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What are you reading right now?

PostPosted: August 8th, 2005, 9:24 am
by morrcomm
"Fat White Vampire Blues" by Andrew Fox. Funny as hell. :lol:

PostPosted: August 8th, 2005, 11:10 am
by gregi696
River of Gods by Ian McDonald. It is a sci-fi about a futuristic India.

PostPosted: August 8th, 2005, 11:14 am
by missypuss
The well of the Goddess/ Book two of the Wellspring Trilogy by Caiseal Mor......... He does good storytelling!!

PostPosted: August 8th, 2005, 7:35 pm
by loadedkaos
Liber Null and Psychonaut by Peter J. Carroll it's pretty concise and to the point so far.

PostPosted: August 8th, 2005, 10:55 pm
by makidas
This thread and The Bible (not the Christian one).

PostPosted: August 9th, 2005, 1:07 pm
by missypuss
Today I read an interesting piece about ESB of the brain, and how RSS would make some humans continuosly press a certain button in order to recieve an electrical stimulation to the brain, which rewarded them. Some what like the experiments conducted with rats and food by Valenstein..!!

PostPosted: August 15th, 2005, 9:13 am
by gurlbidesign
She's Not There by Jennifer Finney Boylan The story of a MtF transsexual.

PostPosted: August 15th, 2005, 10:10 am
by missypuss
"Windows to our children" Violet Oaklander Phd

PostPosted: August 15th, 2005, 5:32 pm
by Jack
The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in a Free Country
By Peter McWilliams
Prelude Press

PostPosted: August 17th, 2005, 3:19 pm
by aeroue
Bit of Terry Pratchet and a bit of Iain Rankin recently

PostPosted: August 17th, 2005, 5:57 pm
by lensewrage
just finished Dark Tower 7 by Stephen King

PostPosted: August 18th, 2005, 1:22 pm
by davelowe1977
The Qu'ran. I'm an aetheist, but want to find out what all the fuss is about re: 9/11 and the London bombings. I like to think that I can't really criticise what I don't understand.

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2005, 1:44 am
by missypuss
Last night I read a chapter of "The Dark Night of The Soul" by Thomas Moore.

PostPosted: August 27th, 2005, 7:54 am
by isadora
Nothing right now, all m'books are packed away. :(

But come October my favourite series is coming to an end (in a triology) so September will be me re-reading the first two books, and watching for updates ;)

The author is Terry McGarry and the first two books are:

Illumination and Binder's Road (in that order).

If I can recommend an AWESOME (in my opinion) book it's: House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski.

I adore that book and have read it a billion and one times.

PostPosted: September 5th, 2005, 9:39 am
by morrcomm
"Born Bad" by Andrew Vachss

PostPosted: September 5th, 2005, 10:45 am
by missypuss
Kerrang Magazine :twisted:

PostPosted: September 9th, 2005, 10:44 pm
by makidas
So I was browsing the Borders Metaphysics section and I came across Konstantinos new book! It wasn't due till Sept. 31! I'm so excited! It's called the Nocturnicon. For those who have never heard of Konstantinos, he's probably the greatest author ever (well maybe not, but in my eyes he is)! He bases his findings on what really works. I have all his books. Even if you're not a believer it's absolutely worth a read. My personal favorite is Summoning Spirits.

PostPosted: September 12th, 2005, 5:57 pm
by Rifkinn
"Starship Troopers" by Robert Heinlein, for the Nth time... and then reread some others by him. :D

PostPosted: September 13th, 2005, 9:34 am
by missypuss
The Forests of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley ..
and the fact that I bought the book in Tintagel makes it all the more powerful..

PostPosted: September 13th, 2005, 11:02 pm
by sandy82
The new OECD report on the quality/cost of secondary schools in first-world countries. Twenty years ago, the US ranked first in quality. We are now 11th....and falling.

Not pleasant reading. The average cost to "educate" someone in a US public high school is $11,000 per year. In many cases, the results are worth considerably less.

PostPosted: September 14th, 2005, 10:41 am
my bills.

It's not pleasant either.

Que dirait Scarlett?

PostPosted: September 14th, 2005, 10:57 am
by sandy82
GAYTTO wrote:my bills.

It's not pleasant either.

LOL, je suggère qu'on lise la dernière page du roman, "Autant en emporte le vent."

"Demain, c'est un autre jour." (Et les comptes resteront.) :wink:

a million.....

PostPosted: February 18th, 2006, 4:35 am
by tonystheclick
a million little pieces!

PostPosted: February 18th, 2006, 6:11 pm
by whatthe75
Your mind.

Look into my eyes.

PostPosted: February 19th, 2006, 9:29 am
by goldragon_70
Your Futures. 8O

PostPosted: February 28th, 2006, 8:28 pm
by SonikX
I'm currently reading Dune, a sci-fi novel by Frank Herbert.

I also just finished The Stand by Steven King.

Anyone else a King fan? I've read nearly every book of his in the library... :D

PostPosted: February 28th, 2006, 8:32 pm
by Mallic
I loved the Shining (movie) but didn'r King hate that?

PostPosted: February 28th, 2006, 9:34 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
This thread.

PostPosted: February 28th, 2006, 9:58 pm
by goldragon_70
SonikX wrote:I'm currently reading Dune, a sci-fi novel by Frank Herbert.

I also just finished The Stand by Steven King.

Anyone else a King fan? I've read nearly every book of his in the library... :D

I read the full dune series...well before they came out with the new ones and I have the uncut version of the stand, but not a big king fan.

BTW if you read god emperor, have a pot of coffee ready.

PostPosted: February 28th, 2006, 10:03 pm
by Mallic
No, he probably didn't read this thread

PostPosted: February 28th, 2006, 10:18 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
Who, me? Yes I did. I was trying to make a funny.

Actually, my latest book was the Lord of the Rings series. I am a LotR nut and I think the books are way better.

PostPosted: February 28th, 2006, 10:18 pm
by Mallic
No, Steven King hasn't probably read this thread.

PostPosted: March 14th, 2006, 1:19 am
by charon2187
You know, I've never really taken the time to memorize the buttons on my DVD player remote :wink:

Sue Grafton

PostPosted: April 15th, 2006, 6:27 pm
by jothan_s
Sue Grafton's "I is for Innocence"