ever needed in the entire world, she could get from this black void. She felt as though she was nothing, and yet everything, at the same time. She was still capable of mumbling out, "what's happening?"

The instructor's answer was as smooth as ever, but it had the light of a jokester who has pulled a prank on an unsuspecting victim. "Why, you are in a deep state of hypnosis at this point. If you'd paid attention, you'd know that. This is just as if someone had been hypnotized of their own free will, but this is much more predictable. Just about everyone in the world is susceptible to this method.

Michelle, afraid, said "wait a minute. Get me out of this!"

The instructor cooed at her, "now, it's really a simple matter to remove those 4's and you're back to your normal self. I can bring you back at a moment's notice, but I have to ask you: Do you really want me to take these off you?

Michelle thought -- or rather, tried to. But as she seriously considered what was going on in her mind, and her body, right now, she realized that she had never felt such feelings of perfect happiness before in her life. She was in a state of absolute bliss, and when she really thought about it, she didn't really want to be out of it. "No... not really." she said as she settled down and fell deeper into her trance.

"The crystals themselves will wear off in time," the instructor continued to the class, "and she'll be good as new. Better, probably. The human brain is constantly being overworked, especially with college students like us. Let's face it, a chance to be able to think about nothing for a while sounds good, doesn't it? And here Michelle is, not only thinking nothing but, thanks to the Orange 4, she's also greatly enjoying it. I know there's a lot of stigma about hypnosis, but really, mentally, Michelle is healthier than all of us right now. Now, I found these crystals in a remote ..."

* * *

Later, the class dismissed, the group of students walked off to various studies or activities. Michelle walked with her friends and talked to them about her experiences.

"So, you weren't a mindless zombie, you weren't a slave and you didn't feel totally helpless. What the heck did you feel?" her blonde friend Jennifer asked. "You're hardly telling us anything!"

"I can't really describe it anymore," Michelle said, as they began walking across the ice field, "it's impossible to put in words."

"Fine, but you know you're going to have to tell us eventually, when, uh, you can put it into words." The group soon became a pair, and Michelle and Jennifer walked a good 5 miles out of the camp. Soon, however, they realized snow was soon going to fall. Michelle decided to head back with a group of boys who had been rock hunting, but Jennifer preferred to walk rather than be sledded. She was making her way back when the instructor called out to her from a small ledge above. He had command of two enourmous snowballs. He pushed one off the edge and attacked Jennifer with it. It was loosely packed, so all that happened was that she was powdered with snow, but she was still irritated.

"How dare you do that to me? I'll report you!" She fumed at him.

"Hey, hey, it was just a joke! You're alright, I see," he said, eyeing her for any sign of bruising.

"Alright, but look, mister --"

"Call me Mike."

"--Mike, then. That was incredibly juvenile, stupid and --"

"Okay, okay, relax. I get it. No hard feelings, okay?" He stuck out his hand as a peace offering. Reluctantly, she took it and shook. As she did, Mike used his left hand to slap an Orange "4" on her wrist...

...She awoke later with only a light dusting of snow. She shook it off, and examined the 4's Mike had placed on her body. They were all clear now, the liquid inside having long before passed through her body. She made her way back to camp, went to Michelle's room, and ripped off the 4's, slapping them on her table.

Michelle was aghast as Jennifer told her tale. "But... that means that... he can do that to anyone; he can even have his way with us!"

* * *

Apologies for ending the story so abruptly, but that, I'm afraid, is all I had time do dream before the sun rose and disturbed my thoughts. I don't often dream about hypnotic encounters, but this one, I felt, needed to be shared.