by chymos » September 22nd, 2005, 10:29 pm
I've been interested in hypnosis and mind control since I was young (I don't know why, maybe it was the Dukes of Hazzard episode where Boss Hogg hypnotizes Daisy Duke and uses her to try and seal a deal with some big-shot from out of town. he passes her off as his niece and tries to get the guy to marry her or something)....I read too much for my own good lol, and had an interest in both the self-help and mind control aspects.....even read a book on it that my local library tracked down for me, it had been written by some psychologist or psychiatrist IIRC, and was well over 1000 pages......
I don't recall exactly what led to me doing the searches that led me to find the site, but I found it from the old yahoo group.
I've looked into quite a few things, including the time-stop/mannequin/statue fetish, the robot fetish, the whole furry phenomenon, a little bit of everything, I suppose
My first encounter with erotic hypnosis involved an experiment where I hypnotized a friend and putting her "in heat" among other things to see how she'd respond/behave.....I'm mostly a hermit when it comes to people, and always have been.....I was experimenting (consciously) to see how well it actually worked and how far it could be taken, and (subconsciously) trying to learn more about human behavior so that I could hopefully improve my social skills.
I've always been interested in bondage, and those early experiments with hypnosis led me to an interest in D/s (specifically, M/s), though it was years before the full realization of my interests.
I also love seeing beautiful women in tight latex, so feel free to offer me whatever pictures you have that I can add to my collection ;)
Ok, I've babbled/rambled about myself enough.....especially considering that normally, getting me to talk about myself is like pulling teeth lol....I answer questions honestly and fully, but don't volunteer any info that isn't specifically asked for.