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Has anyone else been PM'd by SageMagnus?

August 16th, 2005, 10:52 pm
by Jerm
Hi all, I am just wondering if anyone else has talked to the member named SageMagnus? My first pm from him asked for a copy of a subliminal that EMG hadn't put up yet. I sent him a link to the file and asked about custom files he mentioned he had made. This was the reply.
SageMagnus wrote:I have many names that I am know by. I actually had custom female files made. I have had success with a few of the files, the file I am most interested in, the enchanted keyboard curse file, well, I don't need it, i can already alter not just my perceptions, but I can physically alter reality itself, its a gift I was born with, I can alter reality to the same degree that the gods can. ^^ the name I am most know by is T. Dragon. thats all I will say about myself. thanks for the file ^^
Naturally I was annoyed by his claims. However in the interest of experimentation I feigned belief. I wanted to see what else SageMagnus would to try to convince me of, mostly cause I love to catch bulls**tters in the act. He replied with this.
SageMagnus wrote: ^^ heres a bit of info for you on a subject that doesn't have anything to do with this but that you might find interesting. humans were not the first civilization on the planet. you see, there was a race that lived on this earth before all other lifeforms, they predate every race, in fact they were alive on this earth when the planet was nothing more then molten rock, they were known as the Arcane, but there better known by there title, the Geomancers, they were alive before any other organism existed, and mankind? nothing compared to them, humans would have to evolve for eons more before they could even come close to what they could do. they have been around since the earth originally formed 4.7 billion years ago. what makes them so different is there connection with the planet, they know everything that happens everywhere on the planet, so if you met one, it would be impossible to lie to them. they were more advanced then any race currently alive today or in the past, including the lost continent of altantis. when a geomancer passes away, they don't leave physical remains, there entire body, internal and external transforms into pure mana, and revitalizes the entire area in which they died. ^^ thats why its hard to find any trace of them. if you want to know more, just ask, I know more about the world then anyone you will ever meet. ^^ well thats all.
Is it me, or does this sound like a teenager trying to impress some gullible classmate? Let me say that I Am a person that believes in more then the just physical world that we see. Furthermore there is far too much evidence to prove that energy flows in many different ways and that it can be manipulated for various uses. But the more I read the more this all sounded like a tall tale aimed at the gullible so I did not reply to SageMagnus for a day and he sent me this pm.
SageMagnus wrote:^^ so after that last message I bet your wondering how I know about stuff like that right? ^^
Once again I feigned interest/belief to see what he would say next. This was the reply.
SageMagnus wrote:the reason I know so much about the earth is threefold. first reason-My true age is far older then my appearance reveals, I won't tell you exactly how old I actually am though. 2nd reason- My old teacher(not school teacher)who my Username on WMM is based after, was far older then the earth, in fact he is whats known as a Wanderer, the wanderers are also known as the First Ones, they were the very first race created at the birth of existence, there ageless beings that travel wherever they so choose. and the third reason-the information has always been there about the geomancers, in fact its staring right in front of your eyes, only your not able to see it. to explain, on this earth there are four forms of energy that exist everywhere on this planet, they are Ki-life energy, Reiki-Spirit energy or the energy that the human soul is made up of, Magic, or the etheral stream, every living creature on the planet has magic in them, magic is neither good nor evil, its simply an energy thats been here since time immemorial, and the fourth energy is Mana, which is only generated by the planet, humans cannot generate mana, and geomancers become pure mana when they pass on. you see, these 4 energies form the single most important thing on the entire planet, more important then anything you can even conceive of, without this there would be no life on this planet, none at all, not even bacteria, not even microbes, there would be absolutely nothing on this planet if this didn't exist, its called the LifeStream, it exists everywhere, there is not a place on this planet were the lifestream does not reach, there are no walls that can block its entry, it penerates everything, in fact its inside your very house as I am speaking to you, wherever life exists, the lifestream is there, it exists in the sky above you, the oceans and seas in the middle of you and the even deep in the bowels of the earth, its the very lifeblood of this planet. It has been here forever, since the day the earth first formed out of cosmic debris, and it will be here until the day when the sun consumes this entire solar system. The lifestream is a fusion of the four forms of energy, with mana being the glue that binds them together, all four energies are required for life to exist, if even one is missing, life could not be. the reason why you can't see it is simple really, your senses aren't tuned into it, Me? I was born with the ability to see it, you won't find any info on it online, since most ppl in the world cannot even see it, though there are some cultures that know about its existence and have trained themselves to see it, native americans for one. if you have seen the aurora borelias, well the lifestream is even more beautiful then it, in fact its the most beautiful sight there is. in fact, even a blind man can be trained to see it. the energy the lifestream holds in virtually infinite, humans cannot control the lifestream, though they can tap into its energy, only Lady Gaia can control the lifestream(shes the one true ruler of the planet of course, most call her mother nature, but she does have a corporeal form)the lifestream also holds all the knowledge the planet has gathered since it formed. I will tell you more later. thats enough to digest for now.
After some googling I found that most of the subject matter he/she describes ties into various 'DragonLance' style fantasy roleplaying stories (some written by an author named T. Dragon which he/she claims to also be known by). Other google referances included various eastern religions. I won't bother putting the other two pm's on here because I don't want anybody else to have to read this stuff. I am posting all of this to see if anyone else has encountered SageMagnus and/or been similarly solicited by him/her.
Also, I wanted to gripe about how much it pisses me off when someone tries to take me on a train ride to gullible town. Just because I believe in hypnosis doesn't mean I am gonna buy whatever mindless crap someone tells me about. Can you all dig me out there?

August 17th, 2005, 4:42 am
by deathjdstn
is the member still bothering u?
If u wish for that member to leave u alone or u think he or she is a minor let me know and i can pass it on to EMG for u to get it checked out
other than that my best advice is to just no reply to him then he will get tired and will move on but if he is harrsing u please let us know or EMG
hope this helps

August 17th, 2005, 5:21 am
by GrimIronMan
Tell him to go write a sci-fi novel :D
But seriously, yea, it sounds made up. Definitly a minor.

August 17th, 2005, 11:20 am
by sandy82
A little knowledge, combined with unbounded braggadocio, can be a very humorous thing.
The first item that caught my eye: "...the file I am most interested in, the enchanted keyboard curse file, well, I don't need it..." An interesting turn of events. And what a great opening line! I am thinking about retiring "Come here often?" for good.
And then:
"My old teacher(not school teacher)who my Username on WMM is based after, was far older then the earth."
How did this teacher get a name similar to SageMagnus? I thought maybe he was born after Simon and Garfunkel recorded "Scarborough Fair." I like the "Magnus" too. It's Latin, which I have heard is somewhat younger than the Earth...although most Latin teachers look the opposite. It wasn't widely used as a name until after the death of Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus). But who's to know how closely the nick follows the teacher's name? Maybe her name was ParsleyMagna.
ThymeLord, anyone? :)
You can tell the guy is very young. For one thing, he doesn't know the difference between there, they're, and their. Probably his teacher (yes school teacher) doesn't know the difference either. As long as the NEA or AFT gets its dues, what's the difference?
I hope the guy's a bullsitter...and not the night manager at the Bates Motel.
Jerm, here's a thought. Remember the characters that complained that the files were too loud, too soft, too much static, too late, too early. Send 'em each a copy of The Collected Works of SageMagnus. It's a shame you can't make their computers buzz every time they receive the next chapter. :wink:
PS: Jerm, if you still have the info, can you either post or send me the days, dates, and times (whatever time zone you like, but please specify) that each of SageMagnus's PMs were written? E.g., Wednesday, August 3, 10:13 pm PDT. Many thanks.
The geomancers who live in my septic tank send their regards.

August 17th, 2005, 12:04 pm
by sandy82
I provide this information in a separate post so that it's not lost in the shuffle.
As of midday, Wednesday, August 17, MDT, SageMagnus was Member No. 11639 (UserName/Ascending) out of 15,413 registered site users. He registered on April 4, 2005. He has made no posts in any Forum. I haven't looked, but it's a safe bet that he has made no Journal entries either. I have no way of knowing how many file downloads he has made. He was smart enough not to say whether or not he had downloaded Train Enchanted Keyboard.
All of which brings me to my second point.
This site has 15,413 registered users. Only 638 have even one post. (Members List: Total Posts/Descending). That means over 95 percent have made no posts at all. Maybe there have been 14,800 file downloaders, as opposed to downloads, but I wouldn't bet the ranch on it.
No doubt, a significant number are under-agers and/or trouble-makers who were smart enough to pre-register under a variety of names before they got bounced and thus before anyone was looking for them. Mortal was not so smart. He signed up as Morta1 (Morta-One) several hours after he was bounced as Mortal.
Who are the rest of them?
I have two modest proposals. I don't care whom non-posting ArcaneTheGeomancer sends PMs to, but his total number of PMs would be interesting. Equally interesting would be the non-posters who receive PMs. How would anyone know who they were? On the other hand, if a known site user sends PMs to a supposedly unknown, non-posting user, the very fact should awaken someone's interest.
Of most interest would be an unknown user who sends one PM apiece in fairly rapid succession to 10 other unknown users...and then those 11 accounts are not used again.
The first proposal: How many PMs are sent and received by unknown, non-posting registered users? Perhaps the results could be displayed on Show Me Your Tits. Then, as with Playboy, regular SMYT visitors could claim they go for the data and not for the pics. :)
Next, until Google came along, hotmail used to drop users after 30 days of non-use. Yahoo mail would drop users after 90 days of non-use. Perhaps they still do. I'm sure both companies--and others--have reasons for such policies.
Second proposal: SageMagnus is a prime candidate for erasure. He's been a member for 4.5 months. He has never made a post. Nobody ever heard of him until he started writing irritating PMs. I would not be surprised to find that hundreds, perhaps thousands, fall into the same category.
What's the point of erasure, some may ask.
I borrow from an old saying. Hopefully it has the redeeming feature of having been written by Benjamin Franklin. In any event, its truth is somewhat obscured by the old-fashioned language.
If we get rid of idle hands, we lessen the risk of becoming an interloper's workshop.
erm just a possobility

August 17th, 2005, 12:09 pm
by boygoingcommando
erm just a possobility but a few days ago was PMing people in the chat room telling them I was an immense gold dragon with power over them all.
That was thanks to Daz and a few soft words could be the same here?

August 17th, 2005, 2:27 pm
by missypuss
Sounds like a young man who is experimenting with not only the files ,but also lots of mind altering substances to me . The voices in his head obviously are not just the ones that he may( or may not )be listening to on here perhaps?? :?

August 17th, 2005, 3:19 pm
by aeroue
If he was on mind altering substances it is very unlikely he would have been able to type that muchh and that legibly, though of cours as Sandy pointed out it was by no means perfect.
He's probably just a fool trying to get attention, though I don't think he should be banned all he has done is write a few dodgy private messages some of which he may not done had wossname not feigned interest.

August 17th, 2005, 4:43 pm
by missypuss
Not all mind altering substances enable ones mind to become stupid ...It depends on the mind thats ingesting the substances in the first place really!! :twisted:

August 17th, 2005, 6:21 pm
by sandy82
aeroue wrote:If he was on mind altering substances it is very unlikely he would have been able to type that muchh and that legibly, though of cours as Sandy pointed out it was by no means perfect.
He's probably just a fool trying to get attention, though I don't think he should be banned all he has done is write a few dodgy private messages... .
Aeroue, I agree with you. The extracts from his messages are a mixture of high-level vocabulary and simple mistakes. But he couldn't have even copied the good parts if he had been on any strong mind-altering substances.
I don't think he should be banned either. I think he's wrapped up in his own world...maybe from spending too much time by himself. In a way he reminds me of the 7- or 8-year-old who reads Peter Pan and, for the next several weeks, imagines Captain Hook and the pirates. At least he sends PMs. But he is a candidate for non-prejudicial erasure (and re-admission) if standards are made for the 14,800 registered users whom we've never seen.
If SageMagnus thinks he's going to hoodwink somebody, he picked out the wrong target when he focused on Jerm--who has enough sense and common sense for any 10 people out there!
A quick side-note to boygoingcommando: with the rise in gasoline prices and the fall in the value of the dollar, you could do worse than being a big gold dragon--preferably 24-karat--with power over lots of people: at the Mint, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and maybe some Swiss bankers in Zurich. :wink:

August 17th, 2005, 6:32 pm
by Jerm
First of all, I am Quite aware that by feigning interest I welcomed more pm's from SageMagnus. But, like I said before, I love to spot a bulls**tter. But as I read his PM's I became more and more irritated with his attempts at labeling himself as a 'lesser diety'. As I said, I did not post all 5 or 6 posts because I didn't think anyone would want to read all of them. I did not write back to SageMagnus after his 3rd post, but the pm's just kept comeing. Lastnight I wrote a pm asking him why he needed hypnotic transformation files if he could 'alter physical reality with his mind' . I also made the point that he sounded like a teenager trying to impress a peer, rather then an enlightened guru trying to educate. To be fair I challenged him to make it rain in my town that night. It didn't rain lastnight.
I agree with Sandy. If someone chooses not to actually participate on thie site, then why be a member. That being said, I can also understand that some people are not as 'net-social' as others. So maybe some of the members on here are just shy, and that's why they never post. Unfortunately, I would guess as many as half of the members that never post are just either teenagers looking for something with a hint of porn or people that were interested for long enough to sign up then found a new hobby.
Do I think SageMagnus should be banned? No. As much as the posts began to irritate me, he was never malicious or offensive. I doubt he will pm me again anyway. Do I think that people that are abusive to other members should be banned? Of course. Let's just go with senority on that one. If a member has been participating in the group for a long time and someone that has not even posted once get into a scuffle, kick the newbie. Assuming the newbie is being abusive or in some way intentionally insulting. ok, I am getting off subject.
Lastly, missypuss, I completely agree with you. Mind altering substances are more then just fun for the grateful dead fans. They can be very useful in exploring alternate realms of conciousness. When I was younger my friends and I would go on expeditions to the local wilderness and discuss many faccets of modern life while under the influance. If one uses mind altering substances intent on learning rather then just 'tripping' it can be very benneficial. I know that some of you are gonna be pissed about that last statement, but oh well.
Some people thought the macarena was the coolest thing in the world, I thought it made people look stupid. Am I right? I don't care. That's just how I see it.

August 17th, 2005, 9:31 pm
by loony28
:twisted: I think SageMagnus is a bit of a BSer. If he could alter reality at will why would he need the files. :twisted:

August 18th, 2005, 4:05 am
by missypuss
:lol: When I was a young Kitten Jerm , I thought Mind Altering substances would help me to become a better hunter....
They didnt of course..
And now I am an older wise Pussycat I see the error of my ways,
But still I enjoyed myself experimenting!!

August 18th, 2005, 1:29 pm
by BobbyS
This guy is mental!!!
Good point though loony28.
But seriously, though, you do know Earth usec to be called Middle Earth right? And as well as men there were orcs, dwarves, wizards and elves. And this dark lord nearly blew it up because he made this eeevil gold ring, yeah bet you didn't see THAT coming!
For more info get in touch with me on the forums - I go by the name of JRRTolkeinBSer.

August 18th, 2005, 1:41 pm
by morrcomm
BobbyS wrote:But seriously, though, you do know Earth usec to be called Middle Earth right? And as well as men there were orcs, dwarves, wizards and elves. And this dark lord nearly blew it up because he made this eeevil gold ring, yeah bet you didn't see THAT coming!
Don't laugh! Back in high school, we had a "wanna-be warlock" in my class who believed just that. He swore the "Lord of the Rings" was the true history, and that Tolkien didn't actually write it. Tolkien just translated it, he was certain. (He *knew*!) We all thought he was putting us on at first, but the guy never wavered in the two years we were around him. He always got *very* upset and emotional, too, whenever we disagreed with him about it.
Then again, he was also convinced that NASA had faked every single moon landing, so... :wink:

August 18th, 2005, 4:17 pm
by aeroue
I wansn't saying they make you stupid.
All I am saying that it is very hard to write generally, hard enough to read.
Let alone understand the very confusing concept of time. :?

August 19th, 2005, 11:21 pm
by loony28
morrcomm wrote:BobbyS wrote:But seriously, though, you do know Earth usec to be called Middle Earth right? And as well as men there were orcs, dwarves, wizards and elves. And this dark lord nearly blew it up because he made this eeevil gold ring, yeah bet you didn't see THAT coming!
Don't laugh! Back in high school, we had a "wanna-be warlock" in my class who believed just that. He swore the "Lord of the Rings" was the true history, and that Tolkien didn't actually write it. Tolkien just translated it, he was certain. (He *knew*!) We all thought he was putting us on at first, but the guy never wavered in the two years we were around him. He always got *very* upset and emotional, too, whenever we disagreed with him about it.
Then again, he was also convinced that NASA had faked every single moon landing, so... :wink:
:twisted: Well the guy could have been crazy I'll admit that. I happen to believe that the moon landings were faked. Some of the photos just could not be real with what they said they had. For instance they claim that the only source of light was the sun but if you look at one picture of the lunar lander with one of the astronaughts in front of it, you will notice that the lander casts a shadow towards the camera that should of covered the astronaught making him dimmer but he is clearly visible like he would be with a light shining on him. Look through the pictures and you will see that shadows cast by rocks intersect as they would with more than one light source. Also how could they get the images centered when the cameras were mounted on their suits? Think about those for a while. :twisted:

August 20th, 2005, 12:54 am
by morrcomm
[quote="loony28'] :twisted: Well the guy could have been crazy I'll admit that. I happen to believe that the moon landings were faked. Some of the photos just could not be real with what they said they had. For instance they claim that the only source of light was the sun but if you look at one picture of the lunar lander with one of the astronaughts in front of it, you will notice that the lander casts a shadow towards the camera that should of covered the astronaught making him dimmer but he is clearly visible like he would be with a light shining on him. Look through the pictures and you will see that shadows cast by rocks intersect as they would with more than one light source. Also how could they get the images centered when the cameras were mounted on their suits? Think about those for a while. :twisted:[/quote]
Space nerd that I am, I've spent a lot of time looking at those photos, ever since I was a kid, but I've yet to see a moon photo with anything that would convince me it was faked. Shadows in a two-dimensional photograph don't always behave the way we think they should when there's uneven terrain involved. Sunlight is reflected off the moon's surface at the astronauts' feet, and also off the Earth shining above them, illuminating areas we might otherwise assume should be in darkness. Slightly off-center photographs are corrected all the time simply by cropping the image.
A lot of my "off-time" over the last few years has been spent working on a couple of way-too-low-budget independent films, and I can tell you first-hand that shadows and lighting do things we just don't always expect. National Geographic did a great documentary about all these issues not too long ago, and there are plenty of websites with the same information. I'm firmly in the "We Landed On The Moon" camp (and even more so since I've had to deal with lighting film myself).
I doubt I'll convince you, I know, but just make sure you don't say this in front of Buzz Aldrin. He might take a swing at you, like he did Bart Sibrel a couple of years ago... :wink:

August 20th, 2005, 9:15 am
by sandy82
loony28, whether or not the Moon landings were faked, there are some great "space walk" photos from the mid-1960s. The US pics showed the astronaut against an inky black, crystal-clear background. Razor sharp edges to the flight suit and the orbiting craft.
It was a shame that the Soviets released their pictures first. So many details to remember...or overlook. Their photos were cloudy, the backgrounds were off-white, and there was an unexplained bright light to the left of center in one or more of the prints. US scientists studied the pictures long and hard. Too much education is a dangerous thing. The answer was too easy.
Taken in a swimming pool. With a camera, complete with flashbulb, in a (more or less) watertight container.
Even in the days of perestroika, nobody found out how many rolls of film were wasted by aiming the camera (and flash) directly at the aqua-cosmonaut. The reflection of the flash against the water completely obscured the Soviet 'naut. Apparently, the photographers finally aimed the camera slightly to the left and then, as morrcomm suggests, cropped the prints.

August 26th, 2005, 1:35 pm
by loony28
:twisted: Ok I'll bite that the pictures could of been cropped but there are other things that lead me to believe the moon landings were faked. If there was reflected light from earth then there would of been two shadows from the same object. When the lander was supposedly landing on the moon, you clearly heard the astronaughts but no engine noise. The guys at NASA supposedly etched crosses into the camera lenses, but if you look closely you will see at least one picture were part of a cross or crosses are covered up by objects. How can that happen if they were etched into the lenses? :twisted:

August 26th, 2005, 2:30 pm
by BobbyS
You would be able to hear the astronauts because they were speaking to noises inside their helmets. You wouldn't be able to hear the ship because sound doesn't travel in space and as far as I'm aware, the moon has no atmosphere.

August 26th, 2005, 3:25 pm
by bobjoe11
dumb question, but if he can alter reality, why would he need to use the files in the first place???

August 26th, 2005, 5:20 pm
by morrcomm
loony28 wrote::twisted: Ok I'll bite that the pictures could of been cropped but there are other things that lead me to believe the moon landings were faked. If there was reflected light from earth then there would of been two shadows from the same object.
You also have light reflecting off an uneven lunar surface, and off the white of the space suits, and off the equipment the astronauts brought with them. All of these mix together and affect what you might think shadows will do. (Ever stand in an empty room with bare white walls and a single light, or two lights?)
loony28 wrote: The guys at NASA supposedly etched crosses into the camera lenses, but if you look closely you will see at least one picture were part of a cross or crosses are covered up by objects. How can that happen if they were etched into the lenses? :twisted:
Because there were no crosses etched onto the lens, for one thing. The cross-hairs were produced within the camera, between the shutter and the film. Cameras were doing that long before the lunar landing.
I know the pictures you're talking about, too. And this is a photographic illusion, just like forced perspective is. In every case, part of one of the cross-hairs, which is black, is washed out by part of the lunar rover, which is white, or some other piece of equipment, also white. This isn't a case of the cross-hairs being placed behind an object; it's a question of contrast and overexposure. The brightness of the white rover (or other equipment involved) overwhelms the film and the black cross-hair within the camera, washing out the cross-hair and making it appear to be "behind" the object.

August 27th, 2005, 7:48 am
by isadora
Wow this is all so scary.
to the original topic: that crazy boy scares me. he reminds me of a friend of mine who used to argue that he was evolved from a fox, and that he watched his true love (a vixen) be shot in front of him.
so just play along with the crazy people i say.
AS TO the the Lunar Landing, i watched a documentary on the space channel that dealt with all kinds of conspiracy theories, and one of the major ones was, you guessed it, the lunar landing. it did make some compelling points, however.
The Kuiper Belt, which is a radiation belt (heavy heavy) radiation is between us and the moon. For the astronaughts to get through it, and back, without experiencing any kind of radiation (which fyi: those spacesuits + the spaceships...well if they were built with the materials the government says they were built with), is nearly impossible. unless they're wolverine...or maybe Superman (remember when he flew all that garbage and those guns into the sun? and he wasn't wearing a space suit? duuude sweet).
That was the major compelling point. And then they had a Russian astronaught (from the first Russian space flight ever attempted I believe) who argued that the ease with which the American's claimed to have gotten to the moon is nearly impossible! And he went on to explain it, but this was years ago and I've never seen it since.
Whether it was real or not...well it doesn't really matter too much to me. Space travel is really pretty nifty, so I'll thank you to leave me alone with my Heinlein et all.
Great conspiracy type book to check out though: 1984 by George Orwell. I love that book, it made me experience SO many emotions.

August 27th, 2005, 11:19 am
by sandy82
Isadora, it's interesting to see the spelling "astronaught" to describe the space programs' participants from the US and the Soviet Union--especially in light of the direction this thread has taken.
With the claims and counterclaims about travel to the moon, this is an appropriate (mis)spelling. "Naught" means: nothing, cipher, zero. "Naut" comes from the Greek word for sailor. If/if the guys went nowhere, then "astronaught" would beat "astronaut" any day.
That, of course, leaves open the question what happened in the summer of 1969 when the moon landing is reported to have taken place.
As for the comments from the Soviet "cosmonaught" (who was probably Khrushchev's and Brezhnev's poster child, Yuri Gagarin), take them with a grain of salt. If his interview was made between 1969 and 1985, he to say exactly what he reputedly said. Solzhenitsyn, Sharansky, and Bonner reported that it got very cold after speaking one's true opinions and, even worse, facts that disagreed with the received wisdom.

August 27th, 2005, 11:27 am
by morrcomm
isadora wrote:The Kuiper Belt, which is a radiation belt (heavy heavy) radiation is between us and the moon. For the astronaughts to get through it, and back, without experiencing any kind of radiation (which fyi: those spacesuits + the spaceships...well if they were built with the materials the government says they were built with), is nearly impossible.
I think you mean the Van Allen belt -- made popular by that great old bad Irwin Allen movie, "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea," when it somehow mysteriously caught fire up in space and threatened all life on the planet... :wink:
I think loony28 might be interested, so the Van Allen belt (it has two "layers," actually) was accounted for in the Apollo flight path. The astronauts stayed below the belt while in Earth orbit, then traveled through the belt itself relatively quickly. This meant they were exposed to the Van Allen belt radiation for a matter of hours only, and the Van Allen belt doesn't come near the level of radiation needed to give someone a truly dangerous -- much less a lethal -- dose in that amount of time. The materials of the command module provided some rudimentary shielding as well, lessening the dose received even more.