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Cum One, Cum All! Hypnofun to Be Had By All!!!

PostPosted: May 5th, 2010, 12:44 pm
by Calimore
Good, I was hoping I could get your attention...

After much Hypnofun and in response to some recent expressions of what can only be called "Bubble Lust", I have decided to set up some new places for Bubble Induction enthusiasts to Meet, Greet and Have More Hypnofun. You'll want to be sure to check them BOTH out:

The first place you're going to need to see is on WarpMyMind's more sociable internet sister-site, Hypno-Fetish, and is called Bubbly Fun. We all know there are LOTS of Bubble fans out there - well, now we may all get to find out who some of them are! :twisted:

My other new site is a place to where I get to share my own variations on the Bubble file with you, as well as to chat with other users who have listened to (or maybe just want to play with) people who have listened to the Bubble Induction. That site is also aptly named Bubbly Fun and, as I alluded before, has a full-featured chat, as well as other amenities desirable to hypno-enthusiasts.

Oh, and best of all, both new creations are just like you like 'em - FREE OF CHARGE! So WAKE UP to Bubbly Fun and check 'em both out. And please, do Play Responsibly.

Calimore Callierionde

CAUTION: Bubbly Fun chat, like Hypno-Fetish chat, is UNMODERATED, so susceptible users may want to have someone else physically present in the room with them before they enter the chat.

PostPosted: May 29th, 2010, 10:50 pm
by Krysta
I'm afraid I don't deal with bubble either way, but don't you think it's abusing your power a bit to sticky a thread devoted only to advertising your personal space?

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2010, 1:01 am
by Tapp
might I add that, while you didn't do anything too harsh, you really shouldn't use triggers in the forums.


PostPosted: June 23rd, 2010, 4:24 pm
by Calimore
Actually, it was an announcement, not a sticky, and if you ever want to make an announcement in any forum I moderate, please just say so Krysta and I'm sure you will be accommodated.

And, now it's not an announcement. Heck, I might delete it later.

Point is, something fun for people who think that sort of thing is fun!

Happy Summer!

PostPosted: June 26th, 2010, 12:29 am
by Jeshi
Also I'm pretty sure Hypno Fun by itself isn't the bubble trigger. It has to be repeated 3 times for it to work. I remember reading the script and it was already repeated 3 times when used.